6 resultados para Continuity of attractors

em Worcester Research and Publications - Worcester Research and Publications - UK


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The personalisation agenda is a government initiative aimed at transforming adult social care through giving service users choice and control over the care they receive. A key part of this agenda is the provision of direct payments; cash payments made to individuals eligible for social care services which allow them to manage their own care. Research suggests that direct payments can enable people with dementia to stay in their own home for longer and experience greater choice, flexibility and an improved social life. However very few people with dementia currently access direct payments. The objective of this research was to explore the social care experiences of people with dementia in relation to their access to and use of direct payments. 26 semi-structured interviews were conducted with people with dementia in receipt of social care services in the community, and their carers and social workers, and focus groups held with two community social work teams. It was found that direct payments tended to be seen as a fall-back option, for example as the only alternative to residential care, or as a solution to problems with traditional services. Direct payments appeared to afford particular benefits to people with dementia in terms of flexibility, continuity of care and access to local facilities. It is therefore important that this group are enabled to access direct payments. The second (ongoing) phase of this research comprises the design and pilot testing of an intervention aimed at improving access to direct payments by people with dementia.


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Introduction: Childhood cancers are rare and community based health care professionals have limited experience in caring for these children and often even less experience in providing their palliative care. It is well recognised that the provision of palliative care falls beyond the remit of any one profession, thus inter professional working is the standard model. This qualitative study aims to examine the experiences of the range of health care professionals involved in providing palliative care at home for children with cancer, focusing on how knowledge is exchanged; the level of communication and support both interprofessionally and at the community/specialist interface. It also aims to examine interprofessional collaboration in palliative care; identifying healthcare professional's perceptions of problems involved, interprofessional boundaries, specific areas of the organisation or provision of care that could be enhanced through changes in practice, support issues and the educational needs of health professionals. Methods The study involves three types of data collection; in-depth interviews, facilitated case discussion (FCD) and field notes from up to 20 cases (a "case" refers to the provision of palliative care to one child). Cases are selected from children who were treated at one regional childhood caner centre. For each case the community based health care professionals (for example the GP, community nurse or health visitor) involved in the care of the child at home are invited to participate in a one-to-one tape recorded in-depth interview followed by a group discussion in the form of a FCD. Field notes are completed following each interview. Data analysis follows a grounded theory approach. The term "social worlds theory" (SWT) his used to define a type of social organisation with no fixed or formal boundaries (such as membership boundaries), for example the range of health professionals that work together to provide palliative care. The boundaries of SW's are determined by the interaction and communication between recognised organisations, such as community nursing teams and general practitioners. SWT examines encounters between different professional groups and can be used to extend knowledge in both the organisation (for example general practice) and the content of what is being provisioned (for example, palliative care). The use of SWT in the analysis of the data is through examining the ethos of the different professions and the associated individual approaches to palliative care, exploring how this determines their roles in the provision of palliative care. Results 10 cases have so far been completed: 47 1:1 interviews (with a range of between 2-7 health care professionals being involved in each case): ( 9 x GP, 19 x CCN, 4 x DN, 3 x HV, 1 x HV assistant 7 x paediatric palliative care nurses, 1 x home support worker, 1 x OT, 1 x physiotherapist, 1 x community paediatrician) and 5 x FCD. The range of participants in the FCDs reflected that of the individual interview sampler. Data obtained to date gives clear insight into the personal experience of the individual health care professional in providing palliative care. Two themes emerging from the data will be focused upon: the continuity of care provision throughout treatment and palliation and the emotional burden experiences by the health care professional. Conclusions SWT can provide a useful framework in examining the social worlds of a disparate group of health care professionals working together for the first and maybe, the only time. A wide variation in the continuity of care provision has been found not only between professions, but also within professions. The emotional burden is evident across the professions.


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Direct payments are cash payments made to individuals eligible for social care services which allow them to manage their own social care. Research suggests that direct payments can enable people with dementia to stay in their own home for longer and experience greater choice, flexibility and an improved social life. However uptake of direct payments is currently low. The first objective of this research was to explore the experiences of people with dementia living in rural communities, in relation to their access to direct payments. 26 semi-structured interviews were conducted with people with dementia in receipt of social care services in the community, and their carers and social workers. Focus groups were carried out with two community social work teams. Direct payments appeared to afford particular benefits to people with dementia and to those living in rural communities in terms of flexibility, continuity of care and access to local facilities. However it was found that many service users were daunted by the thought of managing their own social care budget. The second objective of the research was to design and pilot test an intervention aimed at increasing uptake of direct payments by people with dementia. This comprised a session delivered to a team of social workers, aimed at encouraging them to offer combined direct payments to service users as a potentially less daunting alternative to full direct payments. Combined direct payments enable service users to receive part of their social care budget as a direct payment while the remainder is retained and managed by the Local Authority. In order to evaluate the intervention direct payment uptake will be examined for the six-month period before and after the intervention session, and social workers in the intervention team will be interviewed about their experiences of offering combined direct payments to service users.


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Direct payments are cash payments made to individuals eligible for social care services which allow them to manage their own social care. Research suggests that direct payments can enable people with dementia to stay in their own home for longer and experience greater choice, flexibility and an improved social life. However uptake of direct payments is currently low. There is a lack of research to date in this area which addresses the factors of dementia, ageing and rurality in unison. Therefore the objective of this research was to explore the experiences of people with dementia living in rural communities, in relation to their access to direct payments. 26 semi-structured interviews were conducted with people with dementia in receipt of social care services in the community, and their carers and social workers. Focus groups were carried out with two community social work teams, and existing online discussions regarding direct payments were examined. It was found that direct payments tended to be seen as a fall back option, for example as the only alternative to residential care, or as a potential solution to problems experienced by existing social care service users. Direct payments appeared to afford particular benefits to people with dementia and to those living in rural communities in terms of flexibility, continuity of care and access to local facilities. It is therefore important that this group are enabled to access direct payments; ensuring direct payments are viewed as a positive option by all stakeholders is key to this.


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Direct payments are cash payments made to individuals eligible for social care services which allow them to manage their own social care. Research suggests that direct payments can enable people with dementia to stay in their own home for longer and experience greater choice, flexibility and an improved social life. However uptake of direct payments is currently low. There is a lack of research to date in this area which addresses the factors of dementia, ageing and rurality in unison. Therefore the objective of this research was to explore the experiences of people with dementia living in rural communities, in relation to their access to direct payments. 26 semi-structured interviews were conducted with people with dementia in receipt of social care services in the community, and their carers and social workers. Focus groups were carried out with two community social work teams, and existing online discussions regarding direct payments were examined. It was found that direct payments tended to be seen as a fall back option, for example as the only alternative to residential care, or as a potential solution to problems experienced by existing social care service users. Direct payments appeared to afford particular benefits to people with dementia and to those living in rural communities in terms of flexibility, continuity of care and access to local facilities. It is therefore important that this group are enabled to access direct payments; ensuring direct payments are viewed as a positive option by all stakeholders is key to this.


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Direct payments are cash payments made to individuals eligible for social care services which allow them to manage and pay for their own social care rather than receiving it directly from their Local Authority. Research suggests that direct payments can enable people with dementia to stay in their own home for longer and experience greater choice, flexibility and an improved social life. However uptake of direct payments is currently low, particularly amongst people with dementia. Those living in rural communities may experience additional barriers to direct payments, such as transport issues and difficulty recruiting carers. There is a lack of research to date in this area which addresses the factors of dementia, ageing and rurality in unison. Therefore the objective of this research was to explore the experiences of people with dementia living in rural communities, in relation to their access to and use of direct payments. 26 semi-structured interviews were conducted with people with dementia in receipt of social care services in the community, and their carers and social workers. Focus groups were carried out with two community social work teams, and existing online discussions about direct payments contributed to by social care staff, people with dementia and their carers were examined. It was found that direct payments tended to be seen as a fall back option, for example as the only alternative to residential care, or as a potential solution to problems experienced by existing social care service users. Direct payments appeared to afford particular benefits to people with dementia and to those living in rural communities in terms of flexibility, continuity of care and access to local facilities. It is therefore important that this group are enabled to access direct payments; ensuring direct payments are viewed as a positive option by all stakeholders is key to this.