7 resultados para year 10 students

em Universidad de Alicante


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The aim of the project is to determine if the understanding of the language of Mathematics of students starting university is propitious to the development of an appropriate cognitive structure. The objective of this current work was to analyse the ability of first-year university students to translate the registers of verbal or written expressions and their representations to the registers of algebraic language. Results indicate that students do not understand the basic elements of the language of Mathematics and this causes them to make numerous errors of construction and interpretation. The students were not able to associate concepts with definitions and were unable to offer examples.


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New technologies have transformed teaching processes and enabled new ways of study and learning. In these activities, it is suspected that the students don't make good use of new available technologies or, in the best case, they are underused. The analysis of this issue with the design of strategies to correct any defects found is the motivation that supports the development of this work and the main purpose of it. Evaluate information search habits used by the student and analyse their deduct synthesis and processing capabilities of the results found. The researchers of this study are university teachers of first year subjects, which allows them to know the information search performances by students.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es caracterizar la flexibilidad, entendida como habilidad para modificar la estrategia de resolución de un problema cuando se modifica la demanda de la tarea, de estudiantes de educación secundaria (12-16 años) en problemas de reconocimiento de patrones con varios apartados. Se utiliza una metodología de tipo cualitativo analizando las respuestas de los estudiantes en base a dos criterios: corrección de las respuestas y estrategias de resolución, y agrupando las que presentan características semejantes. Los resultados indican tres perfiles de estudiantes en relación a la flexibilidad en el uso de estrategias y el éxito alcanzado. El primero agrupa a los estudiantes que usan sólo la estrategia recursiva; la mayor parte de ellos se bloquea al aumentar la demanda cognitiva de la tarea; predominan los estudiantes de 12-13 años. El segundo perfil corresponde a los que cambian de una estrategia recursiva a una aproximación proporcional dando un resultado incorrecto; es más frecuente en los estudiantes de 13-14 años. Finalmente, el tercer perfil agrupa a los estudiantes que al aumentar la demanda cognitiva de la tarea cambian con éxito de una estrategia recursiva a una funcional; su frecuencia aumenta con la edad. Se concluye que la flexibilidad necesaria para identificar patrones cuando se incrementa la demanda de la tarea está relacionada con los conocimientos de los estudiantes y con el control y la regulación del proceso de resolución. Por otra parte, los estudiantes más jóvenes manifestaron menor grado de flexibilidad que los más mayores.


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The main objective of the present work is to analyze the results of the utilization and evaluation of the LORETO Record System (LRS), providing improvement areas in the teaching-learning process and technology, in second year nursing students. A descriptive, prospective, cross sectional study using inferential statics has been carried out on all electronic records reported by 55 nursing students during clinical internships (April 1º-June 26º, 2013). Electronic record average rated 7.22 points (s=0.6; CV=0.083), with differences based on the clinical practice units (p<0,05). Three items assessed did not exceed the quality threshold set at 0.7 (p<0.05). Record Rate exceeds the quality threshold set at 80% for the overall sample, with differences based on the practice units. Only two clinical practice units rated above the minimum threshold (p <0.05). Record of care provision every 3 days did not reach the estimated quality threshold (p <0.05). There is a dichotomy between qualitative and quantitative results of LRS. Improvement areas in theoretical education have been identified. The LRS seems an appropriate learning and assessment tool, although the development of a new APP version and the application of principles of gamification should be explored.


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Objective: to identify aspects of improvement of the quality of the teaching-learning process through the analysis of tools that evaluated the acquisition of skills by undergraduate students of Nursing. Method: prospective longitudinal study conducted in a population of 60 second-year Nursing students based on registration data, from which quality indicators that evaluate the acquisition of skills were obtained, with descriptive and inferential analysis. Results: nine items were identified and nine learning activities included in the assessment tools that did not reach the established quality indicators (p<0.05). There are statistically significant differences depending on the hospital and clinical practices unit (p<0.05). Conclusion: the analysis of the evaluation tools used in the article "Nursing Care in Welfare Processes" of the analyzed university undergraduate course enabled the detection of the areas for improvement in the teaching-learning process. The challenge of education in nursing is to reach the best clinical research and educational results, in order to provide improvements to the quality of education and health care.


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Este estudio se centra en examinar la evolución en los niveles de éxito en la resolución de problemas de estructura multiplicativa por estudiantes de Educación Primaria (desde 1º a 6º curso, alumnos de 6 a 12 años). Los resultados indican que, en función de las categorías, los problemas de producto de medida fueron los más difíciles en todos los cursos y los problemas de isomorfismos de medida los más fáciles, mientras que los de comparación multiplicativa se mantuvieron entre ambos. Por el contrario, la evolución de los niveles de éxito en función de la clase de problema, no fue uniforme a lo largo de la educación primaria para los problemas de isomorfismo de medida pero sí en las otras dos categorías.


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Presentation for the I International Seminar of Tourism and Hospitality Research, Alicante, April 18th, 2016.