6 resultados para viewer

em Universidad de Alicante


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En una revisión profunda en la que se aportan datos hasta ahora inéditos, el presente artículo analiza nuevas claves de por qué la película Alien, el octavo pasajero (Ridley Scott, 1979), ha causado una atracción sobredimensionada del espectador en su estreno y reposición a lo largo de más de tres décadas. Se propone la tesis de que el film emplea un conjunto de símbolos audiovisuales ocultos o semi-ocultos que provocan sensaciones de placer/displacer (eros y tanatos) y son las causantes directas de sus nutridas afinidades. Se explicita además cómo en el diseño/ presentación de un universo alienígena aparentemente nuevo (respecto al cine de ciencia ficción precedente) el espectador asume una mímesis identificativa y orgánica que se introduce en las profundidades del inconsciente, despertando un interés sorprendente entre audiencias de diferentes generaciones y edades. Se analiza el fenómeno subliminal o subconsciente en el cine, desde el punto de vista de la percepción, a partir de los experimentos publicitarios de los años 50 en una sala de exhibición de los Estados Unidos. También se estudia por primera vez el curioso paralelismo del argumento de la película con el impacto mediático previo y simultáneo del primer bebé probeta nacido el 25 de julio de 1978, en pleno inicio del rodaje de este film en los estudios londinenses Shepperton.


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One of the most important tenets of e-learning is that it bridges work and learning. A great e-learning experience brings learning into the work environment. This is a key point, the capacity to construct a work environment when the student can develop proper tasks to complete the learning process. This paper describes a work environment based on the development of two tools, an exercises editor and an exercises viewer. Both tools are able to manage color images where, because of the implementation of basic steganographic techniques, it is possible to add information, exercises, questions, and so on. The exercises editor allows to decide which information must be visible or remain hidden to the user, when the image is loaded in the exercises viewer. Therefore, it is possible to hide the solutions of the proposed tasks; this is very useful to complete a self-evaluation learning process. These tools constitute a learning architecture with the final objective that learners can apply and practice new concepts or skills.


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La interacción de redes sociales y productos televisivos ha dado pie al nacimiento de la televisión social en la que el espectador participa activamente en el desarrollo de los espacios. Este fenómeno emergente está siendo objeto de múltiples investigaciones en el campo de las audiencias por las posibilidades y el potencial que supone para el medio a la hora de conocer e interactuar con los espectadores. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una comparación entre la audiencia real y la audiencia social (o impacto social) de los programas emitidos en prime-time durante varias semanas de los meses de abril y mayo de 2013. Esta investigación se centra en Twitter por ser la red social que concentra gran parte de los debates sobre televisión (Gallego, 2013). Para ello se plantean las siguientes hipótesis de partida: 1- No existe paralelismo entre los cinco programas más vistos en televisión con aquellos que se sitúan entre los cinco con mayor audiencia social del mismo día. 2- El éxito de un programa en audiencia social no depende exclusivamente de su formato. Para alcanzar los objetivos de la investigación se estudian los datos de audiencia real procedentes de Kantar Media, así como los de impacto social facilitados Tuitele y Global-In-Media.


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Analizamos el Facebook de la teleserie Pulseras Rojas emitida en España por Antena 3, en tanto recurso transmedia y fuente de oportunidades para estimular el engagement del espectador. Estudiamos el tráfico generado durante la emisión de la segunda temporada, entre julio y agosto de 2013. Siguiendo la propuesta de Askwith (2007), se pueden identificar siete modalidades de touchpoints, es decir, puntos de contacto con la narración, adicionales a la propia emisión televisiva: acceso expandido, contenido adaptado, contenido expandido, productos de marca, actividades relacionadas, interacción social e interactividad. El estudio exploratorio se basa en el análisis del contenido del grupo de la serie en Facebook e identifica las modalidades de touchpoints y sus resultados. Facebook se revela como un potente instrumento para involucrar al espectador, aunque la estrategia comunicativa de la cadena de televisión presenta una gestión incipiente, poco evolucionada, que desaprovecha el carácter interactivo y bidireccional de la red social.


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When the GoPro camera was first put on the market in 2004, it brought about a new generation of ultracompact cameras designed to be attached to the user’s body, and which came to be known as action cams. Their principal characteristics were their tiny size, their high-quality images and a wide-angle, fixed-focal-length lens. This combination has made it much simpler to get spectacular subjective shots with considerable depth of field. The users of this technology now form a whole generation of citizen-filmmakers who produce thousands of videos every day in a novel realistic style dominated by first-person narrative. Their work is principally shared via video platforms like YouTube and Vimeo, which provide instant feedback in the form of millions of views. In this paper we analize the common features of the action cam recording style and we state these videos will bring about a redefinition of the realist visual style. Furthermore, we propose to relate the success of the action cam phenomenon with the cognitive concept of embodiment and argue that the viewer’s mirror neurons copy the real sensations and enable the viewer to experience, virtually and in safety, the same emotions felt by the person actually taking part in the action.


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Sustainability, understood in its beginnings as a common horizon for multiple practices and fields of study, has gradually given way to the development of increasingly sophisticated tools, with distinct dominant meanings established for each discipline. Within the field of material technologies for architectural production, sustainability seems to have found its most fertile ground in topics such as recycling, the use of "bio" materials, or energetic efficiency. However, to improve the understanding of the impact of technology on our ways of living, it appears increasingly necessary to move from the deterministic logic of sustainability into the relational domain of ecology, where the use and deployment of technologies can be observed through the multiplicity of its effects and the diversity of actors involved. In this paper we will address the case of the rehabilitation of several traditional houses located in the Murcian town of Blanca to host the “Espacio Doméstico” VideoArt Center (EDOM). In this action the selection and implementation of technologies have been aimed at impacting on diverse aspects including local communities, digital manufacturing, recycling, and policies regarding the rehabilitation of heritage buildings. While the initial approach was to address housing recovery as a heterogeneous accumulation of stories, technologies or material deployments of the domestic, our intervention strategies ascribed to the different technologies the role of mediating with existing elements through the incorporation of the very different visions of sustainability. Thus, we displayed artifacts produced by digitally manufactured methacrylate assembled on IKEA structures, fluorescent power lines supported by insulators on the wall, fluorescent tattoos on walls and ceilings that guide and extend the configuration of existing flooring, esparto furniture and fabrics produced by the esparto women workers’ and village women’s associations, re-appropriations of old furniture through the implementation of new media technologies, etc. If we can see seduction as the process of converting affinities and disagreements into affirmative communication, then the EDOM proposal can be seen as an active seduction process between technologies and users who approach this kind of cultural artifacts. Through these permanently active processes, art technologies will refer the viewer to complex sensory experiences, where a combination of parody, memory and sound pushes the user to the limit of mere comprehension of works of art. This more relational approach to the issue of heritage rehabilitation, technology or art institutions is offered as an area of controversy and debate on the scope of political ecology and its potential impact on the architect’s professional practice.