15 resultados para twitter, conversation retrieval

em Universidad de Alicante


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The aim of this study is to determine which social agents are involved in the political debate on Twitter and whether the interpretive hegemony of actors that have traditionally been the most prominent is tempered by the challenge of framing shared with audiences. The relationship between the interpretations expressed and the profiles of participants is analyzed in comparison with the frames used by mainstream media. The chosen methodology combines content analysis and discourse analysis techniques on a sample of 1,504 relevant tweets posted on two political issues –the approval of the education law LOMCE and the evictions caused by the crisis, which have also been studied in the front pages of four leading newspapers in Spain. The results show a correlation between political issue singularities, frames and the type of discussion depending on the participants.


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This paper describes the first participation of IR-n system at Spoken Document Retrieval, focusing on the experiments we made before participation and showing the results we obtained. IR-n system is an Information Retrieval system based on passages and the recognition of sentences to define them. So, the main goal of this experiment is to adapt IR-n system to the spoken document structure by means of the utterance splitter and the overlapping passage technique allowing to match utterances and sentences.


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In this paper we explore the use of semantic classes in an existing information retrieval system in order to improve its results. Thus, we use two different ontologies of semantic classes (WordNet domain and Basic Level Concepts) in order to re-rank the retrieved documents and obtain better recall and precision. Finally, we implement a new method for weighting the expanded terms taking into account the weights of the original query terms and their relations in WordNet with respect to the new ones (which have demonstrated to improve the results). The evaluation of these approaches was carried out in the CLEF Robust-WSD Task, obtaining an improvement of 1.8% in GMAP for the semantic classes approach and 10% in MAP employing the WordNet term weighting approach.


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The exponential increase of subjective, user-generated content since the birth of the Social Web, has led to the necessity of developing automatic text processing systems able to extract, process and present relevant knowledge. In this paper, we tackle the Opinion Retrieval, Mining and Summarization task, by proposing a unified framework, composed of three crucial components (information retrieval, opinion mining and text summarization) that allow the retrieval, classification and summarization of subjective information. An extensive analysis is conducted, where different configurations of the framework are suggested and analyzed, in order to determine which is the best one, and under which conditions. The evaluation carried out and the results obtained show the appropriateness of the individual components, as well as the framework as a whole. By achieving an improvement over 10% compared to the state-of-the-art approaches in the context of blogs, we can conclude that subjective text can be efficiently dealt with by means of our proposed framework.


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Nowadays there is a big amount of biomedical literature which uses complex nouns and acronyms of biological entities thus complicating the task of retrieval specific information. The Genomics Track works for this goal and this paper describes the approach we used to take part of this track of TREC 2007. As this is the first time we participate in this track, we configurated a new system consisting of the following diferenciated parts: preprocessing, passage generation, document retrieval and passage (with the answer) extraction. We want to call special attention to the textual retrieval system used, which was developed by the University of Alicante. Adapting the resources for the propouse, our system has obtained precision results over the mean and median average of the 66 official runs for the Document, Aspect and Passage2 MAP; and in the case of Passage MAP we get nearly the median and mean value. We want to emphasize we have obtained these results without incorporating specific information about the domain of the track. For the future, we would like to further develop our system in this direction.


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La incorporación de Twitter al ámbito de la comunicación ha supuesto una serie de cambios en el entorno periodístico que afectan no sólo a la distribución de las noticias, sino también a la identificación de fuentes, tendencias y noticias de alcance. El objetivo de esta investigación es determinar la estrategia de utilización periodística de Twitter como fuente informativa por parte de la Cadena SER. La metodología empleada es el análisis de contenido del perfil de Twitter de los cuatro programas informativos más representativos de la emisora durante los meses de julio a diciembre de 2012. Los resultados apuntan la prevalencia de esta plataforma como mecanismo de interconexión con el sistema mediático, frente a su posible uso como espacio en el que identificar e incorporar a su audiencia como fuente potencial.


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In this paper we present a complete system for the treatment of both geographical and temporal dimensions in text and its application to information retrieval. This system has been evaluated in both the GeoTime task of the 8th and 9th NTCIR workshop in the years 2010 and 2011 respectively, making it possible to compare the system to contemporary approaches to the topic. In order to participate in this task we have added the temporal dimension to our GIR system. The system proposed here has a modular architecture in order to add or modify features. In the development of this system, we have followed a QA-based approach as well as multi-search engines to improve the system performance.


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A set of ten RADARSAT-2 images acquired in fully polarimetric mode over a test site with rice fields in Seville, Spain, has been analyzed to extract the main features of the C-band radar backscatter as a function of rice phenology. After observing the evolutions versus phenology of different polarimetric observables and explaining their behavior in terms of scattering mechanisms present in the scene, a simple retrieval approach has been proposed. This algorithm is based on three polarimetric observables and provides estimates from a set of four relevant intervals of phenological stages. The validation against ground data, carried out at parcel level for a set of six stands and up to nine dates per stand, provides a 96% rate of coincidence. Moreover, an equivalent compact-pol retrieval algorithm has been also proposed and validated, providing the same performance at parcel level. In all cases, the inversion is carried out by exploiting a single satellite acquisition, without any other auxiliary information.


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Automatic Text Summarization has been shown to be useful for Natural Language Processing tasks such as Question Answering or Text Classification and other related fields of computer science such as Information Retrieval. Since Geographical Information Retrieval can be considered as an extension of the Information Retrieval field, the generation of summaries could be integrated into these systems by acting as an intermediate stage, with the purpose of reducing the document length. In this manner, the access time for information searching will be improved, while at the same time relevant documents will be also retrieved. Therefore, in this paper we propose the generation of two types of summaries (generic and geographical) applying several compression rates in order to evaluate their effectiveness in the Geographical Information Retrieval task. The evaluation has been carried out using GeoCLEF as evaluation framework and following an Information Retrieval perspective without considering the geo-reranking phase commonly used in these systems. Although single-document summarization has not performed well in general, the slight improvements obtained for some types of the proposed summaries, particularly for those based on geographical information, made us believe that the integration of Text Summarization with Geographical Information Retrieval may be beneficial, and consequently, the experimental set-up developed in this research work serves as a basis for further investigations in this field.


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Information Retrieval systems normally have to work with rather heterogeneous sources, such as Web sites or documents from Optical Character Recognition tools. The correct conversion of these sources into flat text files is not a trivial task since noise may easily be introduced as a result of spelling or typeset errors. Interestingly, this is not a great drawback when the size of the corpus is sufficiently large, since redundancy helps to overcome noise problems. However, noise becomes a serious problem in restricted-domain Information Retrieval specially when the corpus is small and has little or no redundancy. This paper devises an approach which adds noise-tolerance to Information Retrieval systems. A set of experiments carried out in the agricultural domain proves the effectiveness of the approach presented.


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En esta contribución se presentan las mediciones sobre la repercusión en Twitter del programa Operación Palace: la verdadera historia del 23f’ emitido en La Sexta el pasado 23 de febrero. Se pretende conocer la actividad de varios perfiles, etiquetas y usuarios. Para realizar el seguimiento se ha utilizado la herramienta creada por la empresa Pirendo. España es uno de los países que registra mayor índice de comentarios en Twitter sobre programas de televisión durante el prime time y Salvados, programa vinculado a este ‘especial’ documental es uno de las emisiones que más impacto consigue en las redes. Así podremos conocer su estrategia, presencia e interacciones en la red Twitter.


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Con objeto de encontrar nuevas metodologías que contribuyan a la formación de los estudiantes, se planteó una actividad grupal mediante el uso de la red social Twitter. El objetivo final fue fomentar la interacción, planteando una pseudo-competición donde cada participante pudiera utilizar la información generada por el resto de participantes. La actividad se realizó con alumnos de la asignatura "Farmacología" del Grado en Óptica y Optometría. Se propuso a los estudiantes la resolución de un caso clínico real publicado en una revista científica internacional, sobre un problema relacionado con el uso de fármacos en patologías oculares. Para la resolución se facilitaron una serie de pistas secuencialmente y separadas en el tiempo. Los alumnos pudieron participar proponiendo una solución al caso o planteando preguntas para su resolución. Tanto la participación activa como el planteamiento de preguntas pertinentes para la resolución del caso y su resolución implicaron una bonificación en la nota final de la asignatura. Un 60% de los alumnos matriculados participaron en la actividad. El profesorado implicado valora de forma positiva el resultado.


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Researchers from the GRIALE group (Irony and Humour Research Group) have developed a theoretical method that can be applied to humorous ironic utterances in different textual genres, depending on the degree of the violation of conversational principles in conversation. In addition to this, the General Theory of Verbal Humor (Attardo and Raskin, 1991) will be taken into account in the analysis. Therefore, I will study irony and humour in conversational utterances in real examples of Peninsular Spanish obtained from the COVJA, (Corpus de conversaciones coloquiales [Corpus of Colloquial Conversations]) and CREA, (Corpus de Referencia del Español Actual [Reference Corpus of Present-Day Spanish]). The focus of this paper is then the application of the aforementioned theories to humorous ironic statements which arise in conversation. I will also examine the positive or negative effects caused by them, which will additionally verify if irony and humour coexist in the same conversational exchange, and if this has a communicative goal.


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ElectionMap es una aplicación web que realiza un seguimiento a los comentarios publicados en Twitter en relación a entidades que refieren a partidos políticos. Las opiniones de los usuarios sobre estas entidades son clasificadas según su valoración y posteriormente representadas en un mapa geográfico para conocer la aceptación social sobre agrupaciones políticas en las distintas regiones de la geografía española.


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The phenological stages of onion fields in the first year of growth are estimated using polarimetric observables and single-polarization intensity channels. Experiments are undertaken on a time series of RADARSAT-2 C-band full-polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images collected in 2009 over the Barrax region, Spain, where ground truth information about onion growth stages is provided by the European Space Agency (ESA)-funded agricultural bio/geophysical retrieval from frequent repeat pass SAR and optical imaging (AgriSAR) field campaign conducted in that area. The experimental results demonstrate that polarimetric entropy or copolar coherence when used jointly with the cross-polarized intensity allows unambiguously distinguishing three phenological intervals.