9 resultados para social-emotional learning (SEL)
em Universidad de Alicante
The evidence suggests that emotional intelligence and personality traits are important qualities that workers need in order to successfully exercise a profession. This article assumes that the main purpose of universities is to promote employment by providing an education that facilitates the acquisition of abilities, skills, competencies and values. In this study, the emotional intelligence and personality profiles of two groups of Spanish students studying degrees in two different academic disciplines – computer engineering and teacher training – were analysed and compared. In addition, the skills forming part of the emotional intelligence and personality traits required by professionals (computer engineers and teachers) in their work were studied, and the profiles obtained for the students were compared with those identified by the professionals in each field. Results revealed significant differences between the profiles of the two groups of students, with the teacher training students scoring higher on interpersonal skills; differences were also found between professionals and students for most competencies, with professionals in both fields demanding more competencies that those evidenced by graduates. The implications of these results for the incorporation of generic social, emotional and personal competencies into the university curriculum are discussed.
Este documento es un artículo inédito que ha sido aceptado para su publicación. Como un servicio a sus autores y lectores, Alternativas. Cuadernos de trabajo social proporciona online esta edición preliminar. El manuscrito puede sufrir alteraciones tras la edición y corrección de pruebas, antes de su publicación definitiva. Los posibles cambios no afectarán en ningún caso a la información contenida en esta hoja, ni a lo esencial del contenido del artículo.
Este trabajo sintetiza en tres ámbitos algunos de los resultados de las investigaciones sobre la construcción del conocimiento de la enseñanza de las matemáticas en entornos de aprendizaje multimedia que integran espacios de interacción social en contextos b-learning. Estos ámbitos son (i) el papel de la interacción y la negociación de significados en la construcción del conocimiento; (ii) el proceso de instrumentalización del conocimiento de Didáctica de la Matemática en procesos de formación; y (iii) las características de las estructuras argumentativas en los procesos de aprender a conceptualizar la enseñanza de las matemáticas. Finalmente, se identifican nuevas cuestiones de investigación que emergen desde estas investigaciones.
El principal objetivo de las universidades es educar en términos de adquisición de capacidades, habilidades, competencias y valores, con el fin último de promover el empleo. Numerosos autores han llegado a la conclusión de que la inteligencia emocional forma parte de las competencias que requieren las personas para desarrollar con éxito su labor profesional. En este trabajo se realiza una comparación de perfiles de competencias socioemocionales, mediante un análisis multivariado de la varianza, para el cual se dispuso de la opinión de una muestra de 148 maestros en ejercicio y de la medida en dichas competencias de 139 estudiantes de magisterio. Los resultados indicaron que existen diferencias en los perfiles de ambos grupos; siendo esta diferencia significativa para 11 de las 13 variables socioemocionales analizadas. Los estudiantes tienen menos desarrolladas las competencias socioemocionales que requieren según los profesionales. Parece, por tanto, necesario que desde los currícula universitarios se promueva el desarrollo de estas competencias para un desarrollo profesional eficaz.
In the last few years, one of the lines of research of great interest in the field of emotional intelligence (EI) has been the analysis of the role of emotions in the educational context and, in particular, their influence on learning strategies. The aims of this study are to identify the existence of different EI profiles and to determine possible statistically significant differences in learning strategies between the obtained profiles. The study involved 1253 Chilean school students from 14 to 18 years (M = 15.10, SD = 1.30), who completed the Trait Meta-Mood Scale-24 (TMMS-24) and the Inventory of Learning and Study Strategies—High School version (LASSI-HS). Cluster analysis identified four EI profiles: a group of adolescents with a high EI profile, a group with predominance of low emotional attention and high repair skills, a group with high scores on attention and low scores on clarity and repair, and a final group of adolescents with low EI. Also, students in groups with high overall scores in EI and low attention and high repair emotional obtained higher scores on the different learning strategies; however, the effect size analysis showed that these differences had no empirical relevance.
The University of the 21st century has to establish links with society and prepare students for the demands of the working world. Therefore, this article is a contribution to the integral preparation of university students by proposing the use of authentic texts with social content in English lessons so that students acquire emotional and social competencies while still learning content. This article will explain how the choice of texts on global issues such as racism and gender helps students to develop skills such as social awareness and critical thinking to deepen their understanding of discrimination, injustice or gender differences in both oral and written activities. A proposal will be presented which involves using the inauguration speech from Mandela's presidency and texts with photographs of women so that students analyse them whilst utilising linguistic tools that allow them to explore a text's social dimension.
Los arquitectos y urbanistas tienen una larga tradición en el aprendizaje de las herramientas de las ciencias sociales, especialmente las que les permiten analizar y describir mejor los entornos y las personas para las que trabajan. Esto ha llevado a los arquitectos a desarrollar mejores herramientas de observación y descripción del ámbito social y no sólo el material. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las veces este acercamiento interdisciplinar ha identificado las ciencias sociales, especialmente la antropología, con la etnografía. Este artículo parte de la crítica a esta identificación hecha por el antropólogo Tim Ingold y se centra en lo que él propone como el método central de la antropología, la observación participante. Para después revisar varias propuestas actuales de científicos sociales que tratan de desarrollar una disciplina no representacional y orientada al futuro, un objetivo más cercano al de la arquitectura. El artículo intenta imaginar cómo esta práctica transdisciplinar podría desarrollarse.
MOOCs and open educational resources (OER) provide a wealth of learning opportunities for people around the globe, many of whom have no access to formal higher education. OER are often difficult to locate and are accessed on their own without support from or dialogue with subject experts and peers. This paper looks at whether it is possible to develop effective learning communities around OER and whether these communities can emerge spontaneously and in a self-organised way without moderation. It examines the complex interplay between formal and informal learning, and examines whether MOOCs are the answer to providing effective interaction and dialogue for those wishing to study at university level for free on the Internet.
Cooperative learning allows students acquisition of competences that are essential for the labour market such as leadership, critical thinking, communication, and so on. For this reason, different cooperative activities were designed in a language subject in English Studies so that students could work in groups and acquire those competences. This article describes some such activities and the emotional competences that students acquire with them. Moreover, a survey was conducted in order to establish students’ opinions about the main competences they acquired with the activities designed and their opinion about a cooperative methodology. Students’ answers were positive and they were aware of what they had learned.