13 resultados para quantum confinement model

em Universidad de Alicante


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Our study sets out to identify the difficulties that high school students, teachers, and university students encounter when trying to explain atomic spectra. To do so, we identify the key concepts that any quantum model for the emission and absorption of electromagnetic radiation must include to account for the gas spectra and we then design two questionnaires, one for teachers and the other for students. By analyzing the responses, we conclude that (i) teachers lack a quantum model for the emission and absorption of electromagnetic radiation capable of explaining the spectra, (ii) teachers and students share the same difficulties, and (iii) these difficulties concern the model of the atom, the model of radiation, and the model of the interaction between them.


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We analyzed the photoluminescence intermittency generated by a single paramagnetic spin localized in an individual semiconductor quantum dot. The statistics of the photons emitted by the quantum dot reflect the quantum fluctuations of the localized spin interacting with the injected carriers. Photon correlation measurements, which are reported here, reveal unique signatures of these fluctuations. A phenomenological model is proposed to quantitatively describe these observations, allowing a measurement of the spin dynamics of an individual magnetic atom at zero magnetic field. These results demonstrate the existence of an efficient spin-relaxation channel arising from a spin exchange with individual carriers surrounding the quantum dot. A theoretical description of a spin-flip mechanism involving spin exchange with surrounding carriers gives relaxation times in good agreement with the measured dynamics.


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The optical spectroscopy of a single InAs quantum dot doped with a single Mn atom is studied using a model Hamiltonian that includes the exchange interactions between the spins of the quantum dot electron-hole pair, the Mn atom, and the acceptor hole. Our model permits linking the photoluminescence spectra to the Mn spin states after photon emission. We focus on the relation between the charge state of the Mn, A0 or A−, and the different spectra which result through either band-to-band or band-to-acceptor transitions. We consider both neutral and negatively charged dots. Our model is able to account for recent experimental results on single Mn doped InAs photoluminescence spectra and can be used to account for future experiments in GaAs quantum dots. Similarities and differences with the case of single Mn doped CdTe quantum dots are discussed.


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We present a mechanism for persistent charge current. Quantum spin Hall insulators hold dissipationless spin currents in their edges so that, for a given spin orientation, a net charge current flows which is exactly compensated by the counterflow of the opposite spin. Here we show that ferromagnetic order in the edge upgrades the spin currents into persistent charge currents without applied fields. For that matter, we study the Hubbard model including Haldane-Kane-Mele spin-orbit coupling in a zigzag ribbon and consider the case of graphene. We find three electronic phases with magnetic edges that carry currents reaching 0.4 nA, comparable to persistent currents in metallic rings, for the small spin-orbit coupling in graphene. One of the phases is a valley half metal.


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The spin dynamics of a single Mn atom in a laser driven CdTe quantum dot is addressed theoretically. Recent experimental results [ Gall et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 127402 (2009);  Goryca et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 087401 (2009)  Gall et al. Phys. Rev. B 81 245315 (2010)] show that it is possible to induce Mn spin polarization by means of circularly polarized optical pumping. Pumping is made possible by the faster Mn spin relaxation in the presence of the exciton. Here we discuss different Mn spin-relaxation mechanisms: first, Mn-phonon coupling, which is enhanced in the presence of the exciton; second, phonon induced hole spin relaxation combined with carrier-Mn spin-flip coupling and photon emission results in Mn spin relaxation. We model the Mn spin dynamics under the influence of a pumping laser that injects excitons into the dot, taking into account exciton-Mn exchange and phonon induced spin relaxation of both Mn and holes. Our simulations account for the optically induced Mn spin pumping.


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Two-dimensional insulators with time-reversal symmetry can have two topologically different phases, the quantum spin Hall and the normal phase. The former is revealed by the existence of conducting edge states that are topologically protected. Here we show that the reaction to impurity, in bulk, is radically different in the two phases and can be used as a marker for the topological phase. Within the context of the Kane-Mele model for graphene, we find that strictly normalizable in-gap impurity states only occur in the quantum spin Hall phase and carry a dissipationless current whose chirality is determined by the spin and pseudospin of the residing electron.


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We discuss light–heavy hole beats observed in transient optical experiments in GaAs quantum wells in terms of a free-boson coherent state model. This approach is compared with descriptions based on few-level representations. Results lead to an interpretation of the beats as due to classical electromagnetic interference. The boson picture correctly describes photon excitation of extended states and accounts for experiments involving coherent control of the exciton density and Rayleigh scattering beating.


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We model the quantum Hall effect in heterostructures made of two gapped graphene stripes with different gaps, Δ1 and Δ2. We consider two main situations, Δ1=0,Δ2≠0, and Δ1=−Δ2. They are different in a fundamental aspect: only the latter features kink states that, when intervalley coupling is absent, are protected against backscattering. We compute the two-terminal conductance of heterostructures with channel length up to 430 nm, in two transport configurations, parallel and perpendicular to the interface. By studying the effect of disorder on the transport along the boundary, we quantify the robustness of kink states with respect to backscattering. Transport perpendicular to the boundary shows how interface states open a backscattering channel for the conducting edge states, spoiling the perfect conductance quantization featured by the homogeneously gapped graphene Hall bars. Our results can be relevant for the study of graphene deposited on hexagonal boron-nitride, as well as to model graphene with an interaction-driven gapped phase with two equivalent phases separated by a domain wall.


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The so-called quantum spin Hall phase is a topologically nontrivial insulating phase that is predicted to appear in graphene and graphenelike systems. In this paper we address the question of whether this topological property persists in multilayered systems. We consider two situations: purely multilayer graphene and heterostructures where graphene is encapsulated by trivial insulators with a strong spin-orbit coupling. We use a four-orbital tight-binding model that includes full atomic spin-orbit coupling and we calculate the Z2 topological invariant of the bulk states as well as the edge states of semi-infinite crystals with armchair termination. For homogeneous multilayers we find that even when the spin-orbit interaction opens a gap for all possible stackings, only those with an odd number of layers host gapless edge states while those with an even number of layers are trivial insulators. For heterostructures where graphene is encapsulated by trivial insulators, it turns out that interlayer coupling is able to induce a topological gap whose size is controlled by the spin-orbit coupling of the encapsulating materials, indicating that the quantum spin Hall phase can be induced by proximity to trivial insulators.


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Model Hamiltonians have been, and still are, a valuable tool for investigating the electronic structure of systems for which mean field theories work poorly. This review will concentrate on the application of Pariser–Parr–Pople (PPP) and Hubbard Hamiltonians to investigate some relevant properties of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and graphene. When presenting these two Hamiltonians we will resort to second quantisation which, although not the way chosen in its original proposal of the former, is much clearer. We will not attempt to be comprehensive, but rather our objective will be to try to provide the reader with information on what kinds of problems they will encounter and what tools they will need to solve them. One of the key issues concerning model Hamiltonians that will be treated in detail is the choice of model parameters. Although model Hamiltonians reduce the complexity of the original Hamiltonian, they cannot be solved in most cases exactly. So, we shall first consider the Hartree–Fock approximation, still the only tool for handling large systems, besides density functional theory (DFT) approaches. We proceed by discussing to what extent one may exactly solve model Hamiltonians and the Lanczos approach. We shall describe the configuration interaction (CI) method, a common technology in quantum chemistry but one rarely used to solve model Hamiltonians. In particular, we propose a variant of the Lanczos method, inspired by CI, that has the novelty of using as the seed of the Lanczos process a mean field (Hartree–Fock) determinant (the method will be named LCI). Two questions of interest related to model Hamiltonians will be discussed: (i) when including long-range interactions, how crucial is including in the Hamiltonian the electronic charge that compensates ion charges? (ii) Is it possible to reduce a Hamiltonian incorporating Coulomb interactions (PPP) to an 'effective' Hamiltonian including only on-site interactions (Hubbard)? The performance of CI will be checked on small molecules. The electronic structure of azulene and fused azulene will be used to illustrate several aspects of the method. As regards graphene, several questions will be considered: (i) paramagnetic versus antiferromagnetic solutions, (ii) forbidden gap versus dot size, (iii) graphene nano-ribbons, and (iv) optical properties.


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We study the quantum spin waves associated to skyrmion textures. We show that the zero-point energy associated to the quantum spin fluctuations of a noncollinear spin texture produce Casimir-like magnetic fields. We study the effect of these Casimir fields on the topologically protected noncollinear spin textures known as skyrmions. In a Heisenberg model with Dzyalonshinkii-Moriya interactions, chosen so the classical ground state displays skyrmion textures, we calculate the spin-wave spectrum, using the Holstein-Primakoff approximation, and the associated zero-point energy, to the lowest order in the spin-wave expansion. Our calculations are done both for the single-skyrmion case, for which we obtain a discrete set of skyrmion bound states, as well as for the skyrmion crystal, for which the resulting spectrum gives the spin-wave bands. In both cases, our calculations show that the Casimir magnetic field contributes up to 10% of the total Zeeman energy necessary to delete the skyrmion texture with an applied field.


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Application of a perpendicular magnetic field to charge neutral graphene is expected to result in a variety of broken symmetry phases, including antiferromagnetic, canted, and ferromagnetic. All these phases open a gap in bulk but have very different edge states and noncollinear spin order, recently confirmed experimentally. Here we provide an integrated description of both edge and bulk for the various magnetic phases of graphene Hall bars making use of a noncollinear mean field Hubbard model. Our calculations show that, at the edges, the three types of magnetic order are either enhanced (zigzag) or suppressed (armchair). Interestingly, we find that preformed local moments in zigzag edges interact with the quantum spin Hall like edge states of the ferromagnetic phase and can induce backscattering.


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We calculate the effect of spin waves on the properties of finite-size spin chains with a chiral spin ground state observed on biatomic Fe chains deposited on iridium(001). The system is described with a Heisenberg model supplemented with a Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya coupling and a uniaxial single ion anisotropy that presents a chiral spin ground state. Spin waves are studied using the Holstein-Primakoff boson representation of spin operators. Both the renormalized ground state and the elementary excitations are found by means of Bogoliubov transformation, as a function of the two variables that can be controlled experimentally, the applied magnetic field and the chain length. Three main results are found. First, because of the noncollinear nature of the classical ground state, there is a significant zero-point reduction of the ground-state magnetization of the spin spiral. Second, there is a critical external field from which the ground state changes from chiral spin ground state to collinear ferromagnetic order. The character of the two lowest-energy spin waves changes from edge modes to confined bulk modes over this critical field. Third, in the spin-spiral state, the spin-wave spectrum exhibits oscillatory behavior as function of the chain length with the same period of the spin helix.