5 resultados para overweight, obesity, stillbirth
em Universidad de Alicante
Introduction: Self-image is important in the behaviour and lifestyle of children and adolescents. Analysing the self-image they have and the factors that might influence their distortion, can be used to prevent problems of obesity and anorexia. The main objective of present publication was to analyse the risk factors that may contribute to self-image distortion. Material and Methods: A descriptive survey study was conducted among 659 children and adolescents in two social classes (low and medium-high), measuring height and weight, calculating BMI percentile for age and gender. Body image and self-perception were registered. Results: The percentage of overweight-obesity is higher in scholars (41.8% boys, 28.7% girls) than in adolescents (30.1% and 22.2% respectively), with no difference between socioeconomic classes. The multinomial logistic regression analysis gives a risk of believing thinner higher (p=0.000) among boys OR=2.9(95%CI:1.43-3.37), school (p=0.000) OR=2.42(95%CI:1.56-3.76) and much lower (p=0.000) between normally nourished OR=0.08(95%CI:0.05-0.13), with no differences according to socioeconomic status. The risk of believing fatter is lower (p=0.000) between boys OR=0.28(95%CI:0.14-0.57), school(p=0.072) OR=0.54(95%CI:0.27-1.6), and much higher among underweight (p=0.000) OR=9x108(95% CI:4x108-19x108). Conclusions: Are risk factors of believing thinner: males, being in a group of schoolchildren and overweight-obesity. Conversely, are risk factors of believing fatter: females, teen and above all, be thin.
Objetivo: Determinar el patrón de consumo de alimentos del alumnado de la Universidad de Alicante (UA) mediante el grado de adecuación a la dieta mediterránea. Método: Estudio transversal descriptivo para estimar la ingesta individual a través de un cuestionario de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos (CFCA) en una muestra representativa de 380 universitarios. Variables a estudio: edad, sexo, área geográfica de procedencia, peso y talla autoreferidos. Así como los alimentos y frecuencias de consumo que componen el CFCA. Se determinó el porcentaje de adecuación teniendo en cuenta, consumo real sobre consumo recomendado por la guía dieta mediterránea tradicional: (100 x raciones consumidas/raciones recomendadas). Se establecieron 5 rangos de porcentaje adecuación: consumo óptimo (80%-119%), consumo aceptable (60%-79%), consumo deficiente (40%-59%), consumo muy deficiente (< 39%), consumo excesivo (> 120%). Se realizó contraste de diferencia de proporciones y la prueba t-Student con EPIDAT 3.1, y SPSS 15.0. Resultados: Prevalencia de sobrepeso-obesidad, es mayor en hombres (34,6%) que en mujeres (9,8%), p < 0,001. Mientras que las mujeres presentan mayor prevalencia de bajo peso (7,0%) que hombres (0,7%), p < 0,05. El consumo de cereales y derivados es muy deficiente (mujeres = 90,6; hombres = 94,9), y el consumo de carnes rojas (mujeres = 90,6; hombres = 92,7) y embutidos (mujeres = 95,9%, hombres = 96,3%) es excesivo. Ningún alumno cubre un “consumo óptimo” o un “consumo aceptable” de todos los grupos de alimentos (n = 12). Discusión: El nivel educativo y el acceso a la información no protegen a la población universitaria de factores socioambientales que influencian sus hábitos alimentarios. Deben reforzarse estrategias de salud pública dirigidas a este grupo de población.
Introducción: analizar la asociación entre la frecuencia de consumo de alimentos y la presencia de sobrepeso-obesidad a partir de datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud Española 2006 (ENS-06). Material y métodos: estudio transversal retrospectivo de fuentes secundarias de la ENS-06. Se seleccionaron 29.321 individuos que respondieron el Cuestionario de Frecuencia de Consumo de Alimentos, compuesto por una lista de 12 grupos, sobre los que se preguntaba su frecuencia de consumo en 5 opciones de respuesta y que se categorizaron en 3 para el análisis (consumo diario, semanal y ocasional). Se realizó un análisis descriptivo del consumo de grupos de alimentos categorizados por frecuencia de consumo, y calculando la diferencia (brecha) entre hombres y mujeres. La asociación entre frecuencia de consumo de alimentos y sobrepeso-obesidad se realizó mediante regresión logística. Resultados: el 40,7% de la población consume a diario verduras-hortalizas y el 65,2% consume frutas a diario. El 69,8%, y el 46,3% de las mujeres cumplen las recomendaciones de consumo de frutas (brecha -7,2), y de verduras-hortalizas (brecha -14,0) respectivamente. Consumir fruta ocasionalmente, disminuye la probabilidad de padecer obesidad (OR=0,72 IC95%: 0,63-0,82), frente a consumirla a diario. Consumir embutidos a diario, disminuye la probabilidad de padecer obesidad (OR=0,75 IC95%: 0,68-0,83), frente a un consumo ocasional. Conclusiones: Los resultados muestran contradicciones científicas por la presencia de sesgos en el instrumento utilizado en la recogida de la información, sugiriendo la necesidad de que la ENS incluya un método de recogida de información dietética-nutricional validado y adoptado, que permita mediciones de mayor calidad y exactitud.
The variability in adherence to dietary treatment and quality of weight loss: overweight and obesity
Objective: Observation of weight loss and the maximum time that individualized dietary treatment qualitative and quantitative is shown to be effective. Method: 4625 consultations were conducted with 616 patients over 25 years old, in the nutrition consultation, using the qualitative and quantitative individualized dietary treatment. As a result we controlled the weight loss, the fat and the quality and variability of the loss, monthly according to sex, age and BMI in an urban area of southeastern Spain. Results and discussion: A low level of abandonment was proved in men, patients older than 45 years old compared to obese showed a higher degree. The quality of the loss was greater in men under 45 years old, overweight patients, however, more research is needed in this area. Measuring the waist and hips has led to an increasing interest in measuring indicators of body fat. Conclusion: The individualized dietary treatment has been proved to be effective for six months and then a multidisciplinary mode of this treatment is recommended. The use of new ways to assess weight loss is proposed taking into consideration the quality and variability of loss, regardless of the treatment used.
Concepts: %WL: Percentage of weight loss; %FL: Percentage of fat loss. Objective: evaluate which unit of measurement for weight loss could determine the success or failure of dietary treatment for overweight and obesity. Method: 4,625 consultations carried out on 616 patients in the southeast of Spain from 2006 to 2012. All of the patients were over 25 years of age and suffered from overweight or obesity. The consultations were carried out every fortnight, using the Mediterranean or low-calorie diet. The patients were divided into four groups according to their %WL and %FL. Results: most of the sample consisted of: women; participants between 25-45 years of age; attended consultations for over a month and a half; obese. 80% of the patients obtained a %FL ≥ 5% (15.5 ± 12.8). The groups with a higher %FL obtained significant differences in weight loss (22.6 vs 11.2%, p = 0.000). The multinomial analysis shows significant differences between the groups with the highest %FL and the lowest %WL and %FL: sex (p = 0.006 vs p = 0.005), BMI (p = 0.010 vs p = 0.003) and attendance (p = 0.000 vs p = 0.000). Conclusion: the patients who lost < 5% of fat had higher initial parameters (percentage of weight and fat); most of the sample lost ≥ 5% of fat. This means that the method of personalised dietary treatment results in a high fat loss; fat is an indicator of the quality loss obtained. Recommendations: use the measurement of fat as a complementary unit of measurement to weight loss; establish a limit of 5% to evaluate such loss; and increase this type of research in any method of weight loss.