6 resultados para mass-transport deposits

em Universidad de Alicante


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A conditioning procedure is proposed allowing to install into the concrete specimens any selected value of water saturation degree with homogeneous moisture distribution. This is achieved within the least time and the minimum alteration of the concrete specimens. The protocol has the following steps: obtaining basic drying data at 50 °C (water absorption capacity and drying curves); unidirectional drying of the specimens at 50 °C until reaching the target saturation degree values; redistribution phase in closed containers at 50 °C (with measurement of the quasi-equilibrium relative humidities); storage into controlled environment chambers until and during mass transport tests, if necessary. A water transport model is used to derive transport parameters of the tested materials from the drying data, i.e., relative permeabilities and apparent water diffusion coefficients. The model also allows calculating moisture profiles during isothermal drying and redistribution phases, thus allowing optimization of the redistribution times for obtaining homogeneous moisture distributions.


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High intensity ultrasound can be used for the production of novel nanomaterials, including metal oxides. According to previous works in this field, the most notable effects are consequence of acoustic cavitation. In this context, we have studied the preparation of different materials in the presence of ultrasound, including N-doped TiO2 nanopowder, NiTiO3 nanorods and MnOx thin films. Ultrasound did not show a significant effect in all the cases. Exclusively for NiTiO3 nanorods a reduction of the final particle size occurs upon ultrasonic irradiation. From these results, it can be concluded that the ultrasound irradiation does not always play a key role during the synthesis of metal oxides. The effects seem to be particularly relevant in those cases where mass transport is highly hindered and in those procedures that require the rupture of nanoparticle aggregates to obtain a homogenous dispersion.


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Surfactant-templating is one of the most versatile and useful techniques to implement mesoporous systems into solid materials. Various strategies based on various interactions between surfactants and solid precursors have been explored to produce new structures. Zeolites are invaluable as size- and shape-selective solid acid catalysts. Nevertheless, their micropores impose limitations on the mass transport of bulky feed and/or product molecules. Many studies have attempted to address this by utilizing surfactant-assisting technology to alleviate the diffusion constraints. However, most efforts have failed due to micro/mesopore phase separation. Recently, a new technique combining the uses of cationic surfactants and mild basic solutions was introduced to synthesise mesostructured zeolites. These materials sustain the unique characteristics of zeolites (i.e., strong acidity, crystallinity, microporosity, and hydrothermal stability), including tunable mesopore sizes and degrees of mesoporosity. The mesostructured zeolites are now commercially available through Rive Technology, and show superior performance in VGO cracking. This feature article provides an overview of recent explorations in the introduction of mesoporosity into zeolites using surfactant-templating techniques. Various porous materials, preparation methods, physical and catalytic properties of mesostructured zeolites will be discussed.


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A CNF-monolith sample (carbon nanofibres grown on a ceramic monolith), and a granular carbon xerogel have been used as supports for hybrid catalysts where the active species is an Rh diamine complex. The advantages of these supports are their open porous structure and their morphology, which make catalyst handling easier and avoid difficult separation processes. The obtained catalysts are noticeably more active than the homogeneous Rh complex and are stable against leaching. At first use, partial reduction of the Rh complex takes place and nanometer-sized Rh particles develop, which increases the catalyst activity. Despite the open porous structure, mass transport limitations are present, especially in the case of the carbon xerogel based catalyst. Differences in internal mass transfer limitations are essentially due to the different diffusional path lengths.


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Koninckinids are a suitable group to shed light on the biotic crisis suffered by brachiopod fauna in the Early Jurassic. Koninckinid fauna recorded in the late Pliensbachian–early Toarcian from the easternmost Subbetic basin is analyzed and identified as a precursor signal for one of the most conspicuous mass extinction events of the Phylum Brachiopoda, a multi-phased interval with episodes of changing environmental conditions, whose onset can be detected from the Elisa–Mirabile subzones up to the early Toarcian extinction boundary in the lowermost Serpentinum Zone (T-OAE). The koninckinid fauna had a previously well-established migration pattern from the intra-Tethyan to the NW-European basins but a first phase with a progressive warming episode in the Pliensbachian–Toarcian transition triggered a koninckinid fauna exodus from the eastern/central Tethys toward the westernmost Mediterranean margins. A second stage shows an adaptive response to more adverse conditions in the westernmost Tethyan margins and finally, an escape and extinction phase is detected in the Atlantic areas from the mid-Polymorphum Zone onwards up to their global extinction in the lowermost Serpentinum Zone. This migration pattern is independent of the paleogeographic bioprovinciality and is unrelated to a facies-controlled pattern. The anoxic/suboxic environmental conditions should only be considered as a minor factor of partial control since well-oxygenated habitats are noted in the intra-Tethyan basins and this factor is noticeable only in the second westward migratory stage (with dwarf taxa and oligotypical assemblages). The analysis of cold-seep proxies in the Subbetic deposits suggests a radiation that is independent of methane releases in the Subbetic basin.


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Context. We monitored the quiescent thermal emission from neutron stars in low-mass X-ray binaries after active periods of intense activity in X-rays (outbursts). Aims. The theoretical modeling of the thermal relaxation of the neutron star crust may be used to establish constraints on the crust composition and transport properties, depending on the astrophysical scenarios assumed. Methods. We numerically simulated the thermal evolution of the neutron star crust and compared them with inferred surface temperatures for five sources: MXB 1659−29, KS 1731−260, XTE J1701−462, EXO 0748−676  and IGR J17480−2446. Results. We find that the evolution of MXB 1659−29, KS 1731−260 and EXO 0748−676 can be well described within a deep crustal cooling scenario. Conversely, we find that the other two sources can only be explained with models beyond crustal cooling. For the peculiar emission of XTE J1701−462 we propose alternative scenarios such as residual accretion during quiescence, additional heat sources in the outer crust, and/or thermal isolation of the inner crust due to a buried magnetic field. We also explain the very recent reported temperature of IGR J17480−2446 with an additional heat deposition in the outer crust from shallow sources.