6 resultados para localizzazione, sito web, traduzione, aziende, design

em Universidad de Alicante


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Conceptual Modelling approaches for the web need extensions to specify dynamic personalization properties in order to design more powerful web applications. Current approaches provide techniques to support dynamic personalization, usually focused on implementation details. This article presents an extension of the OO-H conceptual modeling approach to address the particulars associated with the design and specification of dynamic personalization. The main benefit is that this specification can be modified without recompile the rest of the application modules. We describe how conventional navigation and presentation diagrams are influenced by personalization properties. In order to model the variable part of the interface logic OO-H has a personalization architecture that leans on a rule engine. Rules are defined based on a User Model and a Reference Model.


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Current model-driven Web Engineering approaches (such as OO-H, UWE or WebML) provide a set of methods and supporting tools for a systematic design and development of Web applications. Each method addresses different concerns using separate models (content, navigation, presentation, business logic, etc.), and provide model compilers that produce most of the logic and Web pages of the application from these models. However, these proposals also have some limitations, especially for exchanging models or representing further modeling concerns, such as architectural styles, technology independence, or distribution. A possible solution to these issues is provided by making model-driven Web Engineering proposals interoperate, being able to complement each other, and to exchange models between the different tools. MDWEnet is a recent initiative started by a small group of researchers working on model-driven Web Engineering (MDWE). Its goal is to improve current practices and tools for the model-driven development of Web applications for better interoperability. The proposal is based on the strengths of current model-driven Web Engineering methods, and the existing experience and knowledge in the field. This paper presents the background, motivation, scope, and objectives of MDWEnet. Furthermore, it reports on the MDWEnet results and achievements so far, and its future plan of actions.


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Utilizar Internet como medio de aprendizaje, donde se crean, comparten y encuentran infinidad de recursos destinados a la educación es una realidad que se consolida cada día. En este artículo presentamos la evolución, en cuanto a características, uso y difusión, de la plataforma para el aprendizaje on-line EDUTIC-WQ. Esta plataforma, que proporciona una aplicación online para crear, diseñar, compartir y consultar WebQuests, fue creada como herramienta de autor en 2004 en el seno del grupo de investigación EDUTIC-ADEI de la Universidad de Alicante y actualmente ha sido orientada hacia la filosofía de la Web 2.0. EDUTIC-WQ ha superado con creces todas las expectativas de uso y consulta: aproximadamente 4 millones de páginas consultadas en 2011 y ha servido 647 Gigabytes de información consultada por más de 1 millón de personas distintas.


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Learning and teaching processes are continually changing. Therefore, design of learning technologies has gained interest in educators and educational institutions from secondary school to higher education. This paper describes the successfully use in education of social learning technologies and virtual laboratories designed by the authors, as well as videos developed by the students. These tools, combined with other open educational resources based on a blended-learning methodology, have been employed to teach the subject of Computer Networks. We have verified not only that the application of OERs into the learning process leads to a significantly improvement of the assessments, but also that the combination of several OERs enhances their effectiveness. These results are supported by, firstly, a study of both students’ opinion and students’ behaviour over five academic years, and, secondly, a correlation analysis between the use of OERs and the grades obtained by students.


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Modern compilers present a great and ever increasing number of options which can modify the features and behavior of a compiled program. Many of these options are often wasted due to the required comprehensive knowledge about both the underlying architecture and the internal processes of the compiler. In this context, it is usual, not having a single design goal but a more complex set of objectives. In addition, the dependencies between different goals are difficult to be a priori inferred. This paper proposes a strategy for tuning the compilation of any given application. This is accomplished by using an automatic variation of the compilation options by means of multi-objective optimization and evolutionary computation commanded by the NSGA-II algorithm. This allows finding compilation options that simultaneously optimize different objectives. The advantages of our proposal are illustrated by means of a case study based on the well-known Apache web server. Our strategy has demonstrated an ability to find improvements up to 7.5% and up to 27% in context switches and L2 cache misses, respectively, and also discovers the most important bottlenecks involved in the application performance.


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Introducción: Analizar la calidad de las páginas web de los servicios de catering en el ámbito escolar y su contenido en educación alimentaria, y tener una primera experiencia con la herramienta de evaluación EDALCAT. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal. La población de estudio son páginas web de empresas de catering encargadas de la gestión de los comedores escolares. La muestra se obtuvo utilizando el buscador Google y un Ranking de las principales empresas de catering por facturación, escogiendo aquellas que tenían página web. Para la prueba piloto se seleccionaron diez páginas web según proximidad geográfica a la ciudad de Alicante y nivel de facturación. Para la evaluación de los sitios web se diseñó un cuestionario (EDALCAT), compuesto de un primer bloque de predictores de calidad con 19 variables de fiabilidad, diseño y navegación; y de un segundo bloque de contenidos específicos de educación alimentaria con 19 variables de contenido y actividades educativas. Resultados: Se han obtenido resultados positivos en 31 de las 38 variables del cuestionario, excepto en los ítems: “Buscador”, “Idioma” (40%) y “Ayuda” (10%) del bloque predictores de calidad y en los ítems: “Talleres”, “Recetario”, “Web alimentación-nutrición” (40%) y “Ejemplos” (30%) del bloque de contenidos específicos de educación alimentaria. Todas las páginas web evaluadas superan valores del 50% de cumplimiento de criterios de calidad y de contenidos mínimos en educación alimentaria, y sólo una de ellas, incumple el nivel de actividad mínimo establecido. Conclusiones: Los predictores de calidad y los contenidos específicos en educación alimentaria dieron buenos resultados en todas las páginas web evaluadas. La mayoría de ellas obtuvieron una alta puntuación en su valoración, y en su análisis individual por bloques. Tras el estudio piloto el cuestionario se ha modificado y se obtiene el EDALCAT definitivo. En líneas generales EDALCAT parece ser adecuado para evaluar la calidad de las páginas web de servicios de catering y su contenido en educación alimentaria, sin embargo el presente estudio no puede considerarse como validación del mismo.