4 resultados para llw (send)

em Universidad de Alicante


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The objective of this paper is to present a system to communicate hidden information among different users by means of images. The tasks that the system is able to carry on can be divided in two different groups of utilities, implemented in java. The first group of utilities are related with the possibility to hide information in color images, using a steganographic function based on the least significant bit (LSB) methods. The second group of utilities allows us to communicate with other users with the aim to send or receive images, where some information have been previously embedded. Thus, this is the most significant characteristic of the implementation, we have built an environment where we join the email capabilities to send and receive text and images as attached files, with the main objective of hiding information.


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El presente trabajo expone las diferencias más significativas en el tratamiento que los medios de comunicación otorgan a las noticias de la Guardia Civil de Alicante en dos períodos diferentes y con modelos conductuales de relaciones públicas muy distintos. En el primero de ellos, la oficina de comunicación de la Institución se dedicaba exclusivamente a remitir notas de prensa a los medios; en el segundo, la conducta comunicativa de la Benemérita se basa en modelos bidireccionales de las relaciones públicas. Los resultados presentados ponen de manifiesto la eficacia limitada del modelo unidireccional utilizado por la OPC con los MMCC, sin embargo, esa misma eficacia comunicativa se manifiesta en su máximo exponente al combinar ambos. La incorporación simultánea de los modelos agente de prensa y simétrico bidireccional (Grunig y Hunt, 2003,73) contribuyen al buen tratamiento otorgado por los medios a la Guardia Civil de Alicante.


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Tras la inicial propagación del método jenneriano por Inglaterra y el resto del continente europeo, se mostró un gran interés por difundirlo hacia Oriente y América. En el caso de España, los focos epidémicos que estaban ocurriendo en los territorios de ultramar movieron a las autoridades de los distintos virreinatos a solicitar a la Corona que enviara cuanto antes el nuevo remedio. La monarquía borbónica, que había introducido las expediciones científicas como elemento de progreso y dominio, aprobó el proyecto conocido como “Real Expedición Filantrópica de la Vacuna”, que partió hacia América al mando de Balmis en 1803. Relatamos una propuesta inédita anterior a esa, en la que un desconocido cirujano, Rafael de Malaguilla, se ofreció para llevar a cabo una iniciativa similar.


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After the construction of the San Carlos bastion in Alicante in the final decade of the seventeenth century, and the great trench which the English built around the district of San Francisco during their years of dominance in the War of Succession, the waters of the San Blas gully caused serious damage to these fortifications of the city and to the trade buildings of the port. In 1772, the diversion canal was built. It was designed to divert the riverbed of the gully and send the waters directly to the sea. The project had been initially designed by the Engineer General, Jorge Próspero de Verboom in 1721. This unique work of engineering had some defects, principally in the breakwater which prevented the waters from flowing down the former river course. On several occasions, the water returned to its original riverbed due to the weakness of the breakwater, the narrowness of the channel’s bed and its lack of regularisation, causing serious damage to the bastion, the Babel-facing façade, the traders’ warehouses and other buildings. This study describes the project that the military engineer Leandro Badarán carried out in 1794 in order to technically improve this canal and examines his report on the state of the fortifications. Similar works built in Spain are also explained. It also analyses the repeated disputes between the war department and the port throughout these years over finding a technical solution to the problem.