7 resultados para lime-phosphorus feeds

em Universidad de Alicante


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The McCabe-Thiele method is a classical approximate graphical method for the conceptual design of binary distillation columns which is still widely used, mainly for didactical purposes, though it is also valuable for quick preliminary calculations. Nevertheless, no complete description of the method has been found and situations such as different thermal feed conditions, multiple feeds, possibilities to extract by-products or to add or remove heat, are not always considered. In the present work we provide a systematic analysis of such situations by developing the generalized equations for: a) the operating lines (OL) of each sector, and b) the changeover line that provides the connection between two consecutive trays of the corresponding sectors separated by a lateral stream of feed, product, or a heat removal or addition.


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The objective of this work was to study the effect of root and foliar application of two commercial products containing amino acids from plant and animal origin on iron (Fe) nutrition of tomato seedlings cultivated in two nutrient media: lime and normal nutrient solutions. In the foliar-application experiment, each product was sprayed with 0.5 and 0.7 mL L–1 2, 7, 12, and 17 d after transplanting. In the root application experiment, 0.1 and 0.2 mL L–1 of amino acids products were added to the nutrient solutions. In both experiments, untreated control plants were included as well. Foliar and root application of the product containing amino acids from animal origin caused severe plant-growth depression and nonpositive effects on Fe nutrition were found. In contrast, the application of the product from plant origin stimulated plant growth. Furthermore, significantly enhanced root and leaf FeIII-chelate reductase activity, chlorophyll concentration, leaf Fe concentration, and FeII : Fe ratio were found in tomato seedlings treated with the product from plant origin, especially when the amino acids were directly applied to the roots. These effects were more evident in plants developed under lime-induced Fe deficiency. The positive results on Fe uptake may be related to the action of glutamic acid, the most abundant amino acid in the formulation of the product from plant origin.


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In the present work, we provide a systematic analysis about all tine streams involved in the zone connecting two consecutive sections for the design of distillation columns with different thermal feed conditions, product extractions and heat additions or withdrawals. This analysis allows a better understanding of what happens on a feed or side draw (of mass or energy) stage, what compositions are or are not in equilibrium, and the impact on internal liquid and vapor flows.


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The electro-oxidation of carbon materials enormously degrades their performance and limits their wider utilization in multiple electrochemical applications. In this work, the positive influence of phosphorus functionalities on the overall electrochemical stability of carbon materials has been demonstrated under different conditions. We show that the extent and selectivity of electroxidation in P-containing carbons are completely different to those observed in conventional carbons without P. The electro-oxidation of P-containing carbons involves the active participation of phosphorus surface groups, which are gradually transformed at high potentials from less-to more-oxidized species to slow down the introduction of oxygen groups on the carbon surface (oxidation) and the subsequent generation of (C*OOH)-like unstable promoters of electro-gasification. The highest-oxidized P groups (–C–O–P-like species) seem to distribute the gained oxygen to neighboring carbon sites, which finally suffer oxidation and/or gasification. So it is thought that P-groups could act as mediators of carbon oxidation although including various steps and intermediates compared to electroxidation in P-free materials.


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In this work, the influence of carbon-, sulfur-, and phosphorus-based charge transfer reactions on the emission signal of 34 elements (Ag, Al, As, Au, B, Ba, Be, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, Hg, I, In, Ir, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Pd, Pt, S, Sb, Se, Sr, Te, and Zn) in axially viewed inductively coupled plasma–atomic emission spectrometry has been investigated. To this end, atomic and ionic emission signals for diluted glycerol, sulfuric acid, and phosphoric acid solutions were registered and results were compared to those obtained for a 1% w w− 1 nitric acid solution. Experimental results show that the emission intensities of As, Se, and Te atomic lines are enhanced by charge transfer from carbon, sulfur, and phosphorus ions. Iodine and P atomic emission is enhanced by carbon- and sulfur-based charge transfer whereas the Hg atomic emission signal is enhanced only by carbon. Though signal enhancement due to charge transfer reactions is also expected for ionic emission lines of the above-mentioned elements, no experimental evidence has been found with the exception of Hg ionic lines operating carbon solutions. The effect of carbon, sulfur, and phosphorus charge transfer reactions on atomic emission depends on (i) wavelength characteristics. In general, signal enhancement is more pronounced for electronic transitions involving the highest upper energy levels; (ii) plasma experimental conditions. The use of robust conditions (i.e. high r.f. power and lower nebulizer gas flow rates) improves carbon, sulfur, and phosphorus ionization in the plasma and, hence, signal enhancement; and (iii) the presence of other concomitants (e.g. K or Ca). Easily ionizable elements reduce ionization in the plasma and consequently reduce signal enhancement due to charge transfer reactions.


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Supplementary Material: J.A. REYES-LABARTA, M.D. SERRANO and A. MARCILLA. ANALYSIS OF THE CONNECTING ZONE BETWEEN CONSECUTIVE SECTIONS IN DISTILLATION COLUMNS COVERING MULTIPLE FEEDS, PRODUCTS AND HEAT TRANSFER STAGES. Latin American Applied Research an International Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2014, vol. 44(4), 307-312 (http://www.laar.uns.edu.ar/indexes/artic_v4404/44_04_307.pdf)


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Gold nanoparticles supported on a polyacrylamide containing a phosphinite ligand have been synthesized and characterized using different techniques such as TEM, SEM, EDX, XPS, and solid UV analyses. The new material was successfully applied as a heterogeneous catalyst for the three-component A3 coupling of amines, aldehydes, and alkynes to give propargylamines. Reactions are performed in neat water at 80 °C with only 0.05 mol% catalyst loading. The heterogeneous catalyst is recyclable during seven consecutive runs with small decrease in activity.