6 resultados para health professional
em Universidad de Alicante
BACKGROUND: Managing fibromyalgia is a challenge for both health care systems and the professionals caring for these patients, due, in part, to the fact that the etiology of this disease is unknown, its symptoms are not specific and there is no standardized treatment. OBJECTIVE: The present study examines three aspects of fibromyalgia management, namely diagnostic approach, therapeutic management and the health professional-patient relationship, to explore specific areas of the health care process that professionals and patients may consider unsatisfactory. METHODS: A qualitative study involving semistructured interviews with 12 fibromyalgia patients and nine health professionals was performed. RESULTS: The most commonly recurring theme was the dissatisfaction of both patients and professionals with the management process as a whole. Both groups expressed dissatisfaction with the delay in reaching a diagnosis and obtaining effective treatment. Patients reported the need for greater moral support from professionals, whereas the latter often felt frustrated and of little help to patients. Patients and professionals agreed on one point: the uncertainty surrounding the management of fibromyalgia and, especially, its etiology. CONCLUSION: The present study contributes to a better understanding regarding why current management of fibromyalgia is neither effective nor satisfactory. It also provides insight into how health professionals can support fibromyalgia patients to achieve beneficial results. Health care services should offer greater support for these patients in the form of specific resources such as fibromyalgia clinics and health professionals with increased awareness of the disease.
Objetivo: Identificar competencias y contenidos básicos de salud pública para los programas de grado en fisioterapia, terapia ocupacional, ciencias ambientales, odontología y veterinaria, desde la perspectiva del profesorado de diversas universidades españolas. Método: En el contexto del II taller sobre contenidos de salud pública en los programas de grado (Mahón, 19-20 de septiembre de 2012), se organizaron cinco grupos de trabajo formados por 20 profesores/as de distintas universidades españolas, seleccionados de las guías docentes de salud pública y epidemiología publicadas en la página web de la Conferencia de Rectores de Universidades Españolas. Cada grupo trabajó sobre un grado y los resultados se discutieron en sesiones plenarias. Resultados: Para todas las titulaciones se identificaron actividades y competencias para las tres funciones esenciales de la salud pública. La mayoría de las competencias profesionales identificadas en cada uno de los grados correspondieron a la función «Valorar las necesidades de salud de la población». Los grupos de trabajo propusieron contenidos de epidemiología, introducción y conceptos de salud pública, intervención en salud pública, gestión sanitaria y políticas en salud. Las principales coincidencias en los contenidos de las titulaciones se dieron en los tres primeros. Conclusiones: Se han identificado competencias y contenidos de salud pública comunes a los distintos grados estudiados que pueden servir de punto de partida para iniciar una revisión más detallada de los programas de salud pública en los diferentes grados, y alcanzar un consenso sobre los contenidos comunes que debería incluir cada uno de ellos
Introducción: La Comunidad Valenciana inició en octubre del 2008 el programa de vacunación contra el virus del papiloma humano (VPH) en niñas de 14 años. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar los conocimientos sobre la infección por VPH y su vacuna en madres de adolescentes e identificar los factores asociados a la predisposición de vacunar a sus hijas. Material y métodos: Estudio observacional transversal mediante cuestionario dirigido a madres de alumnas nacidas en 1995 matriculadas en centros de secundaria de la provincia de Valencia durante 2010-2011. Muestra aleatoria estratificada por conglomerados (n = 1.279). Análisis estadístico: porcentajes, intervalos de confianza, OR, contrastes chi al cuadrado y regresión logística multivariante. Resultados: Ochocientos treinta y tres cuestionarios completados (65,1%). El 76,6% de las madres habían vacunado a sus hijas contra el VPH. El 93,8% conocía la vacuna, sobre todo a través de la televisión (71,5%). El 78,5% recibió consejo favorable de un profesional sanitario, lo que mejoró la vacunación de sus hijas (OR: 2,4). Los conocimientos globales sobre la infección por VPH y la vacuna fueron bajos. La confianza de las madres en las vacunas como método preventivo mejora la vacunación contra VPH (OR: 3,8). El miedo a los efectos adversos (45,6%) fue el primer motivo de rechazo. Conclusiones: No parece que los medios de comunicación influyan en la decisión de vacunar. Sería conveniente minimizar la percepción de riesgo ante esta vacuna. El consejo del profesional sanitario actúa a favor de la vacunación si este interviene activamente en sentido positivo. Existe una brecha entre nivel de conocimientos y toma de decisión para vacunar.
Background: It has been shown that gender equity has a positive impact on the everyday activities of people (decision making, income allocation, application and observance of norms/rules) which affect their health. Gender equity is also a crucial determinant of health inequalities at national level; thus, monitoring is important for surveillance of women’s and men’s health as well as for future health policy initiatives. The Gender Equity Index (GEI) was designed to show inequity solely towards women. Given that the value under scrutiny is equity, in this paper a modified version of the GEI is proposed, the MGEI, which highlights the inequities affecting both sexes. Methods: Rather than calculating gender gaps by means of a quotient of proportions, gaps in the MGEI are expressed in absolute terms (differences in proportions). The Spearman’s rank coefficient, calculated from country rankings obtained according to both indexes, was used to evaluate the level of concordance between both classifications. To compare the degree of sensitivity and obtain the inequity by the two methods, the variation coefficient of the GEI and MGEI values was calculated. Results: Country rankings according to GEI and MGEI values showed a high correlation (rank coef. = 0.95). The MGEI presented greater dispersion (43.8%) than the GEI (19.27%). Inequity towards men was identified in the education gap (rank coef. = 0.36) when using the MGEI. According to this method, many countries shared the same absolute value for education but with opposite signs, for example Azerbaijan (−0.022) and Belgium (0.022), reflecting inequity towards women and men, respectively. This also occurred in the empowerment gap with the technical and professional job component (Brunei:-0.120 vs. Australia, Canada Iceland and the U.S.A.: 0.120). Conclusion: The MGEI identifies and highlights the different areas of inequities between gender groups. It thus overcomes the shortcomings of the GEI related to the aim for which this latter was created, namely measuring gender equity, and is therefore of great use to policy makers who wish to understand and monitor the results of specific equity policies and to determine the length of time for which these policies should be maintained in order to correct long-standing structural discrimination against women.
Vacunas.org (http://www.vacunas.org), a website founded by the Spanish Association of Vaccinology offers a personalized service called Ask the Expert, which answers any questions posed by the public or health professionals about vaccines and vaccination. The aim of this study was to analyze the factors associated with questions on vaccination safety and determine the characteristics of questioners and the type of question asked during the period 2008–2010. A total of 1341 questions were finally included in the analysis. Of those, 30% were related to vaccine safety. Questions about pregnant women had 5.01 higher odds of asking about safety (95% CI 2.82–8.93) than people not belonging to any risk group. Older questioners (>50 years) were less likely to ask about vaccine safety compared to younger questioners (OR: 0.44, 95% CI 0.25–0.76). Questions made after vaccination or related to influenza (including H1N1) or travel vaccines were also associated with a higher likelihood of asking about vaccine safety. These results identify risk groups (pregnant women), population groups (older people) and some vaccines (travel and influenza vaccines, including H1N1) where greater efforts to provide improved, more-tailored vaccine information in general and on the Internet are required.
From the perspective of the sociology of professions, every professional activity should have its own clearly circumscribed and regulated sphere of action. Such an articulation facilitates the regulation of the production of a given profession as well as the way in which it is practiced. The purpose of the research reported here was to provide a comprehensive review and evaluation of the regulatory framework governing the advertising sector in Spain. To this end, the authors analysed external regulatory legislation and self-regulatory codes extracted from the data base of the Asociación para la Autoregulación de la Comunicación Comercial (Autocontrol) that had been enacted or adopted between 1988, the year that Law 11/1998 on General Telecommunications entered into force, and 2003 as well as other relevant documents retrieved from the Boletin Oficial del Estado (BOE) pertaining to the same period. Findings indicate that although there has been a groundswell of legislation governing advertising practices in Spain since 1988, especially at the regional level, lawmakers have focused on the content of advertising messages and shown very little interest in regulating the professions of advertising and public relations. Furthermore, Spanish legislation enacted in 2003 and EU policies appear to have encouraged the adoption of voluntary codes of ethics. Sectors traditionally subject to mandatory advertising regulation, either due to the vulnerability of their target audiences or the potential impact of their commercial messages on public health or the environment, are more likely to develop self-regulatory codes of conduct than others