5 resultados para crustaceans

em Universidad de Alicante


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Se ha estudiado la composición de las poblaciones de crustáceos decápodos en los fondos detríticos circalitorales del Este y Sureste ibérico, con relación a sus diferentes facies, efectuándose diferentes análisis estadísticos sobre la composición y diversidad. La taxocenosis de crustáceos decápodos muestra elevados valores de abundancia, riqueza y diversidad en las localidades identificadas como fondos detríticos costeros de aspecto típico. Por último, algunos grupos de especies podrían ser utilizados para caracterizar las biocenosis típica de fondos detríticos costeros, tales como: Paguristes eremita, Ebalia edwardsi, E. deshayesi, Eurynome aspera, Galathea intermedia, Parthenope massena, y Anapagurus hyndmani; la biocenosis del detrítico costero enfangada: Ebalia tuberosa, Atelecyclus rotundatus, Ethusa mascarone, y Liocarcinus zariquieyi; y la biocenosis de arenas fangosas: Upogebia deltaura, Goneplax rhomboides.


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This paper provides data on diet and feeding habits of five benthic fish species (Torpedo torpedo (Linnaeus,1758), Mullus surmuletus (Linnaeus, 1758), Uranoscopus scaber (Linnaeus,1758), Scorpaena scrofa (Linnaeus,1758) and Synaptura lusitanica (Capello,1868)) common in the artisanal fisheries in the Cullera coast (Mediterranean sea – Spain) and T.torpedo, U.scaber y S. lusitánica feeding habits are almost unknown. T. torpedo preferred small preys like fishes, polychaetes and molluscs, these preys were feed in small portions. M. surmuletus showed the highest feeding dynamic, consuming small prey in large numbers like crustaceans (brachyura and amphypoda). U. scaber had similar feeding habits, but the numbers of preys in the stomach were lower. The principal preys were fishes, crustaceans, molluscs and polychaetes. S.scrofa ate larger prey items such as fish, followed by crustaceans and molluscs. Finally S. lusitánica had a high vacuity index, feeding polychaetes as the most important prey in their diet. Feeding strategy indicates a specialization of T.torpedo, S.scrofa and S. lusitanica; conversely M. surmuletus and U. scaber were generalized species.


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This work focuses on a Messinian shallow-marine terrigenous unit, termed the La Virgen Formation, which forms part of the sedimentary infill of the Bajo Segura Basin (Betic margin of the western Mediterranean). This formation was deposited during a high sea level phase prior to the onset of the Messinian Salinity Crisis. Stratigraphically, it comprises a prograding stack of sandstone lithosomes alternating with marly intervals (1st-order cyclicity). These lithosomes are characterized by a homoclinal geometry that tapers distally, and interfinger with pelagic sediments rich in planktonic and benthic microfauna (Torremendo Formation). An analysis of sedimentary facies of each lithosome reveals a repetitive succession of sandy storm beds (tempestites), occasionally amalgamated, which are separated by thin marly layers (2nd-order cyclicity). Each storm bed contains internal erosional surfaces (3rd-order cyclicity) that delimit sets of laminae. Two categories of storm beds have been differentiated. The first one includes layers formed below storm wave base (SWB), characterized by traction structures associated to unidirectional flows (scoured base, planar lamination, and parting lineation). The second category consists of layers deposited above the SWB which display typical high regime oscillatory flow structures (swaley and hummocky cross lamination). In both cases, the ichnological record is characterized by an oligotypic association of Ophiomorpha nodosa, which can be interpreted as the result of allochthonous tracemakers (crustaceans) transported during storm events together with the sediment. The benthic microfauna in the marly intervals that separate the sandstone lithosomes (1st-order cyclicity) indicates that the storm ebb surges were deposited at depths ranging from those of inner shelf settings (with Elphidium spp. and Cibicides lobatulus) to those of outer shelf (with Valvulineria complanata and Uvigerina cylindrica). At the distal end of the sandstone lithosomes, the planktonic microfauna is characterized by a high content of taxa indicative of warm-oligotrophic waters (Globigerinoides obliquus and Globigerinoides bulloideus). In contrast, in the marly intervals, the microfauna is dominated by species typical of cold-eutrophic waters (Globigerina and Neogloboquadrina). This alternation of planktic foraminiferal assemblages is interpreted as being the expression of climatic cycles, in which every episode of progradation of tempestite-dominated lithosomes corresponds to maximum insolation and warm waters, whereas episodes of marly deposition correspond to minimal insolation and cold waters. The 1st-order cyclicity recorded in the La Virgen Formation, in a context of terrigenous storm-dominated shelf, corresponds to sapropel/homogeneous marl cycles formed in a pelagic basin (Torremendo Fm). These cycles in pelagic sediments are commonplace throughout the Mediterranean during the Messinian and reflect precession orbital changes: repeated periods of maximum insolation – minimum precession (sapropels) and minimal insolation – maximum precession (homogeneous marls). The fact that the example of terrigenous unit studied herein is coetaneous with the well-developed reef complexes in the Mediterranean basins points out the importance of sediment supply in the formation of large-scale sandy lithosomes. This is a crucial aspect to understanding reservoir genesis as well as lateral stratigraphic relationships with potential seal and/or source rocks.


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Beca JAE-Predoctoral CISC; Proyecto LARECO CTM2011-25929