12 resultados para classes (groups of students)
em Universidad de Alicante
The evidence suggests that emotional intelligence and personality traits are important qualities that workers need in order to successfully exercise a profession. This article assumes that the main purpose of universities is to promote employment by providing an education that facilitates the acquisition of abilities, skills, competencies and values. In this study, the emotional intelligence and personality profiles of two groups of Spanish students studying degrees in two different academic disciplines – computer engineering and teacher training – were analysed and compared. In addition, the skills forming part of the emotional intelligence and personality traits required by professionals (computer engineers and teachers) in their work were studied, and the profiles obtained for the students were compared with those identified by the professionals in each field. Results revealed significant differences between the profiles of the two groups of students, with the teacher training students scoring higher on interpersonal skills; differences were also found between professionals and students for most competencies, with professionals in both fields demanding more competencies that those evidenced by graduates. The implications of these results for the incorporation of generic social, emotional and personal competencies into the university curriculum are discussed.
The purpose of this investigation is to evaluate whether or not the allocation of time proposed in the Music Study Guide, adapted from the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) guidelines, is consistent and adequate for students with minimal musical knowledge. The report takes into account the importance of students’ previous knowledge and the relation this has to the time and effort expended by students in acquiring appropriate knowledge and skills. This is related also to the adequacy of the course specification to meet the demands of university study and the labour market. Results show that those students who enrolled at university without any previous musical knowledge are likely to experience significant difficulty in the acquisition of certain musical and professional competences. This highlights a need to reinforce the music curriculum, or establish zero-level courses, in order to enable such students to succeed in the subject.
Professional noticing of students’ mathematical thinking in problem solving involves the identification of noteworthy mathematical ideas of students’ mathematical thinking and its interpretation to make decisions in the teaching of mathematics. The goal of this study is to begin to characterize pre-service primary school teachers’ noticing of students’ mathematical thinking when students solve tasks that involve proportional and non-proportional reasoning. From the analysis of how pre-service primary school teachers notice students’ mathematical thinking, we have identified an initial framework with four levels of development. This framework indicates a possible trajectory in the development of primary teachers’ professional noticing.
This research study examines the development of the ability of pre-service teachers to notice signs of students’ understanding of the derivative concept. It analyses preservice teachers’ interpretations of written solutions to problems involving the derivative concept before and after participating in a teacher training module. The results indicate that the development of this skill is linked to pre-service teachers’ progressive understanding of the mathematical elements that students use to solve problems. We have used these results to make some suggestions for teacher training programmes.
This paper presents the use of immersive virtual reality systems in the educational intervention with Asperger students. The starting points of this study are features of these students' cognitive style that requires an explicit teaching style supported by visual aids and highly structured environments. The proposed immersive virtual reality system, not only to assess the student's behavior and progress, but also is able to adapt itself to the student's specific needs. Additionally, the immersive reality system is equipped with sensors that can determine certain behaviors of the students. This paper determines the possible inclusion of immersive virtual reality as a support tool and learning strategy in these particular students' intervention. With this objective two task protocols have been defined with which the behavior and interaction situations performed by participant students are recorded. The conclusions from this study talks in favor of the inclusion of these virtual immersive environments as a support tool in the educational intervention of Asperger syndrome students as their social competences and executive functions have improved.
Three activated carbons with different surface chemical groups were used to analyse the influence of these groups on their adsorption capacities towards aromatic-type molecules whose adsorption is based on π-π interactions with surface arene centres. The three activated carbons studied were a low-functionalized carbon (Merck), an oxygen-rich carbon obtained by HNO3 oxidation of Merck, and a nitrogen-rich carbon also prepared from Merck by mild HNO3 oxidation followed by treatment with a dicyanodiamide/dimethyl formamide mixture at 300 °C. The nature of the surface chemical groups of the three activated carbons was investigated by both physical and chemical techniques (TPD, XPS, Boehm analysis and pH potentiometric titration). A systematic study of the adsorptions of a series of analogous aromatic adsorbates on the three activated carbons was carried out to study the adsorption mechanisms. In all cases the adsorption mechanism is based on π-π interactions between the aromatic moiety of the adsorbates and the arene centres of the graphite sheets. The differences in the normalized adsorption capacities of the adsorbents for a set of adsorbates indicate that the π-donor or π-withdrawing character of the functional groups have a clear influence on the basicity of the arene centres.
We examined the psychometric properties of the School Attitude Assessment Survey–Revised in a Spanish population (n = 1,398). Confirmatory factor analysis procedures supported the instrument’s five-factor structure. The results of discriminant analysis demonstrated the predictive power of the School Attitude Assessment Survey–Revised scales as regards academic performance. Implications for education and assessment are discussed.
The adaptation of the Spanish University to the European Higher Education Area (EEES in Spanish) demands the integration of new tools and skills that would make the teaching- learning process easier. This adaptation involves a change in the evaluation methods, which goes from a system where the student was evaluated with a final exam, to a new system where we include a continuous evaluation in which the final exam may represent at most 50% in the vast majority of the Universities. Devising a new and fair continuous evaluation system is not an easy task to do. That would mean a student’s’ learning process follow-up by the teachers, and as a consequence an additional workload on existing staff resources. Traditionally, the continuous evaluation is associated with the daily work of the student and a collection of the different marks partly or entirely based on the work they do during the academic year. Now, small groups of students and an attendance control are important aspects to take into account in order to get an adequate assessment of the students. However, most of the university degrees have groups with more than 70 students, and the attendance control is a complicated task to perform, mostly because it consumes significant amounts of staff time. Another problem found is that the attendance control would encourage not-interested students to be present at class, which might cause some troubles to their classmates. After a two year experience in the development of a continuous assessment in Statistics subjects in Social Science degrees, we think that individual and periodical tasks are the best way to assess results. These tasks or examinations must be done in classroom during regular lessons, so we need an efficient system to put together different and personal questions in order to prevent students from cheating. In this paper we provide an efficient and effective way to elaborate random examination papers by using Sweave, a tool that generates data, graphics and statistical calculus from the software R and shows results in PDF documents created by Latex. In this way, we will be able to design an exam template which could be compiled in order to generate as many PDF documents as it is required, and at the same time, solutions are provided to easily correct them.
Este artículo tiene como objetivo abordar la dimensión formativa y comunicativa entre las Tecnologías dela Información y la Comunicación (TIC) y el alumnado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria para establecer un mayor conocimiento sobre qué y cómo estos jóvenes las usan, acceden a sus formatos e interaccionan con sus contenidos. Así se presentan los resultados de una investigación, realizada en 15 centros educativos de titularidad pública y concertada dela Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia (España), en la que se ha pretendido conocer el equipamiento, uso y consumo de medios digitales (Internet, redes sociales, teléfono móvil, consola de videojuegos y televisión) del alumnado con necesidad específica de apoyo educativo, según la LOE (2006), escolarizado en 3º y 4º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) y la existencia de diferencias respecto del alumnado sin dichas necesidades educativas. Para ello, 2734 alumnos, de los que 487 tenían necesidad específica de apoyo educativo, participaron a través de un cuestionario de 73 ítems con cuatro opciones de respuesta. Los datos fueron analizados con el paquete estadístico SPSS for Windows 15.0, utilizando estadísticos descriptivos. De los resultados conseguidos en esta investigación destacamos que en todas las dimensiones analizadas no existen grandes diferencias entre los dos grupos de alumnos que hemos establecido, pues se aprecia que determinados medios digitales usuales, como Internet, teléfono móvil, consola de videojuegos y televisión, son utilizados por todo el alumnado participante. No obstante, existen matices importantes que marcan diferencias entre ellos.
Cuando un estudiante experimenta flujo, esto es, está plenamente concentrado en la resolución de una tarea y disfruta con ello, aumenta el rendimiento alcanzado y el deseo por continuar realizando tareas similares. Investigaciones realizadas con estudiantes con talento afirman que para experimentar flujo es necesario proponer desafíos acordes a las habilidades del estudiante, establecer metas claras y proporcionar retroalimentación inmediata. Esta investigación pretende contrastar si esta afirmación es válida en el caso de estudiantes de maestro de primaria con habilidades medias, al trabajar en grupo para resolver tareas matemáticas. Para ello, se comparó el comportamiento de dos grupos de estudiantes al resolver dos tareas matemáticas. Los resultados confirman la importancia de establecer metas claras, proporcionar retroalimentación inmediata, de que el estudiante confíe en su capacidad para superar las dificultades y se sienta útil.
This paper analyzes the learning experiences and opinions from a group of undergraduate students in a course about Robotics. The contents of this course were taught as a set of seminars. In each seminar, the student learned interdisciplinary knowledge of computer science, control engineering, electronics and other fields related to Robotics. The aim of this course is that the students are able to design and implement their own and custom robotic solution for a series of tests planned by the teachers. These tests measure the behavior and mechatronic features of the students' robots. Finally, the students' robots are confronted with some competitions. In this paper, the low-cost robotic architecture used by the students, the contents of the course, the tests to compare the solutions of students and the opinion of them are amply discussed.
Academic goals and academic self-attributions are relevant variables in school settings. The objective of this study is to identify whether there are combinations of multiple goals that lead to different motivational profiles and to determine whether there are significant differences between the groups obtained regarding causal attributions of success and failure (ability, effort, or external causes) in Mathematics and Language and Literature, and in overall academic performance. The Goal Achievement Tendencies Questionnaire (AGTQ) and the Sydney Attribution Scale (SAS) were administered to a sample of 2022 students of compulsory secondary education, ranging in age from 12 to 16 years (M = 13.81, SD = 1.35). Cluster analysis identified four motivational profiles: a group of students with a high generalized motivation profile, a group of students with low generalized motivation profile, a group of students with predominance of learning goals and achievement goals, and a final group of students with predominance of social reinforcement goals. Results revealed statistically significant differences between the profiles obtained in academic self-attributions.