14 resultados para advertising messages and campaigns
em Universidad de Alicante
From the perspective of the sociology of professions, every professional activity should have its own clearly circumscribed and regulated sphere of action. Such an articulation facilitates the regulation of the production of a given profession as well as the way in which it is practiced. The purpose of the research reported here was to provide a comprehensive review and evaluation of the regulatory framework governing the advertising sector in Spain. To this end, the authors analysed external regulatory legislation and self-regulatory codes extracted from the data base of the Asociación para la Autoregulación de la Comunicación Comercial (Autocontrol) that had been enacted or adopted between 1988, the year that Law 11/1998 on General Telecommunications entered into force, and 2003 as well as other relevant documents retrieved from the Boletin Oficial del Estado (BOE) pertaining to the same period. Findings indicate that although there has been a groundswell of legislation governing advertising practices in Spain since 1988, especially at the regional level, lawmakers have focused on the content of advertising messages and shown very little interest in regulating the professions of advertising and public relations. Furthermore, Spanish legislation enacted in 2003 and EU policies appear to have encouraged the adoption of voluntary codes of ethics. Sectors traditionally subject to mandatory advertising regulation, either due to the vulnerability of their target audiences or the potential impact of their commercial messages on public health or the environment, are more likely to develop self-regulatory codes of conduct than others
Nowadays, consumers are faced with a variety of media that convey myriad advertising messages, which struggle amidst a highly competitive environment, with a view to drawing the viewers’ attention, raising awareness, creating interest and inspiring desire and, ultimately, leading to the purchase of the product/service at stake. For this, advertising professionals deliberately intertwine their selling arguments with emotionally-charged creative concepts. It is the aim of this study to analyse the impact of the main creative appeals and to identify groups of consumers based on their attitudes towards them. We have undertaken a quantitative study, by means of a survey administered to a convenience sample with a list of creative appeals, which had to be classified by the respondents according to their attitudes. Globally speaking, the preferred appeals were humour, music and animation. Nonetheless, it was possible to divide the respondents into three groups. ‘Advertising fans’, the ‘rationally-minded’ and the ‘emotionally-minded’. This study presents some limitations, especially as to the sample used. Apart from the reduced number of respondents and lack of more widespread geographic reach, some academic qualifications were underrepresented. The results of this study offer some avenues to be explored by marketing and advertising professionals when it comes to deciding on the best creative approach to select for their advertising campaigns. Besides, this study paves the way to the development of future research on the issue of advertising appeals and its relationship with the psychographic characteristics of consumers.
La sociedad española aún no es igualitaria y, en materia de corresponsabilidad, queda mucho por hacer. Las campañas de sensibilización pueden y deben contribuir a mejorar la situación. El estudio describe y evalúa el esfuerzo publicitario de la Administración pública en campañas institucionales de igualdad de género entre 1999 y 2007. Este periodo es relevante en la promoción de la conciliación y corresponsabilidad por parte de los dos partidos que gobernaron durante estos años en legislaturas distintas (PP y PSOE). Se plantea un análisis diacrónico del esfuerzo publicitario realizado por la Administración en dichas campañas. El esfuerzo se observa mediante las inversiones publicitarias, proporcionadas por InfoAdex. Estos datos son comparados con la curva del esfuerzo de la categoría en la que se encuentran tales campañas (de interés público) y con la inversión que debía haberse realizado para mantenerlo, ambas curvas calculadas atendiendo a criterios de comunicación. Los resultados apuntan a que las campañas de igualdad de género se ubican en posiciones intermedias en la inversión en comparación con otro tipo de campañas institucionales. Sin embargo, la curva del esfuerzo de las campañas de igualdad de género es irregular y desvela intenciones políticas de las inversiones que, a priori, se realizaron con supuesta pretensión informativa o de sensibilización social.
This is a case study that analyzes photographic documents of the social protest in Spain between 2011 and 2013. The analysis is qualitative and considers the use of space, the visual expression of the messages and the orientation toward the causes or effects of political, economic and social changes. Visual sociology allows us to appreciate, in the case of the Spanish Revolution, a dynamic of “reflexivity” unrecognizable from other research approaches. Two successive waves of social mobilization in response to two different shocks can be appreciated. The first is given by political corruption, unemployment and the threat to consumer society. The second shock is caused by the savage cuts in the Welfare State. Social mobilization is expressed differently in each phase, and the forms taken by the protests show how the class structure in post industrial society shapes the reactions to the crisis of the Welfare State.
El objetivo central del estudio es tratar de averiguar si existen diferencias significativas entre los países miembros de la Unión Europea y los candidatos desde una perspectiva novedosa: los medios de comunicación y la publicidad. De esta forma, mediante el análisis descriptivo y el de conglomerados jerárquicos se comprueba la coherencia entre los resultados que se obtienen de este análisis y los requisitos para formar parte de la Unión. Los primeros análisis corroboran las evaluaciones efectuadas a los países candidatos y resoluciones de la Comisión. Todo ello conduce a motivar un debate sobre las implicaciones sociales y económicas, que no creativas ni éticas, del mercado publicitario y de medios en el contexto de la Unión Europea.
Existe preocupación por la influencia de los determinantes sociales relacionados con la publicidad, la comunicación y la información sobre la selección de productos alimenticios para conseguir una alimentación saludable y segura. Desde este punto de vista, la legislación española normaliza este aspecto, a través del Reglamento Europeo 1924/2006 (RE1924/2006). El objetivo es asegurar y favorecer el acceso a alimentos inocuos que beneficien la salud y, evitar que la información recibida por los consumidores sea inexacta, ambigua o engañosa. El Reglamento pretende impedir que se atribuyan propiedades nutritivas y declaraciones de propiedades saludables a los alimentos sin razón o sin que exista suficiente evidencia científica. En este sentido, un grupo de profesionales de la Universidad de Alicante en diciembre de 2012 llevó a cabo la Primera Jornada de Alimentación y Nutrición, organizada por el Gabinete ALINU de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad de Alicante, relacionada con actualizaciones sobre declaraciones nutricionales y de propiedades saludables y sus implicaciones en la salud pública. Por el interés y la importancia del tema, se presenta un resumen de las ponencias desde la postura de los diferentes agentes implicados: consumidores, Administración, industria alimentaria, dietistas-nutricionistas, la Academia y la Salud Pública.
El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar desde una perspectiva de género, a través del ejemplo del Programa de Educación en Alimentación y Nutrición (EDALNU) que se desarrolló en España en las décadas finales del siglo XX, los mensajes y estrategias de educación alimentaria nutricional que iban dirigidos a mejorar la capacitación de las amas de casa como garantes del bienestar familiar y como expertas en la gestión de los diversos aspectos del hogar. Su acción específica sobre las amas de casa y los argumentos sobre los que se sostenía dicha intervención afianzaron el modelo social de género en el que los hombres eran los únicos responsables de los recursos económicos del hogar y las mujeres las proveedoras de cuidados familiares y en concreto los relacionados con la alimentación y la nutrición.
La literatura científica aduce que a mayor exposición de mensajes publicitarios de bebidas alcohólicas, mayor probabilidad de que estas sean consumidas. Método. La muestra constó de 437 estudiantes universitarios. Los objetivos se centraron en analizar la relación entre mensaje publicitario y consumo. Resultados. Existe relación entre publicidad y consumo, dado que el consumo de los jóvenes coincide con el recuerdo de las campañas en cuanto al tipo de bebida consumida. Conclusiones. Observamos que la publicidad parece ser un instrumento de influencia al consumo de alcohol.
In this work we present a semantic framework suitable of being used as support tool for recommender systems. Our purpose is to use the semantic information provided by a set of integrated resources to enrich texts by conducting different NLP tasks: WSD, domain classification, semantic similarities and sentiment analysis. After obtaining the textual semantic enrichment we would be able to recommend similar content or even to rate texts according to different dimensions. First of all, we describe the main characteristics of the semantic integrated resources with an exhaustive evaluation. Next, we demonstrate the usefulness of our resource in different NLP tasks and campaigns. Moreover, we present a combination of different NLP approaches that provide enough knowledge for being used as support tool for recommender systems. Finally, we illustrate a case of study with information related to movies and TV series to demonstrate that our framework works properly.
Objective: To review the scientific literature on pharmaceutical advertising aimed at health professionals in order to determine whether gender bias has decreased and the quality of information in pharmaceutical advertising has improved over time. Methods: We performed a content analysis of original articles dealing with medical drug promotion (1998-2008), according to quality criteria such as (a) the number, validity and accessibility of bibliographic references provided in pharmaceutical advertising and (b) the extent to which gender representations were consistent with the prevalence of the diseases. Databases: PUBMED, Medline, Scopus, Sociological Abstract, Eric and LILACS. Results: We reviewed 31 articles that analyzed advertising in medical journals from 1975-2005 and were published between 1998 and 2008. We found that the number of references used to support pharmaceutical advertising claims increased from 1975 but that 50% of these references were not valid. There was a tendency to depict men in paid productive roles, while women appeared inside the home or in non-occupational social contexts. Advertisements for psychotropic and cardiovascular drugs overrepresented women and men respectively. Conclusions: The use of bibliographic references increased between 1998 and 2008. However, representation of traditional male-female roles was similar in 1975 and 2005. Pharmaceutical advertisements may contribute to reinforcing the perception that certain diseases are associated with the most frequently portrayed sex.
Many destination marketing organizations in the United States and elsewhere are facing budget retrenchment for tourism marketing, especially for advertising. This study evaluates a three-stage model using Random Coefficient Logit (RCL) approach which controls for correlations between different non-independent alternatives and considers heterogeneity within individual’s responses to advertising. The results of this study indicate that the proposed RCL model results in a significantly better fit as compared to traditional logit models, and indicates that tourism advertising significantly influences tourist decisions with several variables (age, income, distance and Internet access) moderating these decisions differently depending on decision stage and product type. These findings suggest that this approach provides a better foundation for assessing, and in turn, designing more effective advertising campaigns.
Nowadays, online media represent a great choice for advertising. From de advertising media planning, new media give new ways to reach the consumers, but they also add more complexity. The communication capacity of online media and the greater use of that media by part of the users open up the debate about the necessity of rethinking the approach of the ‘traditional’ advertising media planning, which structure and work processes were developed when media were offline. So, this article gives a panoramic view about the influence of new media in advertising media planning. To do this, in first place, describes the current scenario, analyzing the penetration and advertising expenditure in Internet. Also, it shows the main online media according to their proximity to the offline advertising media planning conception. In second place, this article addresses the current challenges at measuring new media as a symptom of the impulse at the change of model. Finally, the article ends up showing some trends that are presented as drivers of change. However, after this analysis, comes up the point that those aspects would not change the essence of advertising media planning, so it is questionable if we can speak of a crisis or, instead, if new media are showing the necessity that media planning have to be involved with this new scenario.
Background To analyse the scientific evidence that exists for the advertising claims made for two products containing Lactobacillus casei and Bifidobacterium lactis and to conduct a comparison between the published literature and what is presented in the corporate website. Methods Systematic review, using Medline through Pubmed and Embase. We included human clinical trials that exclusively measured the effect of Lactobacillus casei or Bifidobacterium lactis on a healthy population, and where the objective was related to the health claims made for certain products in advertising. We assessed the levels of evidence and the strength of the recommendation according to the classification criteria established by the Oxford Centre for Evidence Based Medicine (CEBM). We also assessed the outcomes of the studies published on the website that did not appear in the search. Results Of the 440 articles identified, 16 met the inclusion criteria. Only four (25%) of these presented a level of evidence of 1b and a recommendation grade of A, all corresponding to studies on product containing Bifidobacterium lactis, and only 12 of the 16 studies were published on the corporate website (47). Conclusions There is insufficient scientific evidence to support the health claims made for these products, especially in the case of product containing Lactobacillus casei.
In the context of the fashion market, this study aims to analyze opinion leadership and, specifically, to verify the correlation that may exist between opinion leadership, fashion innovativeness and attitude towards fashion advertising. It is also intended to identify two different consumer groups: opinion leaders and fashion followers based on “opinion leadership” construct. Data collection was done through a self-administered questionnaire with a convenience sample of 203 graduate and postgraduate students of two universities of Porto, the second major city of Portugal. Results show a positive correlation between fashion innovativeness, fashion opinion leadership, and attitude towards fashion advertising. It was possible to identify two groups of consumers: fashion influencers, who exhibit a moderate sense of innovativeness and a positive attitude towards fashion advertising; and fashion followers who don’t consider themselves neither innovators nor opinion leaders, but have a moderate positive attitude towards fashion advertising.