em Universidad de Alicante
L’espai europeu d’educació superior (EEES) promou la participació de l’alumnat en la construcció dels seus coneixements sobre les diferents assignatures que formen les titulacions de grau. Amb aquesta pràctica es vol fomentar el desenvolupament de les competències que el grau de Mestre d’Educació Infantil pretén aconseguir en l’alumnat. En l’assignatura de Psicologia Evolutiva de 0 a 3 anys serà fonamental que els estudiants puguen regular el seu propi procés d’aprenentatge i a la mateixa vegada, que participen en dinàmiques de treball en equip, per a desenvolupar projectes de treball comuns. És per aquest motiu que s’haurà de fomentar en l’alumnat la capacitat de cercar, usar i integrar la informació de diferents fonts bibliogràfiques, per a l’estudi dels blocs de continguts de l’assignatura.
Background: Only a minority of infants are exclusively breastfed for the recommended 6 months postpartum. Breast-feeding self-efficacy is a mother's confidence in her ability to breastfeed and is predictive of breastfeeding behaviors. The Prenatal Breast-feeding Self-efficacy Scale (PBSES) was developed among English-speaking mothers to measure breastfeeding self-efficacy before delivery. Objectives: To translate the PBSES into Spanish and assess its psychometric properties. Design: Reliability and validity assessment. Setting: A public hospital in Yecla, Spain. Participants: A convenience sample of 234 pregnant women in their third trimester of pregnancy. Methods: The PBSES was translated into Spanish using forward and back translation. A battery of self-administered questionnaires was completed by participants, including a questionnaire on sociodemographic variables, breastfeeding experience and intention, as well as the Spanish version of the PBSES. Also, data on exclusive breastfeeding at discharge were collected from hospital database. Dimensional structure, internal consistency and construct validity of the Spanish version of PBSES were assessed. Results: Confirmatory factor analysis suggested the presence of one construct, self-efficacy, with four dimensions or latent variables. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for internal consistency was 0.91. Response patterns based on decision to breastfeed during pregnancy provided evidence of construct validity. In addition, the scores of the Spanish version of the PBSES significantly predicted exclusive breastfeeding at discharge. Conclusions: The Spanish version of PBSES shows evidences of reliability, and contrasting group and predictive validity. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated marginal fit and further studies are needed to provide new evidence on the structure of the scale. The Spanish version of the PBSES can be considered a reliable measure and shows validity evidences.