9 resultados para Spatial Resolution
em Universidad de Alicante
Presentación oral SPIE Photonics Europe, Brussels, 16-19 April 2012.
Analysis of vibrations and displacements is a hot topic in structural engineering. Although there is a wide variety of methods for vibration analysis, direct measurement of displacements in the mid and high frequency range is not well solved and accurate devices tend to be very expensive. Low-cost systems can be achieved by applying adequate image processing algorithms. In this paper, we propose the use of a commercial pocket digital camera, which is able to register more than 420 frames per second (fps) at low resolution, for accurate measuring of small vibrations and displacements. The method is based on tracking elliptical targets with sub-pixel accuracy. Our proposal is demonstrated at a 10 m distance with a spatial resolution of 0.15 mm. A practical application over a simple structure is given, and the main parameters of an attenuated movement of a steel column after an impulsive impact are determined with a spatial accuracy of 4 µm.
This study analyzes the repeatability, reproducibility and accuracy of a new hyperspectral system based on a pushbroom sensor as a means of measuring spectral features and color of materials and objects. The hyperspectral system consisted of a CCD camera, a spectrograph and an objective lens. An additional linear moving system allowed the mechanical scanning of the complete scene. A uniform overhead luminaire with daylight configuration was used to irradiate the scene using d:45 geometry. We followed the guidelines of the ASTM E2214-08 Standard Practice for Specifying and Verifying the Performance of Color-Measuring Instruments that define the standards and latest multidimensional procedures. The results obtained are analyzed in-depth and compared to those recently reported by other authors for spectrophotometers and multispectral systems. It can be concluded that hyperspectral systems are reliable and can be used in the industry to perform spectral and color readings with a high spatial resolution.
El análisis multitemporal permite detectar cambios entre diferentes fechas de referencia, deduciendo la evolución del medio natural o las repercusiones de la acción humana sobre el medio. El propósito del estudio fue evaluar el cambio de uso del suelo en el Paisaje Terrestre Miraflor Moropotente en el período 1993-2011, a través de imágenes satelitales, a fin de determinar el estado de fragmentación del paisaje. Los cambios de usos de suelo fueron derivados de la clasificación de tres imágenes Landsat TM, con una resolución espacial de 30 metros tomadas en febrero de 1993, abril de 2000 y enero 2011. Se realizó una verificación en campo para la identificación de coberturas de suelo y la corroboración en las imágenes satelitales. La fragmentación se realizó con el cálculo de métricas e índices de fragmentación a nivel del paisaje. Los principales resultados muestran que los cambios de uso de suelo están determinados por la degradación antrópica, principalmente en la conversión de la vegetación nativa a espacios agrícolas y la expansión de la ganadería. El crecimiento demográfico y los monocultivos van ejerciendo presión sobre el bosque, transformando zonas de vocación forestal a cultivos agrícolas. Los cambios de cobertura han significado un paisaje fragmentado con diferentes grados de perturbación, que conllevan a una disminución de la superficie de hábitats naturales, reducción del tamaño de los fragmentos y aislamientos de los mismos.
Analysis of vibrations and displacements is a hot topic in structural engineering. Although there is a wide variety of methods for vibration analysis, direct measurement of displacements in the mid and high frequency range is not well solved and accurate devices tend to be very expensive. Low-cost systems can be achieved by applying adequate image processing algorithms. In this paper, we propose the use of a commercial pocket digital camera, which is able to register more than 420 frames per second (fps) at low resolution, for accurate measuring of small vibrations and displacements. The method is based on tracking elliptical targets with sub-pixel accuracy. Our proposal is demonstrated at a 10 m distance with a spatial resolution of 0.15 mm. A practical application over a simple structure is given, and the main parameters of an attenuated movement of a steel column after an impulsive impact are determined with a spatial accuracy of 4 µm.
La temperatura superficial del mar (SST) estimada a partir de los productos 11 μm diurnos y nocturnos y 4 μm nocturnos del sensor MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) a bordo de la plataforma Aqua, han sido comparados con datos medidos in situ a tres profundidades diferentes (15, 50 y 100 cm) en una zona costera del Mediterráneo Occidental. Esta comparación ha permitido analizar la incertidumbre que existe en la estimación de este parámetro en aguas someras y próximas a la costa mediante imágenes de satélite de baja resolución espacial. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que el producto diurno SST_11 μm, obtiene los estadísticos RMSE (error cuadrático medio) y r2 (coeficiente de correlación de Pearson) más ajustados con valores de 1°C y 0,96, respectivamente, para la profundidad 50 cm.
Subpixel techniques are commonly used to increase the spatial resolution in tracking tasks. Object tracking with targets of known shape permits obtaining information about object position and orientation in the three-dimensional space. A proper selection of the target shape allows us to determine its position inside a plane and its angular and azimuthal orientation under certain limits. Our proposal is demonstrated both numerical and experimentally and provides an increase the accuracy of more than one order of magnitude compared to the nominal resolution of the sensor. The experiment has been performed with a high-speed camera, which simultaneously provides high spatial and temporal resolution, so it may be interesting for some applications where this kind of targets can be attached, such as vibration monitoring and structural analysis.
The spin dynamics of all ferromagnetic materials are governed by two types of collective phenomenon: spin waves and domain walls. The fundamental processes underlying these collective modes, such as exchange interactions and magnetic anisotropy, all originate at the atomic scale. However, conventional probing techniques based on neutron1 and photon scattering2 provide high resolution in reciprocal space, and thereby poor spatial resolution. Here we present direct imaging of standing spin waves in individual chains of ferromagnetically coupled S = 2 Fe atoms, assembled one by one on a Cu2N surface using a scanning tunnelling microscope. We are able to map the spin dynamics of these designer nanomagnets with atomic resolution in two complementary ways. First, atom-to-atom variations of the amplitude of the quantized spin-wave excitations are probed using inelastic electron tunnelling spectroscopy. Second, we observe slow stochastic switching between two opposite magnetization states3, 4, whose rate varies strongly depending on the location of the tip along the chain. Our observations, combined with model calculations, reveal that switches of the chain are initiated by a spin-wave excited state that has its antinodes at the edges of the chain, followed by a domain wall shifting through the chain from one end to the other. This approach opens the way towards atomic-scale imaging of other types of spin excitation, such as spinon pairs and fractional end-states5, 6, in engineered spin chains.
Recent advances in statistical downscaling have allowed the reconstruction of temperatures for the complete 1948–2011 period in a spatial resolution of 90 m and without gaps for the Valencian Community (Spain) and bordering areas. It presently enables analyses in this region, which allows the determination of recent temperature changes at subregional and local scales. The present work focuses on obtaining the thermicity index according to Rivas-Martínez, a well-known indicator of different thermotypes associated with bioclimatic horizons. The change in this index, which has happened in the region between 1948 and 2011, was calculated by generating fine-scale maps of the potential extension of different thermotypes. The results show a greater regression for the thermotypes in a finicolous position, e.g. Orotemperate, Supratemperate and Supramediterranean horizons, which herein indicate greater potential vulnerability in climate change. In the absence of, and given the need for, such fine-scale information, this work should be useful for specialized researchers to spatially limit the potentially most vulnerable biotopes to climate change.