8 resultados para Resource programs (Education)
em Universidad de Alicante
We present an experience in Nursing Education, accredited and implemented under the Spanish University System Reform in a Public University (Jaume I, Castellón) which had no previous nursing studies. The academics offered included all three educational levels (Bachelor, Master's and Doctorate), with an integrated theoretical-practical-clinical teaching methodology for the Bachelor Degree, competence acquisition in research in the Master's degree, and a doctorate formed by lines of research in the field of Nursing. Studies are accredited by the National Agency for Quality Assessment, which were authorized by the Spanish Ministry of Education and implanted between 2009 and 2011.
Recently, many efforts have been made in the academic world to adapt the new degrees to the new European Higher Education Area (EHEA). New technologies have been the most important factor to carry out this adaptation. In particular, the tools 2.0 have been spreading quickly, not just the Web 2.0, but even in all the educational levels. Nevertheless, it is now necessary to evaluate whether all these efforts and all the changes, carried out in order to obtain improved academic performance among students, have provided good results. Therefore, the aim of this paper is focused on studying the impact of the implementation of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in a subject belonging to a Master from the University of Alicante in the academic year (2010-2011). In special, it is an elective course called "Advanced Visual Ergonomics" from the Master of Clinical Optometry and Vision. The methodology used to teach this course differs from the traditional one in many respects. For example, one of the resources used for the development of this course is a blog developed specifically to coordinate a series of virtual works, whose purpose is that the student goes into specific aspects of the current topic. Next, the student participates in an active role by writing a personal assessment on the blog. However, in the course planning, there is an attendance to lessons, where the teacher presents certain issues in a more traditional way, that is, with a lecture supported with audiovisual materials, such as materials generated in powerpoint. To evaluate the quality of the results achieved with this methodology, in this work the personal assessment of the students, who have completed this course during this academic year, are collected. In particular, we want to know their opinion about the used resources, as well as the followed methodology. The tool used to collect this information was a questionnaire. This questionnaire evaluates different aspects of the course: a general opinion, quality of the received information, satisfaction about the followed methodology and the student´s critical awareness. The design of this questionnaire is very important to get conclusive information about the methodology followed in the course. The questionnaire has to have an adequate number of questions; whether it has many questions, it might be boring for the student who would pay no enough attention. The questions should be well-written, with a clear structure and message, to avoid confusion and an ambiguity. The questions should be objectives, without any suggestion for a desired answer. In addition, the questionnaire should be interesting to encourage the student´ s interest. In conclusion, this questionnaire developed for this subject provided good information to evaluate whether the methodology was a useful tool to teach "Advanced Visual Ergonomics". Furthermore, the student´s opinion collected by this questionnaire might be very helpful to improve this didactic resource.
The aim of this study is to map the awareness of gender, socioeconomic, immigrant and ethnic health inequalities in health at schools, maternal health and traffic injury health prevention programs. The study was conducted in the 19 health descentralized areas in Spain, 17 autonomous community (ACs) and the 2 autonomous cities (ACities). The data were collected from May 2008 to January 2009. The unit of analysis was the collection of policy documents setting out the programs mentioned above and the related support material in each AC. A reading guide was used to analyze the awareness of inequalities. With regard to health at schools, 2 of 10 programs show a high awareness of inequalities and include many specific proposals to be implemented at the local level. Regarding maternal health, 13 ACs have prepared support material with high awareness of inequalities to be implemented. A traffic injury program has been created in two ACs. We map the whole situation in Spain regarding the health programs that we have used as examples and their awareness of inequalities. We can conclude that there are differences between the regions studied in Spain and in general, the awareness of inequalities is low.
This article describes the adaptation and validation of the Distance Education Learning Environments Survey (DELES) for use in investigating the qualities found in distance and hybrid education psycho-social learning environments in Spain. As Europe moves toward post-secondary student mobility, equanimity in access to higher education, and more standardised degree programs across the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) the need for a high quality method for continually assessing the excellence of distance and hybrid learning environments has arisen. This study outlines how the English language DELES was adapted into the new Spanish-Distance Education Learning Environments Survey (S-DELES) for use with a Bachelor of Psychology and Criminology degree program offering both distance and hybrid education classes. We present the relationships between psycho-social learning environment perceptions and those of student affect. We also present the asynchronous aspects of the environment, scale means, and a comparison between the perceptions of distance education students and their hybrid education counterparts that inform the university about the baseline health of the information and communication technologies (ICT) environment within which the study was conducted.
El propósito de este estudio fue conocer las concepciones de profesores de educación primaria sobre las tecnologías educativas en dos dimensiones: a) conocimiento de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación; y b) creencias sobre el uso educativo que el profesorado da a estas herramientas. Se opta por un enfoque metodológico cuantitativo y un diseño no-experimental descriptivo del tipo encuesta. El análisis de los datos se realizó mediante paquete estadístico SPSS 14.0 y las técnicas utilizadas fueron descriptivos, frecuencias y porcentajes, técnicas de reducción de datos (análisis factorial) e inferencia estadística (comparación de medias y porcentajes). Los resultados demuestran que la mayoría de los profesores reconocen el interés que las tecnologías despiertan en el alumnado y las oportunidades de aprendizaje que ofrecen principalmente en relación con los diferentes ritmos de aprendizaje y las necesidades educativas especiales. Se identifica la búsqueda de información como una competencia fundamental, así como se evidencia que existe una relación causal entre el nivel de formación, la importancia que el profesor otorga al recurso y el uso educativo. Los resultados hacen aconsejable promover programas de formación continua en esta área y fortalecer la formación inicial docente.
Currently there are an overwhelming number of scientific publications in Life Sciences, especially in Genetics and Biotechnology. This huge amount of information is structured in corporate Data Warehouses (DW) or in Biological Databases (e.g. UniProt, RCSB Protein Data Bank, CEREALAB or GenBank), whose main drawback is its cost of updating that makes it obsolete easily. However, these Databases are the main tool for enterprises when they want to update their internal information, for example when a plant breeder enterprise needs to enrich its genetic information (internal structured Database) with recently discovered genes related to specific phenotypic traits (external unstructured data) in order to choose the desired parentals for breeding programs. In this paper, we propose to complement the internal information with external data from the Web using Question Answering (QA) techniques. We go a step further by providing a complete framework for integrating unstructured and structured information by combining traditional Databases and DW architectures with QA systems. The great advantage of our framework is that decision makers can compare instantaneously internal data with external data from competitors, thereby allowing taking quick strategic decisions based on richer data.
The use of technology in classrooms in Spanish universities has been following an upward path, and in many cases technological devices are substituting other materials that until now have been used, such as books, notebooks and so on. Step by step in higher education, more of these latest generationdevices are being used, and are providing significant improvements in training. Nowadays, there are Spanish universities that use tablets, a device with multiple applications for teaching as well as for students to study differently. They are definitely a notable innovation that will gradually become incorporated into university life. Tablet PCs make teaching more dynamic and available to students through the use of up to date digital materials, something which is key in training engineers. This paper presents their different functions employed in three Spanish universities to support teachingin engineering degrees and masters using the tablet PC, and their impact on the training process. Possible uses in specific programs like the Erasmus Masters Programmes are also assessed. The main objective of using tabletsis to improve the academic performance of students through the use of technology.
Este trabajo de investigación parte del concepto de orientación que compartimos con Bisquerra (2008), definiéndola como un proceso de ayuda continuo a todas las personas, en todos los aspectos, con la finalidad de potenciar el desarrollo humano a lo largo de toda la vida. En este marco de referencia caben todas las acciones dirigidas hacia quien necesita y busca apoyo para su crecimiento personal, académico y profesional. En el ámbito universitario, históricamente poco receptivo a este tipo de actuaciones, se vienen generalizando a raíz de las nuevas concepciones metodológicas que exige la convergencia europea conceptos novedosos e innovadores y que avalan la orientación en la Universidad, como tutorización, transición universitaria, o mediación. Y son ya muchas instituciones las que han puesto en marcha organismos y programas de innovación para su desarrollo efectivo. La Universidad de Alicante viene trabajando en estos temas desde hace unos años y una de las experiencias más novedosas la desarrolla la Facultad de Educación, implantando la figura de la mediadora como recurso de resolución de situaciones conflictivas. En el marco de esta innovación nos planteamos abordar qué se entiende por mediación y cuál es su funcionalidad, al tiempo que realizar una reflexión sobre los agentes implicados y las competencias necesarias para su implementación. Ha participado en la investigación un grupo de alumnas solicitantes del recurso y un equipo docente constituido en Red de investigación. De los resultados obtenidos en la búsqueda de delimitación conceptual y funcional, de estrategias de gestión y de propuestas de actuación en el proceso mediador podemos concluir que es un aspecto positivo y necesario que rentabiliza las tareas de gestión universitaria y que soluciona al alumnado situaciones que pueden entorpecer un desarrollo personal y académico adecuado.