13 resultados para Renaissance fortresses

em Universidad de Alicante


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This communication develops the process of interventions of the Renaissance fortress of a new plant built in 1554–57 in Santa Pola. It is one of the earliest examples built with reference to military architecture theoretical treaties (XV–XVI) and best preserved. The study runs its own story from its initial military use, through the use of civil equipment until the final cultural and Museum Center. First, the project of Italian origin is examined and its use as barracks for troops for a duration of three centuries (1557–1850), pointing out the architectural constants of war machinery in a defense position and its origin as a rainwater collector and cistern: a perfect square with two bastions in which a plan of the uprising is preserved (1778). Secondly, we study the changes in the mentioned architecture throughout a century and a half (1850–1990) after its change of ownership (from the state to the municipality), and as a result of the new use as a city hall and public endowment: a market and health and leisure centre, which meant the demolition of defensive elements and the opening up to the outside of the inner parade ground. And thirdly, the new transfer of the municipal offices brings in the beginning of a project of transformations (1990–2015) that retrieves the demolished elements at the same time as it assigns the entire fort for a cultural centre: exhibition, research and history museum, promoting the identity between the citizens and the building which stands in the foundations of their city. The conclusions take us through an interesting route that goes from the approach of defensive tactics, its use as administrative headquarters to the current cultural policy of preservation. In addition, all the known plans of the fort are recovered (of military, civil and cultural use), some unpublished, as well as the project of the North wing that has guided the last operation and which has been set as a pattern of reference.


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After the construction of the San Carlos bastion in Alicante in the final decade of the seventeenth century, and the great trench which the English built around the district of San Francisco during their years of dominance in the War of Succession, the waters of the San Blas gully caused serious damage to these fortifications of the city and to the trade buildings of the port. In 1772, the diversion canal was built. It was designed to divert the riverbed of the gully and send the waters directly to the sea. The project had been initially designed by the Engineer General, Jorge Próspero de Verboom in 1721. This unique work of engineering had some defects, principally in the breakwater which prevented the waters from flowing down the former river course. On several occasions, the water returned to its original riverbed due to the weakness of the breakwater, the narrowness of the channel’s bed and its lack of regularisation, causing serious damage to the bastion, the Babel-facing façade, the traders’ warehouses and other buildings. This study describes the project that the military engineer Leandro Badarán carried out in 1794 in order to technically improve this canal and examines his report on the state of the fortifications. Similar works built in Spain are also explained. It also analyses the repeated disputes between the war department and the port throughout these years over finding a technical solution to the problem.


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Este estudio es una síntesis de las últimas aportaciones acerca de las vías en al-Andalus (ss. VIII-XV), cuya estructura inicial es herencia de la época romana. Dadas las limitaciones que imponen los escasos datos que hallamos en las fuentes árabes y los pocos restos camineros conocidos, se hace necesario emplear una nueva metodología de investigación: Se aborda el objeto como un estudio global, no sólo de los caminos, sino de todos los elementos interrelacionados con ellos, denominados como "espacios viales". Luego se presenta la indisoluble relación de los "espacios viales" con los castillos y torres ("espacios de control y defensa") en al-Andalus, como los vigilantes de los caminos, y se enuncia la toponimia árabe relacionada tanto con los "espacios viales" como con los "espacios de control y defensa". Finalmente, se recogen los datos que las diversas crónicas árabes nos proporcionan acerca de la política viaria en al-Andalus a lo largo del tiempo, así como sobre quién era el responsable de velar por el buen estado de los tramos viales.


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El objetivo de este estudio es rastrear lo que los textos jurídicos mālikíes occidentales han dejado escrito acerca de las fortalezas y de los castillos, en especial cuando se refieren a los castillos y las murallas urbanas de las ciudades andalusíes. En el análisis se diferencian los diversos tipos de textos jurídicos, puesto que la normativa general se ha de separar de las cuestiones emanadas del derecho positivo. De este modo, de la relación entre el derecho musulmán y los que en otro lugar llamamos “espacios de control y defensa”, se podrán extraer conclusiones sobre el ámbito público y militar, así como sobre la vida cotidiana de las gentes que vivieron cerca o dentro de ellos.


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Este artículo analiza la función de la figura de san Vicente Ferrer en la política de afianzamiento y expansión de la Corona de Aragón en la Italia de mediados del siglo XV y hasta el siglo XVIII. San Vicente Ferrer, clásico innegable de la cultura de la Corona de Aragón, ejerció una extraordinaria influencia en el pensamiento, la predicación y la ortodoxia católicas, así como también, en el tablero de ajedrez de la alta política de fines del siglo XIV y principios del XV. Su influencia fue prácticamente ubicua y omnímoda: predicaba a las masas de casi toda Europa occidental, enfervorizadas por sus dotes oratorias y su dominio de las artes de la predicación, al mismo tiempo que ejercía de consejero de máxima confianza de papas, reyes y gobernantes, escribía densos tratados de teología y filosofía moral, y obraba milagros (más de 900 registrados en su Causa de Canonización). Caló muy hondo, también después de su muerte y durante siglos, en toda Italia, que era el gran escenario de la política y de la cultura humanística y del Renacimiento. Ello se aprovechó por parte de la Corona de Aragón para su expansión en Italia, desde la conquista de Nápoles por Alfonso el Magnánimo. Todo ello se analiza en este estudio a partir de obras de arte (capillas, cuadros, retablos, frescos y mosaicos), nunca tenidas en cuenta en este sentido, pero que, como queda demostrado, son muestra y prueba de esa influencia tanto religiosa como también política de la “figura” de este santo valenciano. Se trata en definitiva del análisis de la poliédrica función de los clásicos.


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The purpose of this article is to provide bibliographical information about a copy of the fourth edition of the two parts of Anthony Munday's translation of Palmerin d'Oliva (London, 1637; STC 19160) recently purchased by the University of Alicante Library and not mentioned in the standard bibliographies. The article contains a detailed bibliographical description based on Bowers's principles (1949) and is designed to be useful to scholars by making direct consultation of the copy in most cases unnecessary. The description is preceded by a short introduction to the literary text and its publication in England.


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Aquest article presenta una mostra dels resultats de l’anàlisi detallada de locucions, col·locacions i altres elements fraseològics i d’ordre de mots significatius quant a la caracterització del cabal de llenguatge literari de Joan Roís de Corella. Aquesta anàlisi es fa amb metodologia interdisciplinar de base de lingüistica de corpus i de diacronia lingüistica, i amb el concurs de les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació (humanitats digitals), que s’apliquen a l’anàlisi de l’aportació lèxica i estilística d’un autor clau com és Roís de Corella a fide calibrar el grau de sintonia i, alhora, d’especificitat del seu llenguatge literari; en quin grau coincideix el seu llenguatge literari amb el d’altres grans clàssics culturals de la Corona d’Aragó, i en què basa, alhora, Roís de Corella la clau de la seua mestria estilística.


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Jerónimo Quijano fue uno de los ilustres arquitectos destacados del Renacimiento pleno en España. Su obra, la iglesia de Santiago en Orihuela -Alicante- posee una Capilla Mayor renacentista, de carácter funerario, de planta central y adosada a una nave gótica. Destaca su bóveda superior de 4 pares de arcos entrecruzados y revirados. Al ser dobles se reduce la superficie central de plementería y se gana en resistencia. Es de complicada geometría esférica y cuadrada a la vez: bóveda pseudo-vaída (esférica solo hasta los arcos exteriores) y plementería lateral adaptándose a la planta cuadrada. Supone la fusión de la antigüedad clásica con la tradición hispanomusulmana. Como referencia, se estudia sucintamente la Capilla Benavides en Baeza - Jaén-, obra de Andrés de Vandelvira e incluida en el tratado de arquitectura de su hijo Alonso, la cual plantea un gran espacio cuadrado cubierto por una bóveda vaída y reforzada por 4 arcos entrecruzados.


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When the act of 'drawing' became what can only be called formalised, (whose growth can be said to have blossomed during the Renaissance), there developed a separation between the drawing and its procurement. Recently, David Ross Scheer, in his book ‘The Death of Drawing, Architecture in the Age of Simulation’ wrote: ‘…whereas architectural drawings exist to represent construction, architectural simulations exist to anticipate building performance.’ Meanwhile, Paolo Belardi, in his work ‘Why Architects Still Draw’ likens a drawing to an acorn, where he says: ‘It is the paradox of the acorn: a project emerges from a drawing – even from a sketch, rough and inchoate - just as an oak tree emerges from an acorn.’ He tells us that Giorgio Vasari would work late at night ‘seeking to solve the problems of perspective’ and he makes a passionate plea that this reflective process allows the concept to evolve, grow and/or develop. However, without belittling Belardi, the virtual model now needs this self-same treatment where it is nurtured, coaxed and encouraged to be the inchoate blueprint of the resultant oak tree. The model now too can embrace the creative process going through the first phase of preparation, where it focuses on the problem. The manipulation of the available material can then be incubated so that it is reasoned and generates feedback. This paper serves to align this shift in perception, methodologies and assess whether the 2D paper abstraction still has a purpose and role in today’s digital world!


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According to the importance of rehabilitation and recovery of Architectural Heritage in the live of people, this paper is aimed to strengthen the traditional methods of stone vaults calculation taking advantage of the technological characteristics of the powerful program ANSYS Workbench. As an example of this, it could find out the possible pathologies that could arise during the construction history of the building. To limit this research, the upper vault of the main chapel of the Santiago parish church in Orihuela -Alicante- is selected as a reference which is a Jeronimo Quijano´s important building work in the XVI century in the Renaissance. Moreover, it is an innovative stone masonry vault that consists of 8 double intercrossed arches with each other and braced by severies. During the seventeenth century there was a lantern in the central cap and it is unknown why it was removed. Its construction could justify the original constructive solution with intercrossed arches that freed the center to create a more enlightened and comfortable presbytery. By similarity with other Quijano’s works, it is considered a small lantern drilling the central spherical cap. It is proposed to carry out a comparative study of it with different architectural solutions from the same period and based on several common parameters such as: a vault of square plant with spherical surround, intercrossed arches, a possible lantern, the dimension of the permitted space, similar states of loads and compact limestone masonry. The three solutions are mainly differentiated by their size and the type of lantern and its comparison lets us know which one is the most resistant and stable. The other two building works maintain some connection with the Quijano's professional scope. It has selected the particular case of the Communion chapel of the Basilica in Elche (a large prismatic lantern with a large cylindrical drum that starts from the own arches and an upper hemispherical dome), for its conservation, its proximity to Orihuela and its implementation during the century XVIII. Finally, a significant Dome Spanish Renaissance complete the selection: a cross vault of the Benavides Chapel of the Saint Francisco Convent in Baeza - Jaén-, designed by Andres of Vandelvira in the sixteenth century (a large hemispherical dome that starts from the own arcs). To simplify the calculation and standardize the work that have to be contrasted, all of them were considered with some similar characteristics: 30 cm constant thickness, the intercrossed arches were specifically analyzed and had identical loads, Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio. Regarding the calculation solutions, in general terms, the compressive stresses predominate, influencing on it the joint collaboration of the filling material on the vault, the vault itself, the thick side walls, the buttresses and the top cover weight . In addition, the three solutions are suitable, being the Orihuela one the safest and the Baeza one the riskiest for its large dimensions. Thus, the idea of intercrossed arches with suitable thickness would allow carry out the heaviest lantern and this would confirm it as a Renaissance architectural typology built in stone.


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Since ancient times, Alicante has been considered a strategic location on the east coast of Spain. Situated close to the sea, it is protected to the southeast by the Cape of Huerta and to the southwest by the Cape of Santa Pola. The city lies at the foot of Mount Benacantil, a high outcrop which has been the site of defensive buildings since time immemorial due to its naturally strong position: it was undoubtedly one of the strongest natural sites in the Levant. Its summit, lying 160 metres above the sea, is topped by a series of fortified enclosures now known as Santa Barbara Castle. This paper briefly describes the alterations made to the castle fortifications from its origins through the Renaissance, including the Muslim and Christian periods until the late fifteenth century and subsequent alterations to adapt new bastioned fortification techniques, and depicts the status of the fortress in each period. This paper is the result of doctoral research carried out at different national and international archives and leading to a thesis presented in 2011.


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Fuenterrabía (Hondarribia) is a town located on the Franco-Spanish border. Between the 16th and 19th centuries it was considered to be one of the most outstanding strongholds in the Basque Country due to its strategic position. The bastion system of fortification was extremely prevalent in this stronghold. It was one of the first Spanish towns to adopt the incipient Renaissance designs of the bastion. The military engineers subsequently carried out continuous fortification projects that enabled the structure to withstand the advances being made in artillery and siege tactics. After the construction of the citadel of Pamplona had begun in 1571, following the design of the prestigious military engineer, Jacobo Palear Fratín and being revised by Viceroy Vespasiano Gonzaga, the aforementioned engineer undertook an ambitious project commissioned by Felipe II to modernise the fortifications of Fuenterrabía. Neither the plans nor the report of this project have been conserved, but in the year 2000, César Fernández Antuña published the report written by Spannocchi on the state of the fortifications of Fuenterrabía when he arrived to the Spanish peninsula, discovered in the Archivo Histórico Provincial de Zaragoza. This document conducts an in-depth analysis of Spannocchi’s project and how it was related to Fratín’s previous project. It concludes that this project encountered problems in updating the new bastions at the end of the 16th century, and identifies the factors which prevented the stronghold from being extended as was the case in Pamplona after Fratín’s project.


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Within the overall framework of the renewal process of coastal tourist destinations, cultural heritage has frequently been used as a key argument for the introduction and development of strategies for the diversification and differentiation of the traditional tourist product based on sun and sand. This is the situation of the province of Alicante, identified with the Costa Blanca geotourism brand, where there are important economic issues that could contribute to the renewal of this coastal tourist destination. One of the most significant heritage values of this space consists of a series of medieval fortresses located along the axis of the Vinalopó River, which has acted since prehistoric times as a natural route from within the provincial mainland to the coast. It is precisely the argument of this historical, territorial and landscape content that has been used repeatedly in recent years to develop initiatives aimed at the creation of a tourist product, currently inexistent, based on the route of the castles of Vinalopó. This communication aims to analyse the degree of tourism potential of the fortresses located in the towns of Biar, Banyeres de Mariola, Sax, Villena, Novelda, Elda, Petrer and Elche, which constitute the core of municipalities where these medieval fortresses are located, finally pointing out some proposals for the creation of a heritage tourism product.