34 resultados para Quantum spin Hall insulator

em Universidad de Alicante


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We present a mechanism for persistent charge current. Quantum spin Hall insulators hold dissipationless spin currents in their edges so that, for a given spin orientation, a net charge current flows which is exactly compensated by the counterflow of the opposite spin. Here we show that ferromagnetic order in the edge upgrades the spin currents into persistent charge currents without applied fields. For that matter, we study the Hubbard model including Haldane-Kane-Mele spin-orbit coupling in a zigzag ribbon and consider the case of graphene. We find three electronic phases with magnetic edges that carry currents reaching 0.4 nA, comparable to persistent currents in metallic rings, for the small spin-orbit coupling in graphene. One of the phases is a valley half metal.


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Both spin and orbital degrees of freedom contribute to the magnetic moment of isolated atoms. However, when inserted in crystals, atomic orbital moments are quenched because of the lack of rotational symmetry that protects them when isolated. Thus, the dominant contribution to the magnetization of magnetic materials comes from electronic spin. Here we show that nanoislands of quantum spin Hall insulators can host robust orbital edge magnetism whenever their highest occupied Kramers doublet is singly occupied, upgrading the spin edge current into a charge current. The resulting orbital magnetization scales linearly with size, outweighing the spin contribution for islands of a few nm in size. This linear scaling is specific of the Dirac edge states and very different from Schrodinger electrons in quantum rings. By modeling Bi(111) flakes, whose edge states have been recently observed, we show that orbital magnetization is robust with respect to disorder, thermal agitation, shape of the island, and crystallographic direction of the edges, reflecting its topological protection.


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Two-dimensional insulators with time-reversal symmetry can have two topologically different phases, the quantum spin Hall and the normal phase. The former is revealed by the existence of conducting edge states that are topologically protected. Here we show that the reaction to impurity, in bulk, is radically different in the two phases and can be used as a marker for the topological phase. Within the context of the Kane-Mele model for graphene, we find that strictly normalizable in-gap impurity states only occur in the quantum spin Hall phase and carry a dissipationless current whose chirality is determined by the spin and pseudospin of the residing electron.


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The so-called quantum spin Hall phase is a topologically nontrivial insulating phase that is predicted to appear in graphene and graphenelike systems. In this paper we address the question of whether this topological property persists in multilayered systems. We consider two situations: purely multilayer graphene and heterostructures where graphene is encapsulated by trivial insulators with a strong spin-orbit coupling. We use a four-orbital tight-binding model that includes full atomic spin-orbit coupling and we calculate the Z2 topological invariant of the bulk states as well as the edge states of semi-infinite crystals with armchair termination. For homogeneous multilayers we find that even when the spin-orbit interaction opens a gap for all possible stackings, only those with an odd number of layers host gapless edge states while those with an even number of layers are trivial insulators. For heterostructures where graphene is encapsulated by trivial insulators, it turns out that interlayer coupling is able to induce a topological gap whose size is controlled by the spin-orbit coupling of the encapsulating materials, indicating that the quantum spin Hall phase can be induced by proximity to trivial insulators.


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Spin–orbit coupling changes graphene, in principle, into a two-dimensional topological insulator, also known as quantum spin Hall insulator. One of the expected consequences is the existence of spin-filtered edge states that carry dissipationless spin currents and undergo no backscattering in the presence of non-magnetic disorder, leading to quantization of conductance. Whereas, due to the small size of spin–orbit coupling in graphene, the experimental observation of these remarkable predictions is unlikely, the theoretical understanding of these spin-filtered states is shedding light on the electronic properties of edge states in other two-dimensional quantum spin Hall insulators. Here we review the effect of a variety of perturbations, like curvature, disorder, edge reconstruction, edge crystallographic orientation, and Coulomb interactions on the electronic properties of these spin filtered states.


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We report electrical conductance measurements of Bi nanocontacts created by repeated tip-surface indentation using a scanning tunneling microscope at temperatures of 4 and 300 K. As a function of the elongation of the nanocontact, we measure robust, tens of nanometers long plateaus of conductance G0=2e2/h at room temperature. This observation can be accounted for by the mechanical exfoliation of a Bi(111) bilayer, a predicted quantum spin Hall (QSH) insulator, in the retracing process following a tip-surface contact. The formation of the bilayer is further supported by the additional observation of conductance steps below G0 before breakup at both temperatures. Our finding provides the first experimental evidence of the possibility of mechanical exfoliation of Bi bilayers, the existence of the QSH phase in a two-dimensional crystal, and, most importantly, the observation of the QSH phase at room temperature.


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Skyrmions are topologically protected spin textures, characterized by a topological winding number N, that occur spontaneously in some magnetic materials. Recent experiments have demonstrated the capability to grow graphene on top Fe/Ir, a system that exhibits a two-dimensional skyrmion lattice. Here we show that a weak exchange coupling between the Dirac electrons in graphene and a two-dimensional skyrmion lattice withN = ±1 drives graphene into a quantum anomalous Hall phase, with a band gap in bulk, a Chern number C = 2N, and chiral edge states with perfect quantization of conductance G = 2N e2 h . Our findings imply that the topological properties of the skyrmion lattice can be imprinted in the Dirac electrons of graphene.


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Application of a perpendicular magnetic field to charge neutral graphene is expected to result in a variety of broken symmetry phases, including antiferromagnetic, canted, and ferromagnetic. All these phases open a gap in bulk but have very different edge states and noncollinear spin order, recently confirmed experimentally. Here we provide an integrated description of both edge and bulk for the various magnetic phases of graphene Hall bars making use of a noncollinear mean field Hubbard model. Our calculations show that, at the edges, the three types of magnetic order are either enhanced (zigzag) or suppressed (armchair). Interestingly, we find that preformed local moments in zigzag edges interact with the quantum spin Hall like edge states of the ferromagnetic phase and can induce backscattering.


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The edges of graphene and graphene like systems can host localized states with evanescent wave function with properties radically different from those of the Dirac electrons in bulk. This happens in a variety of situations, that are reviewed here. First, zigzag edges host a set of localized non-dispersive state at the Dirac energy. At half filling, it is expected that these states are prone to ferromagnetic instability, causing a very interesting type of edge ferromagnetism. Second, graphene under the influence of external perturbations can host a variety of topological insulating phases, including the conventional quantum Hall effect, the quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) and the quantum spin Hall phase, in all of which phases conduction can only take place through topologically protected edge states. Here we provide an unified vision of the properties of all these edge states, examined under the light of the same one orbital tight-binding model. We consider the combined action of interactions, spin–orbit coupling and magnetic field, which produces a wealth of different physical phenomena. We briefly address what has been actually observed experimentally.


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The independent predictions of edge ferromagnetism and the quantum spin Hall phase in graphene have inspired the quest of other two-dimensional honeycomb systems, such as silicene, germanene, stanene, iridates, and organometallic lattices, as well as artificial superlattices, all of them with electronic properties analogous to those of graphene, but a larger spin-orbit coupling. Here, we study the interplay of ferromagnetic order and spin-orbit interactions at the zigzag edges of these graphenelike systems. We find an in-plane magnetic anisotropy that opens a gap in the otherwise conducting edge channels that should result in large changes of electronic properties upon rotation of the magnetization.


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We study the electronic properties of electrons in flat and curved zigzag graphene nanoribbons using a tight-binding model within the Slater Koster approximation, including spin-orbit interaction. We find that a constant curvature across the ribbon dramatically enhances the action of the spin-orbit term, strongly influencing the spin orientation of the edge states: Whereas spins are normal to the surface in the case of flat ribbons, this is no longer the case for curved ribbons. This effect is very pronounced, the spins deviating from the normal to the ribbon, even for very small curvature and a realistic spin orbit coupling of carbon. We find that curvature results also in an effective second neighbor hopping that modifies the electronic properties of zigzag graphene ribbons. We discuss the implications of our findings in the spin Hall phase of curved graphene ribbons.


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Digital magnetic recording is based on the storage of a bit of information in the orientation of a magnetic system with two stable ground states. Here we address two fundamental problems that arise when this is done on a quantized spin: quantum spin tunneling and backaction of the readout process. We show that fundamental differences exist between integer and semi-integer spins when it comes to both reading and recording classical information in a quantized spin. Our findings imply fundamental limits to the miniaturization of magnetic bits and are relevant to recent experiments where a spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscope reads and records a classical bit in the spin orientation of a single magnetic atom.


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We study the quantum spin waves associated to skyrmion textures. We show that the zero-point energy associated to the quantum spin fluctuations of a noncollinear spin texture produce Casimir-like magnetic fields. We study the effect of these Casimir fields on the topologically protected noncollinear spin textures known as skyrmions. In a Heisenberg model with Dzyalonshinkii-Moriya interactions, chosen so the classical ground state displays skyrmion textures, we calculate the spin-wave spectrum, using the Holstein-Primakoff approximation, and the associated zero-point energy, to the lowest order in the spin-wave expansion. Our calculations are done both for the single-skyrmion case, for which we obtain a discrete set of skyrmion bound states, as well as for the skyrmion crystal, for which the resulting spectrum gives the spin-wave bands. In both cases, our calculations show that the Casimir magnetic field contributes up to 10% of the total Zeeman energy necessary to delete the skyrmion texture with an applied field.


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A wide class of nanomagnets shows striking quantum behaviour, known as quantum spin tunnelling (QST): instead of two degenerate ground states with opposite magnetizations, a bonding-antibonding pair forms, resulting in a splitting of the ground-state doublet with wave functions linear combination of two classically opposite magnetic states, leading to the quenching of their magnetic moment. Here we study how QST is destroyed and classical behaviour emerges in the case of magnetic adatoms, where, contrary to larger nanomagnets, the QST splitting is in some instances bigger than temperature and broadening. We analyze two different mechanisms for the renormalization of the QST splitting: Heisenberg exchange between different atoms, and Kondo exchange interaction with the substrate electrons. Sufficiently strong spin-substrate and spin-spin coupling renormalize the QST splitting to zero allowing the environmental decoherence to eliminate superpositions between classical states, leading to the emergence of spontaneous magnetization. Importantly, we extract the strength of the Kondo exchange for various experiments on individual adatoms and construct a phase diagram for the classical to quantum transition.


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We analyzed the photoluminescence intermittency generated by a single paramagnetic spin localized in an individual semiconductor quantum dot. The statistics of the photons emitted by the quantum dot reflect the quantum fluctuations of the localized spin interacting with the injected carriers. Photon correlation measurements, which are reported here, reveal unique signatures of these fluctuations. A phenomenological model is proposed to quantitatively describe these observations, allowing a measurement of the spin dynamics of an individual magnetic atom at zero magnetic field. These results demonstrate the existence of an efficient spin-relaxation channel arising from a spin exchange with individual carriers surrounding the quantum dot. A theoretical description of a spin-flip mechanism involving spin exchange with surrounding carriers gives relaxation times in good agreement with the measured dynamics.