61 resultados para Opetussuunnitelma 2016
em Universidad de Alicante
Aims. We report near-infrared observations of the supergiant donor to the eclipsing high mass X-ray binary pulsar IGR J18027-2016. We aim to determine its spectral type and measure its radial velocity curve and hence determine the stellar masses of the components. Methods. ESO/VLT observations of the donor utilising the NIR spectrograph ISAAC were obtained in the H and K bands. The multi-epoch H band spectra were cross-correlated with RV templates in order to determine a radial solution for the system. Results. The spectral type of the donor was confirmed as B0-1 I. The radial velocity curve constructed has a semi-amplitude of 23.8 ± 3.1 km s-1. Combined with other measured system parameters, a dynamically determined neutron star mass of 1.4 ± 0.2–1.6 ± 0.3 M⊙ is found. The mass range of the B0-B1 I donor was 18.6 ± 0.8–21.8 ± 2.4 M⊙. These lower and upper limits were obtained under the assumption that the system is viewed edge-on (i = 90° with β = 0.89) for the lower limit and the donor fills its Roche lobe (β = 1 with i = 73.1°) for the upper limit respectively.
Introducción a la utilización de la herramienta de descripción hardware de Xilinx ISE 14.3
Tema 1. Materiales docentes para los estudiantes
Apuntes elaborados por el profesorado de la asignatura para seguimiento de la misma.
Materiales tema 3 de la asignatura
Apuntes tema 4 de la asignatura Gestión y administración de servicios
Apuntes relacionados con la asignatura gestión de servicios
Materiales del tema 6 de la asignatura Gestión de Servicios
Apuntes, temario, bibliografía y lecturas de la obra.
Tema 5 de l'assignatura de Tècniques d'Investigació Social per al Treball Social, on es revisa la Investigació Acció Participativa, i diverses tècniques creatives com ara el DAFO avançat, el sociograma, l'EASW o l'arbre de problemes i solucions.
Tema 1. El Procés de la investigació social (2016)