2 resultados para Only an Apple
em Universidad de Alicante
Three sets of laboratory column experimental results concerning the hydrogeochemistry of seawater intrusion have been modelled using two codes: ACUAINTRUSION (Chemical Engineering Department, University of Alicante) and PHREEQC (U.S.G.S.). These reactive models utilise the hydrodynamic parameters determined using the ACUAINTRUSION TRANSPORT software and fit the chloride breakthrough curves perfectly. The ACUAINTRUSION code was improved, and the instabilities were studied relative to the discretisation. The relative square errors were obtained using different combinations of the spatial and temporal steps: the global error for the total experimental data and the partial error for each element. Good simulations for the three experiments were obtained using the ACUAINTRUSION software with slight variations in the selectivity coefficients for both sediments determined in batch experiments with fresh water. The cation exchange parameters included in ACUAINTRUSION are those reported by the Gapon convention with modified exponents for the Ca/Mg exchange. PHREEQC simulations performed using the Gains-Thomas convention were unsatisfactory, with the exchange coefficients from the database of PHREEQC (or range), but those determined with fresh water – natural sediment allowed only an approximation to be obtained. For the treated sediment, the adjusted exchange coefficients were determined to improve the simulation and are vastly different from those from the database of PHREEQC or batch experiment values; however, these values fall in an order similar to the others determined under dynamic conditions. Different cation concentrations were simulated using two different software packages; this disparity could be attributed to the defined selectivity coefficients that affect the gypsum equilibrium. Consequently, different calculated sulphate concentrations are obtained using each type of software; a smaller mismatch was predicted using ACUAINTRUSION. In general, the presented simulations by ACUAINTRUSION and PHREEQC produced similar results, making predictions consistent with the experimental data. However, the simulated results are not identical to the experimental data; sulphate (total S) is overpredicted by both models, most likely due to such factors as the kinetics of gypsum, the possible variations in the exchange coefficients due to salinity and the neglect of other processes.
Rafael Tasis fou un escriptor català pioner de la novel·la policíaca o detectivesca. Va ser també un destacat crític literari, llibreter, periodista i activista polític. És autor d’una trilogia formada per les obres La bíblia valenciana, Es hora de plegar i Un crim al Paralelo. Les seves aportacions teòriques a la novel·la i, especialment, a la de gènere, van ser de molta envergadura, demostració de la seva enorme capacitat de treball. Tasis va teoritzar sobre el gènere policíac i s’adonà, abans que ningú a Catalunya, de la importància que agafaria la novel·la negra americana. També va apostar per un escriptor inèdit, Manuel de Pedrolo, de qui va considerar que seria el novel·lista català més considerable del segle XX. Com a novel·lista i crític literari va donar testimoni de la vida i els ambients barcelonins i de l’atractiu de la utilització del material urbà de Barcelona com a argument de novel·les. La figura de Tasis respon a la de l'intel·lectual preocupat pels afers públics i, de manera més concreta, a la de l'escriptor en acte de servei permanent.