4 resultados para New Knowledge
em Universidad de Alicante
The methodology “b-learning” is a new teaching scenario and it requires the creation, adaptation and application of new learning tools searching the assimilation of new collaborative competences. In this context, it is well known the knowledge spirals, the situational leadership and the informal learning. The knowledge spirals is a basic concept of the knowledge procedure and they are based on that the knowledge increases when a cycle of 4 phases is repeated successively.1) The knowledge is created (for instance, to have an idea); 2) The knowledge is decoded into a format to be easily transmitted; 3) The knowledge is modified to be easily comprehensive and it is used; 4) New knowledge is created. This new knowledge improves the previous one (step 1). Each cycle shows a step of a spiral staircase: by going up the staircase, more knowledge is created. On the other hand, the situational leadership is based on that each person has a maturity degree to develop a specific task and this maturity increases with the experience. Therefore, the teacher (leader) has to adapt the teaching style to the student (subordinate) requirements and in this way, the professional and personal development of the student will increase quickly by improving the results and satisfaction. This educational strategy, finally combined with the informal learning, and in particular the zone of proximal development, and using a learning content management system own in our University, gets a successful and well-evaluated learning activity in Master subjects focused on the collaborative activity of preparation and oral exhibition of short and specific topics affine to these subjects. Therefore, the teacher has a relevant and consultant role of the selected topic and his function is to guide and supervise the work, incorporating many times the previous works done in other courses, as a research tutor or more experienced student. Then, in this work, we show the academic results, grade of interactivity developed in these collaborative tasks, statistics and the satisfaction grade shown by our post-graduate students.
Proyecto emergente centrado en el tratamiento inteligente de información procedente de diversas fuentes tales como micro-blogs, blogs, foros, portales especializados, etc. La finalidad es generar conocimiento a partir de la información semántica recuperada. Como resultado se podrán determinar las necesidades de los usuarios o mejorar la reputación de diferentes organizaciones. En este artículo se describen los problemas abordados, la hipótesis de trabajo, las tareas a realizar y los objetivos parciales alcanzados.
The aim of this work is to improve students’ learning by designing a teaching model that seeks to increase student motivation to acquire new knowledge. To design the model, the methodology is based on the study of the students’ opinion on several aspects we think importantly affect the quality of teaching (such as the overcrowded classrooms, time intended for the subject or type of classroom where classes are taught), and on our experience when performing several experimental activities in the classroom (for instance, peer reviews and oral presentations). Besides the feedback from the students, it is essential to rely on the experience and reflections of lecturers who have been teaching the subject several years. This way we could detect several key aspects that, in our opinion, must be considered when designing a teaching proposal: motivation, assessment, progressiveness and autonomy. As a result we have obtained a teaching model based on instructional design as well as on the principles of fractal geometry, in the sense that different levels of abstraction for the various training activities are presented and the activities are self-similar, that is, they are decomposed again and again. At each level, an activity decomposes into a lower level tasks and their corresponding evaluation. With this model the immediate feedback and the student motivation are encouraged. We are convinced that a greater motivation will suppose an increase in the student’s working time and in their performance. Although the study has been done on a subject, the results are fully generalizable to other subjects.
Este texto plantea una reflexión crítica sobre la aplicación de los principios básicos en los que se asienta la Teoría del Intercambio Social a los estudios sobre la percepción del turismo en las sociedades receptoras. Específicamente, se cuestiona la pertinencia científica de esta perspectiva. La oportunidad de esta tarea cobra sentido al constatar cómo la acumulación de estudios empíricos sobre turismo y opinión pública durante las últimas tres décadas, en lugar de desembocar en el establecimiento de un núcleo sólido de certezas teóricas sobre las que construir nuevo conocimiento, ha ido a parar a un callejón sin salida. Además, se propone una vía de trabajo alternativa, inspirada en referentes de la teoría sociológica, aunque apenas utilizados hasta ahora en la investigación del turismo. Esa vía se asienta en la premisa que afirma que la opinión pública no existe más que como resultado de un proceso constitutivo promovido por grupos movilizados alrededor de intereses privados. Ello exige la reubicación del poder como factor explicativo esencial y, por consiguiente, la articulación de estrategias metodológicas más apropiadas.