6 resultados para Near Eastern Languages and Societies
em Universidad de Alicante
The importance of the new textual genres such as blogs or forum entries is growing in parallel with the evolution of the Social Web. This paper presents two corpora of blog posts in English and in Spanish, annotated according to the EmotiBlog annotation scheme. Furthermore, we created 20 factual and opinionated questions for each language and also the Gold Standard for their answers in the corpus. The purpose of our work is to study the challenges involved in a mixed fact and opinion question answering setting by comparing the performance of two Question Answering (QA) systems as far as mixed opinion and factual setting is concerned. The first one is open domain, while the second one is opinion-oriented. We evaluate separately the two systems in both languages and propose possible solutions to improve QA systems that have to process mixed questions.
Background: The importance that birds of the Columbidae family have had throughout history is visible on the Mediterranean coast. Pigeon fancying is the art of breeding and training carrier pigeons and currently, several breeds exist. The sport of racing pigeons consists in covering a distance at maximum possible speed. However, pigeon breeding has another modality called “sport pigeon”, where several males follow a female. This study focusses on ethnobotanical knowledge of native and exotic plant species that are used for diet, breeding, stimulation, healing illnesses and staining the plumage of pigeons bred in captivity. Methods: Using semi-structured interviews, we gathered information about the different plant species traditionally used for pigeon-breeding in the region of Valencia. Background material on remedies for bird illnesses was gathered from folk botanical references, local books and journals. The plant species were collected in the study area, then identified in the laboratory using dichotomous keys and vouchered in the ABH (Herbarium of Alicante University). We used Excel ® 2003 to perform a simple statistical analysis of the data collected. Results: We collected 56 species of plants (and one variety) that included 29 botanical families. The total number of species was made up of 35 cultivated and 21 wild plants. The most common were Gramineae (14 species), Leguminosae (6 species), and Compositae (4 species). Conclusions: Pigeon breeding is an immensely popular activity in Eastern Spain, and ethnobiological knowledge about breeding pigeons and caring for them is considerable. The names and traditional uses of plants depend on their geographical location, vernacular names serve as an intangible heritage. Feeding, environmental features, and genetic makeup of individuals are relevant aspects in the maintenance of avian health.
Purpose. To analyze the diagnostic validity of accommodative and binocular tests in a sample of patients with a large near exophoria with moderate to severe symptoms. Methods. Two groups of patients between 19 and 35 years were recruited from a university clinic: 33 subjects with large exophoria at near vision and moderate or high visual discomfort and 33 patients with normal heterophoria and low visual discomfort. Visual discomfort was defined using the Conlon survey. A refractive exam and an exhaustive evaluation of accommodation and vergence were assessed. Diagnostic validity by means of receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curves, sensitivity (S), specificity (Sp), and positive and negative likelihood ratios (LR+, LR−) were assessed. This analysis was also carried out considering multiple tests as serial testing strategy. Results. ROC analysis showed the best diagnostic accuracy for receded near point of convergence (NPC) recovery (area = 0.929) and binocular accommodative facility (BAF) (area = 0.886). Using the cut-offs obtained with ROC analysis, the best diagnostic validity was obtained for the combination of NPC recovery and BAF (S = 0.77, Sp = 1, LR+ = value tending to infinity, LR− = 0.23) and the combination of NPC break and recovery with BAF (S = 0.73, Sp = 1, LR+ = tending to infinity, LR− = 0.27). Conclusions. NPC and BAF tests were the tests with the best diagnostic accuracy for subjects with large near exophoria and moderate to severe symptoms.
The aim of this paper is to obtain a comprehensive picture of the importance of the fish fauna in the wetlands and coastal lagoons of the Bajo Vinalopó region (Alicante, South eastern Spain) and the ecological, historical and cultural value of the traditional knowledge on fishing maintained by local people. We have compiled data from different information sources: (1) the revision of historical archives, (2) personal interviews and collaborative research, and (3) ecological and water quality data. The results show that the area sustains important fish fauna diversity (17 species) and that local people have inherited a considerable traditional knowledge on fishing methods (11 modalities), on the maintenance and sound management of the water system and on the ecology and behaviour of fish. We conclude that a comprehensive consideration of all these ecological, historical and socio-cultural aspects related to fish and fishing shows clearly the value of this ecological and cultural heritage and provides a necessary base for a sustainable management of the area.
Se publican las noticias que ha arrojado la excavación en 2004 de unos muros situados en la denominada playa de El Moncayo. Los hallazgos se sitúan a unos 3 kilómetros al Sur del casco urbano de Guardamar del Segura; a unos 135 m. en dirección Norte está la Torre del Descargador (torre almenara de los siglos IV/X y V/XI), a unos 3,5 kilómetros se localiza El Castillo de Guardamar (de los siglos VIII a.C. al XIX) y, un poco más al Norte, a unos 4 kilómetros, en las proximidades de la desembocadura del Segura, los oratorios o rábitas de las dunas de Guardamar. Se dan a conocer los restos arquitectónicos y cerámicos aparecidos en la excavación del 2004 que se interpretan como de restos del recinto de una rábita o mezquitilla (cuando se excave más se verá si está aislada o hay más edificios similares), se presentan unos apuntes al hilo de la orientación de la rábita de El Moncayo y un estudio de la moneda andalusí hallada en la excavación de El Moncayo (datables entre en 429/1037-8 y 433/1041-2).
The assessment of the relationship between species diversity, species interactions and environmental characteristics is indispensable for understanding network architecture and ecological distribution in complex networks. Saproxylic insect communities inhabiting tree hollow microhabitats within Mediterranean woodlands are highly dependent on woodland configuration and on microhabitat supply they harbor, so can be studied under the network analysis perspective. We assessed the differences in interacting patterns according to woodland site, and analysed the importance of functional species in modelling network architecture. We then evaluated their implications for saproxylic assemblages’ persistence, through simulations of three possible scenarios of loss of tree hollow microhabitat. Tree hollow-saproxylic insect networks per woodland site presented a significant nested pattern. Those woodlands with higher complexity of tree individuals and tree hollow microhabitats also housed higher species/interactions diversity and complexity of saproxylic networks, and exhibited a higher degree of nestedness, suggesting that a higher woodland complexity positively influences saproxylic diversity and interaction complexity, thus determining higher degree of nestedness. Moreover, the number of insects acting as key interconnectors (nodes falling into the core region, using core/periphery tests) was similar among woodland sites, but the species identity varied on each. Such differences in insect core composition among woodland sites suggest the functional role they depict at woodland scale. Tree hollows acting as core corresponded with large tree hollows near the ground and simultaneously housing various breeding microsites, whereas core insects were species mediating relevant ecological interactions within saproxylic communities, e.g. predation, competitive or facilitation interactions. Differences in network patterns and tree hollow characteristics among woodland sites clearly defined different sensitivity to microhabitat loss, and higher saproxylic diversity and woodland complexity showed positive relation with robustness. These results highlight that woodland complexity goes hand in hand with biotic and ecological complexity of saproxylic networks, and together exhibited positive effects on network robustness.