8 resultados para MCI

em Universidad de Alicante


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Estudi sobre l'obra dramàtica de Francesc Renart, inventari i inicis del sainet costumista català del Vuit-cents.


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Sandstone petrography and mudstone mineralogy and geochemistry of Triassic mudstones and sandstones from continental redbeds of the Malaguide Complex (Betic Cordillera, southern Spain) provide useful information on provenance, palaeoclimate and geodynamics during the early stages of the Pangea break-up, and on their diagenetic evolution. The sandstones are quartzarenites to sub-litharenites, with minor lithic fragments and rare feldspars. The mudstone samples show a PAAS like elemental distribution. The samples likely record recycling processes from their metasedimentary basement rocks that significantly affected the weathering indices, and monitors cumulative effects, including a first cycle of weathering at the source rocks. Sandstone composition and chemical–mineralogical features of mudstones record a provenance derived from continental block and recycled orogen that were weathered under warm and episodically wet climate. Source areas were located towards the east of the present-day Malaguide outcrops, and were formed by fairly silicic rock types, made up mainly of Palaezoic metasedimentary rocks, similar to those of the Paleozoic underlying series, with subordinate contributions from magmatic–metamorphic sources, and a rare supply from mafic metavolcanic rocks. Clay-mineral distribution of mudstones is dominated by illite and illite/smectite mixed-layer that result from differences in provenance, weathering, and burial/temperature history. Illite crystallinity values, illitization of kaolinite, occurrence of typical authigenic minerals and apatite fission-track studies, coupled with a subsidence analysis of the whole Malaguide succession suggest burial depths of at least 4–6 km with temperatures of 140–160 °C, typical of the burial diagenetic stage, and confirm the Middle Miocene exhumation of the Betic Internal Domain tectonic stack topped by the Malaguide Complex.


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New data on brachiopod assemblages recorded in the Eastern Subbetic area (Alicante, SE Spain) and attributed to the Early Bajocian (Humphriesianum Zone and/or immediately older) are provided. Eleven species have been distinguished and reported for the first time in the Subbetic domain of the Betic Cordillera. The description of the morphological evidences on each analysed taxa, especially in relation to their internal morphology, brings new implications in the systematics of the Middle Jurassic brachiopods. The analysis of faunistic affinity between the recorded assemblages and those from other palaeogeographic domains, shows that the Subbetic brachiopod fauna has a clear Mediterranean affinity, as proved by the different species belonging to the genera Striirhynchia, Septocrurella, Mondegia?, Karadagithyris, Linguithyris, Papodina?, Viallithyris?, and Zugmayeria?. It is also evidenced that the Early-Middle Jurassic transition in the Eastern Subbetic accounted, in qualitative terms, a remarkable interval of faunistic renewal in the brachiopod assemblages, strongly influenced by a complex tectonic and stratigraphic framework controlled by a period of intense extensional tectonics, globally framed in the evolution of the Atlantic Ocean.


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The marine stratigraphic record of the Granada Basin (central Betic Cordillera, Spain) is composed of three Late Miocene genetic units deposited in different sea-level contexts (from base to top): Unit I (sea-level rise), Unit II (high sea-level), and Unit III (low sea-level). The latter mainly consists of evaporites precipitated in a shallow-basin setting. Biostratigraphic analyses based on planktonic foraminifera and calcareous nannoplankton indicate four late Tortonian bioevents (PF1-CN1, PF2, PF3, and PF4), which can be correlated with astronomically-dated events in other sections of the Mediterranean. PF1-CN1 (7.89 Ma) is characterized by the influx of the Globorotalia conomiozea group (including typical forms of Globorotalia mediterranea) and by the first common occurrence of Discoaster surculus; PF2 (7.84 Ma) is marked by the first common occurrence of Globorotalia suterae; PF3 (7.69 Ma) is typified by the influx of dextral Neogloboquadrina acostaensis; and PF4 (7.37 Ma) is defined by the influx of the Globorotalia menardii group II (dextral forms). The PF1 event occurred in the upper part of Unit I, whereas PF2 to PF4 events occurred successively within Unit II. The age of Unit III (evaporites) can only be estimated in its lower part based on the presence of dextral Globorotalia scitula, which, together with the absence of the first common occurrence of the G. conomiozea group (7.24 Ma), points to the latest Tortonian. Comparisons with data from the other Betic basins indicate that the evaporitic phase of the Granada Basin (7.37–7.24 Ma) is not synchronous with those from the Lorca Basin (7.80 Ma) and the Fortuna Basin (7.6 Ma). In the Bajo Segura Basin (easternmost Betic Cordillera), no evaporite deposition occurred during the late Tortonian. The evaporitic unit of the Granada Basin (central Betics) records the late Tortonian restriction of the Betic seaway (the marine connection between the Atlantic and Mediterranean). The diachrony in the restriction of the Betic seaway is related to differing tectonic movements in the central and eastern sectors of the Betic Cordillera.


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El final del Serravalliense y principio del Tortoniense es un periodo de fuerte actividad tectónica en la Cordillera Bética. Además, existe un debate sobre la existencia de sedimentos de edad Tortoniense inferior al no existir claras atribuciones fósiles en esa edad. Estos sedimentos se asignan a dicha edad por criterios indirectos, tanto estratigráficos como por la ausencia de contenido fósil más antiguo o más reciente. En este trabajo se describe la sección compuesta de Les Moreres-Albatera, que es probablemente una de las secciones más completas de edad Tortoniense en la bibliografía de la Cordillera Bética, pese a tener un importante hiato de cerca de 1 Millón de años ligado a un evento tectónico intra-Tortoniense. La sección presenta dos unidades litológicas calizas a la base (El Castellà) y al techo (Las Ventanas) y dos unidades intermedias margosas, la inferior, llamada Les Moreres, y la superior, Galería de los Suizos se encuentran separadas por el conglomerado de la Raya del Búho. Se han identificado las biozonas de nanofósiles calcáreos CN5b/NN7 a CN9a/NN11a (Okada & Bukry, 1980; Martini, 1971) y de foraminíferos planctónicos de MMi9 a MMi12a (Lourens et al., 2004). La biostratigrafía de los primeros ha permitido identificar un hiato que incluye la parte alta de las biozonas CN7/NN9 hasta la parte baja de CN9a/NN11a (Okada & Bukry, 1980; Martini, 1971). La integración de los datos biostratigráficos con los paleomagnéticos en la sección Albatera permite la calibración del límite de los magnetocrones C4r.1r/C4n.2n.


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The decomposition of five different biomass samples was studied in a horizontal laboratory reactor. The samples consisted of esparto grass, straw, Posidonea Oceanic seaweed, waste from urban and agricultural pruning and waste from forest pruning. Both pyrolysis in inert atmosphere and combustion in the presence of oxygen were studied. Different heating rates were used by varying the input speed. Major gas compounds were analyzed. The experimental results show that the amount of CO formed is lower in less dense species. It is also found that there is an increase of hydrocarbons formed at increasing feeding rates, in particular methane, while there is a decrease in the production of hydrogen.


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Aquesta comunicació s’emmarca en la realització del projecte «La literatura catalana en el ochocientos: liberalismo, renaixença(ces), modernidad» (MCI, FFI2008-01548/FILO).


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Support for this work was provided by PROMETEO/2009/043/FEDER of Generalitat Valenciana (Spain) and CTQ2008-05520 (Spanish MCI/research).