3 resultados para Leakage.
em Universidad de Alicante
The Lomb periodogram has been traditionally a tool that allows us to elucidate if a frequency turns out to be important for explaining the behaviour of a given time series. Many linear and nonlinear reiterative harmonic processes that are used for studying the spectral content of a time series take into account this periodogram in order to avoid including spurious frequencies in their models due to the leakage problem of energy from one frequency to others. However, the estimation of the periodogram requires long computation time that makes the harmonic analysis slower when we deal with certain time series. Here we propose an algorithm that accelerates the extraction of the most remarkable frequencies from the periodogram, avoiding its whole estimation of the harmonic process at each iteration. This algorithm allows the user to perform a specific analysis of a given scalar time series. As a result, we obtain a functional model made of (1) a trend component, (2) a linear combination of Fourier terms, and (3) the so-called mixed secular terms by reducing the computation time of the estimation of the periodogram.
Heavy metal-based quantum dots (QDs) have demonstrated to behave as efficient sensitizers in QD-sensitized solar cells (QDSSCs), as attested by the countless works and encouraging efficiencies reported so far. However, their intrinsic toxicity has arisen as a major issue for the prospects of commercialization. Here, we examine the potential of environmentally friendly zinc copper indium sulfide (ZCIS) QDs for the fabrication of liquid-junction QDSSCs by means of photoelectrochemical measurements. A straightforward approach to directly adsorb ZCIS QDs on TiO2 from a colloidal dispersion is presented. Incident photon-to-current efficiency (IPCE) spectra of sensitized photoanodes show a marked dependence on the adsorption time, with longer times leading to poorer performances. Cyclic voltammograms point to a blockage of the channels of the mesoporous TiO2 film by the agglomeration of QDs as the main reason for the decrease in efficiency. Photoanodes were also submitted to the ZnS treatment. Its effects on electron recombination with the electrolyte are analyzed through electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and photopotential measurements. The corresponding results bring out the role of the ZnS coating as a barrier layer preventing electron leakage toward the electrolyte, as argued in other QD-sensitized systems. The beneficial effect of the ZnS coating is ultimately reflected on the power conversion efficiency of complete devices, reaching values of 2 %. In a more general vein, through these findings, we aim to call the attention to the potentiality of this quaternary alloy, virtually unexplored as a light harvester for sensitized devices.
Glutaraldehyde is one of the most widely used reagents in the design of biocatalysts. It is a powerful crosslinker, able to react with itself, with the advantages that this may bring forth. In this review, we intend to give a general vision of its potential and the precautions that must be taken when using this effective reagent. First, the chemistry of the glutaraldehyde/amino reaction will be commented upon. This reaction is still not fully clarified, but it seems to be based on the formation of 6-membered heterocycles formed by 5 C and one O. Then, we will discuss the production of intra- and inter-molecular enzyme crosslinks (increasing enzyme rigidity or preventing subunit dissociation in multimeric enzymes). Special emphasis will be placed on the preparation of cross-linked enzyme aggregates (CLEAs), mainly in enzymes that have low density of surface reactive groups and, therefore, may be problematic to obtain a final solid catalyst. Next, we will comment on the uses of glutaraldehyde in enzymes previously immobilized on supports. First, the treatment of enzymes immobilized on supports that cannot react with glutaraldehyde (only inter and intramolecular cross-linkings will be possible) to prevent enzyme leakage and obtain some enzyme stabilization via cross-linking. Second, the cross-linking of enzymes adsorbed on aminated supports, where together with other reactions enzyme/support crosslinking is also possible; the enzyme is incorporated into the support. Finally, we will present the use of aminated supports preactivated with glutaraldehyde. Optimal glutaraldehyde modifications will be discussed in each specific case (one or two glutaraldehyde molecules for amino group in the support and/or the protein). Using preactivated supports, the heterofunctional nature of the supports will be highlighted, with the drawbacks and advantages that the heterofunctionality may have. Particular attention will be paid to the control of the first event that causes the immobilization depending on the experimental conditions to alter the enzyme orientation regarding the support surface. Thus, glutaraldehyde, an apparently old fashioned reactive, remains the most widely used and with broadest application possibilities among the compounds used for the design of biocatalyst.