14 resultados para High-pressure Rocks

em Universidad de Alicante


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Activated carbons prepared from petroleum pitch and using KOH as activating agent exhibit an excellent behavior in CO2 capture both at atmospheric (∼168 mg CO2/g at 298 K) and high pressure (∼1500 mg CO2/g at 298 K and 4.5 MPa). However, an exhaustive evaluation of the adsorption process shows that the optimum carbon structure, in terms of adsorption capacity, depends on the final application. Whereas narrow micropores (pores below 0.6 nm) govern the sorption behavior at 0.1 MPa, large micropores/small mesopores (pores below 2.0–3.0 nm) govern the sorption behavior at high pressure (4.5 MPa). Consequently, an optimum sorbent exhibiting a high working capacity for high pressure applications, e.g., pressure-swing adsorption units, will require a poorly-developed narrow microporous structure together with a highly-developed wide microporous and small mesoporous network. The appropriate design of the preparation conditions gives rise to carbon materials with an extremely high delivery capacity ∼1388 mg CO2/g between 4.5 MPa and 0.1 MPa. Consequently, this study provides guidelines for the design of carbon materials with an improved ability to remove carbon dioxide from the environment at atmospheric and high pressure.


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Natural gas storage on porous materials (ANG) is a promising alternative to conventional on-board compressed (CNG) or liquefied natural gas (LNG). To date, Metal–organic framework (MOF) materials have apparently been the only system published in the literature that is able to reach the new Department of Energy (DOE) value of 263 cm3 (STP: 273.15 K, 1 atm)/cm3; however, this value was obtained by using the ideal single-crystal density to calculate the volumetric capacity. Here, we prove experimentally, and for the first time, that properly designed activated carbon materials can really achieve the new DOE value while avoiding the additional drawback usually associated with MOF materials (i.e., the low mechanical stability under pressure (conforming), which is required for any practical application).


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In situ high pressure 129Xe NMR spectroscopy in combination with volumetric adsorption measurements were used for the textural characterization of different carbon materials with well-defined porosity including microporous carbide-derived carbons, ordered mesoporous carbide-derived carbon, and ordered mesoporous CMK-3. Adsorption/desorption isotherms were measured also by NMR up to relative pressures close to p/p0 = 1 at 237 K. The 129Xe NMR chemical shift of xenon adsorbed in porous carbons is found to be correlated with the pore size in analogy to other materials such as zeolites. In addition, these measurements were performed loading the samples with n-nonane. Nonane molecules preferentially block the micropores. However, 129Xe NMR spectroscopy proves that the nonane also influences the mesopores, thus providing information about the pore system in hierarchically structured materials.


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In relation to the current interest on gas storage demand for environmental applications (e.g., gas transportation, and carbon dioxide capture) and for energy purposes (e.g., methane and hydrogen), high pressure adsorption (physisorption) on highly porous sorbents has become an attractive option. Considering that for high pressure adsorption, the sorbent requires both, high porosity and high density, the present paper investigates gas storage enhancement on selected carbon adsorbents, both on a gravimetric and on a volumetric basis. Results on carbon dioxide, methane, and hydrogen adsorption at room temperature (i.e., supercritical and subcritical gases) are reported. From the obtained results, the importance of both parameters (porosity and density) of the adsorbents is confirmed. Hence, the densest of the different carbon materials used is selected to study a scale-up gas storage system, with a 2.5 l cylinder tank containing 2.64 kg of adsorbent. The scale-up results are in agreement with the laboratory scale ones and highlight the importance of the adsorbent density for volumetric storage performances, reaching, at 20 bar and at RT, 376 g l-1, 104 g l-1, and 2.4 g l-1 for CO2, CH4,and H2, respectively.


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A series of carbide-derived carbons (CDC) have been prepared starting from TiC and using different chlorine treatment temperatures (500–1200 °C). Contrary to N2 adsorption measurements at −196 °C, CO2 adsorption measurements at room temperature and high pressure (up to 1 MPa) together with immersion calorimetry measurements into dichloromethane suggest that the synthesized CDC exhibit a similar porous structure, in terms of narrow pore volume, independently of the temperature of the reactive extraction treatment used (samples synthesized below 1000 °C). Apparently, these carbide-derived carbons exhibit narrow constrictions were CO2 adsorption under standard conditions (0 °C and atmospheric pressure) is kinetically restricted. The same accounts for a slightly larger molecule as N2 at a lower adsorption temperature (−196 °C), i.e. textural parameters obtained from N2 adsorption measurements on CDC must be underestimated. Furthermore, here we show experimentally that nitrogen exhibits an unusual behavior, poor affinity, on these carbide-derived carbons. CH4 with a slightly larger diameter (0.39 nm) is able to partially access the inner porous structure whereas N2, with a slightly smaller diameter (0.36 nm), does not. Consequently, these CDC can be envisaged as excellent sorbent for selective CO2 capture in flue-gas streams.


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Two petroleum residues were pyrolyzed under two different conditions to obtain pitches with low or high mesophase content. The effect of the KOH: precursor ratio and the activation temperature on the packing density and porous texture of the carbons have been studied and optimized. Activated carbons combining high micropore volume (>1 cm3/g) and high packing density (0.7 g/cm3) have been successfully prepared. Regarding excess methane adsorption capacities, the best results (160 cm3 (STP)/cm3 at 25 °C and 3.5 MPa) were obtained using the pitch with the higher content of the more organized mesophase, activated at relatively low temperature (700 °C), with a medium KOH: precursor ratio (3:1). Some of the activated carbons exhibit enhanced adsorption capacity at high pressure, giving values as high as 175 cm3 (STP)/cm3 at 25 °C and 5 MPa and 200 cm3 (STP)/cm3 at 25 °C and 10 MPa (the same amount as in an empty cylinder but at half of the pressure), indicating a contribution of large micropores and narrow mesopores to adsorption at high pressure. The density of methane in pores between 1 and 2.5 nm at pressure up to 10 MPa was estimated to understand their contribution to the total adsorption capacity.


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In the literature, different approaches, terminologies, concepts and equations are used for calculating gas storage capacities. Very often, these approaches are not well defined, used and/or determined, giving rise to significant misconceptions. Even more, some of these approaches, very much associated with the type of adsorbent material used (e.g., porous carbons or new materials such as COFs and MOFs), impede a suitable comparison of their performances for gas storage applications. We review and present the set of equations used to assess the total storage capacity for which, contrarily to the absolute adsorption assessment, all its experimental variables can be determined experimentally without assumptions, ensuring the comparison of different porous storage materials for practical application. These material-based total storage capacities are calculated by taking into account the excess adsorption, the bulk density (ρbulk) and the true density (ρtrue) of the adsorbent. The impact of the material densities on the results are investigated for an exemplary hydrogen isotherm obtained at room temperature and up to 20 MPa. It turns out that the total storage capacity on a volumetric basis, which increases with both, ρbulk and ρtrue, is the most appropriate tool for comparing the performance of storage materials. However, the use of the total storage capacities on a gravimetric basis cannot be recommended, because low material bulk densities could lead to unrealistically high gravimetric values.


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The optimal integration of work and its interaction with heat can represent large energy savings in industrial plants. This paper introduces a new optimization model for the simultaneous synthesis of work exchange networks (WENs), with heat integration for the optimal pressure recovery of process gaseous streams. The proposed approach for the WEN synthesis is analogous to the well-known problem of synthesis of heat exchanger networks (HENs). Thus, there is work exchange between high-pressure (HP) and low-pressure (LP) streams, achieved by pressure manipulation equipment running on common axes. The model allows the use of several units of single-shaft-turbine-compressor (SSTC), as well as stand-alone compressors, turbines and valves. Helper motors and generators are used to respond to any demand and excess of energy. Moreover, between the WEN stages the streams are sent to the HEN to promote thermal recovery, aiming to enhance the work integration. A multi-stage superstructure is proposed to represent the process. The WEN superstructure is optimized in a mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) formulation and solved with the GAMS software, with the goal of minimizing the total annualized cost. Three examples are conducted to verify the accuracy of the proposed method. In all case studies, the heat integration between WEN stages is essential to improve the pressure recovery, and to reduce the total costs involved in the process.


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Advanced porous materials with tailored porosity (extremely high development of microporosity together with a narrow micropore size distribution (MPSD)) are required in energy and environmental related applications. Lignocellulosic biomass derived HTC carbons are good precursors for the synthesis of activated carbons (ACs) via KOH chemical activation. However, more research is needed in order to tailor the microporosity for those specific applications. In the present work, the influence of the precursor and HTC temperature on the porous properties of the resulting ACs is analyzed, remarking that, regardless of the precursor, highly microporous ACs could be generated. The HTC temperature was found to be an extremely influential parameter affecting the porosity development and the MPSD of the ACs. Tuning of the MPSD of the ACs was achieved by modification of the HTC temperature. Promising preliminary results in gas storage (i.e. CO2 capture and high pressure CH4 storage) were obtained with these materials, showing the effectiveness of this synthesis strategy in converting a low value lignocellulosic biomass into a functional carbon material with high performance in gas storage applications.


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In this study wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) sludge was subjected to a reactive pyrolysis treatment to produce a high quality pyro-oil. Sludge was treated in supercritical conditions in the presence of methanol using hexane as cosolvent in a high pressure lab-autoclave. The variables affecting the pyro-oil yield and the product quality, such as mass ratio of alcohol to sludge, presence of cosolvent and temperature, were investigated. It was found that the use of a non-polar cosolvent (hexane) presents advantages in the production of high quality pyro-oil from sludge: increase of the non-polar pyro-oil yield and a considerable reduction of the amount of methanol needed to carry out the transesterification of fatty acids present in the sludge.


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A high percentage of hydrocarbon (HC) emissions from gasoline vehicles occur during the cold-start period. Among the alternatives proposed to reduce these HC emissions, the use of zeolites before the three-way catalyst (TWC) is thought to be very effective. Zeolites are the preferred adsorbents for this application; however, to avoid high pressure drops, supported zeolites are needed. In this work, two coating methods (dip-coating and in situ crystallization) are optimized to prepare BETA zeolite thin films supported on honeycomb monoliths with tunable properties. The important effect of the density of the thin film in the final performance as a HC trap is demonstrated. A highly effective HC trap is prepared showing 100 % toluene retention, accomplishing the desired performance as a HC trap, desorbing propene at temperatures close to 300 °C, and remaining stable after cycling. The use of this material before the TWC is very promising, and works towards achieving the sustainability and environmental protection goals.


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This paper introduces a new optimization model for the simultaneous synthesis of heat and work exchange networks. The work integration is performed in the work exchange network (WEN), while the heat integration is carried out in the heat exchanger network (HEN). In the WEN synthesis, streams at high-pressure (HP) and low-pressure (LP) are subjected to pressure manipulation stages, via turbines and compressors running on common shafts and stand-alone equipment. The model allows the use of several units of single-shaft-turbine-compressor (SSTC), as well as helper motors and generators to respond to any shortage and/or excess of energy, respectively, in the SSTC axes. The heat integration of the streams occurs in the HEN between each WEN stage. Thus, as the inlet and outlet streams temperatures in the HEN are dependent of the WEN design, they must be considered as optimization variables. The proposed multi-stage superstructure is formulated in mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP), in order to minimize the total annualized cost composed by capital and operational expenses. A case study is conducted to verify the accuracy of the proposed approach. The results indicate that the heat integration between the WEN stages is essential to enhance the work integration, and to reduce the total cost of process due the need of a smaller amount of hot and cold utilities.


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This study describes a novel spectral LED-based tunable light source used for customized lighting solutions, especially for the reconstruction of CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) standard illuminants. The light source comprises 31 spectral bands ranging from 400 to 700 nm, an integrating cube and a control board with a 16-bit resolution. A minimization algorithm to calculate the weighting values for each channel was applied to reproduce illuminants with precision. The differences in spectral fitting and colorimetric parameters showed that the reconstructed spectra were comparable to the standard, especially for the D65, D50, A and E illuminants. Accurate results were also obtained for illuminants with narrow peaks such as fluorescents (F2 and F11) and a high-pressure sodium lamp (HP1). In conclusion, the developed spectral LED-based light source and the minimization algorithm are able to reproduce any CIE standard illuminants with a high spectral and colorimetric accuracy able to advance available custom lighting systems useful in the industry and other fields such as museum lighting.


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There are many models in the literature that have been proposed in the last decades aimed at assessing the reliability, availability and maintainability (RAM) of safety equipment, many of them with a focus on their use to assess the risk level of a technological system or to search for appropriate design and/or surveillance and maintenance policies in order to assure that an optimum level of RAM of safety systems is kept during all the plant operational life. This paper proposes a new approach for RAM modelling that accounts for equipment ageing and maintenance and testing effectiveness of equipment consisting of multiple items in an integrated manner. This model is then used to perform the simultaneous optimization of testing and maintenance for ageing equipment consisting of multiple items. An example of application is provided, which considers a simplified High Pressure Injection System (HPIS) of a typical Power Water Reactor (PWR). Basically, this system consists of motor driven pumps (MDP) and motor operated valves (MOV), where both types of components consists of two items each. These components present different failure and cause modes and behaviours, and they also undertake complex test and maintenance activities depending on the item involved. The results of the example of application demonstrate that the optimization algorithm provide the best solutions when the optimization problem is formulated and solved considering full flexibility in the implementation of testing and maintenance activities taking part of such an integrated RAM model.