7 resultados para Health management system
em Universidad de Alicante
This study aims to analyze how middle-level health systems’ managers understand the integration of a health care response to intimate partner violence (IPV) within the Spanish health system. Data were obtained through 26 individual interviews with professionals in charge of coordinating the health care response to IPV within the 17 regional health systems in Spain. The transcripts were analyzed following grounded theory in accordance with the constructivist approach described by Charmaz. Three categories emerged, showing the efforts and challenges to integrate a health care response to IPV within the Spanish health system: “IPV is a complex issue that generates activism and/or resistance,” “The mandate to integrate a health sector response to IPV: a priority not always prioritized,” and “The Spanish health system: respectful with professionals’ autonomy and firmly biomedical.” The core category, “Developing diverse responses to IPV integration,” crosscut the three categories and encompassed the range of different responses that emerge when a strong mandate to integrate a health care response to IPV is enacted. Such responses ranged from refraining to deal with the issue to offering a women-centered response. Attempting to integrate a response to nonbiomedical health problems as IPV into health systems that remain strongly biomedicalized is challenging and strongly dependent both on the motivation of professionals and on organizational factors. Implementing and sustaining changes in the structure and culture of the health care system are needed if a health care response to IPV that fulfills the World Health Organization guidelines is to be ensured.
The construction industry has long been considered as highly fragmented and non-collaborative industry. This fragmentation sprouted from complex and unstructured traditional coordination processes and information exchanges amongst all parties involved in a construction project. This nature coupled with risk and uncertainty has pushed clients and their supply chain to search for new ways of improving their business process to deliver better quality and high performing product. This research will closely investigate the need to implement a Digital Nervous System (DNS), analogous to a biological nervous system, on the flow and management of digital information across the project lifecycle. This will be through direct examination of the key processes and information produced in a construction project and how a DNS can provide a well-integrated flow of digital information throughout the project lifecycle. This research will also investigate how a DNS can create a tight digital feedback loop that enables the organisation to sense, react and adapt to changing project conditions. A Digital Nervous System is a digital infrastructure that provides a well-integrated flow of digital information to the right part of the organisation at the right time. It provides the organisation with the relevant and up-to-date information it needs, for critical project issues, to aid in near real-time decision-making. Previous literature review and survey questionnaires were used in this research to collect and analyse data about information management problems of the industry – e.g. disruption and discontinuity of digital information flow due to interoperability issues, disintegration/fragmentation of the adopted digital solutions and paper-based transactions. Results analysis revealed efficient and effective information management requires the creation and implementation of a DNS.
In the chemical textile domain experts have to analyse chemical components and substances that might be harmful for their usage in clothing and textiles. Part of this analysis is performed searching opinions and reports people have expressed concerning these products in the Social Web. However, this type of information on the Internet is not as frequent for this domain as for others, so its detection and classification is difficult and time-consuming. Consequently, problems associated to the use of chemical substances in textiles may not be detected early enough, and could lead to health problems, such as allergies or burns. In this paper, we propose a framework able to detect, retrieve, and classify subjective sentences related to the chemical textile domain, that could be integrated into a wider health surveillance system. We also describe the creation of several datasets with opinions from this domain, the experiments performed using machine learning techniques and different lexical resources such as WordNet, and the evaluation focusing on the sentiment classification, and complaint detection (i.e., negativity). Despite the challenges involved in this domain, our approach obtains promising results with an F-score of 65% for polarity classification and 82% for complaint detection.
La Ley General de Sanidad 14/1986 de 25 de Abril posibilitó el tránsito del antiguo modelo de Seguridad Social al actual modelo de Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS), financiado con impuestos y de cobertura prácticamente universal. Desde entonces se han producido profundos cambios en el sistema que culminaron en el año 2002 con la descentralización total de competencias en materia de salud en las Comunidades Autónomas. La regulación nacional de competencias en materia de salud se realiza desde el Consejo Interterritorial del Sistema Nacional de Salud, organismo que agrupa a los máximos responsables autonómicos en materia de salud de cada Comunidad Autónoma y que tiene entre otras, la responsabilidad de evitar las desigualdades en servicios sanitarios dentro del territorio nacional. La creación y competencias del Consejo Interterritorial quedan recogidas en la Ley 16/2003 de 28 de mayo de Cohesión de la calidad del Sistema Nacional de Salud. La cartera de servicios comunes del SNS se establece en el Real Decreto 1030/2006 de 15 de Septiembre, actualizando el Real Decreto 63/1995 de 20 de enero sobre Ordenación de las prestaciones sanitarias, resultando del actual marco legislativo con la descentralización de competencias y gestión de los presupuestos un horizonte de posible variabilidad en los modelos de gestión de cada CCAA, que, si bien deben garantizar la universalidad de las prestaciones, también ofrece una diversidad de modalidades de gestionar los recursos en materia de salud. En cuanto al estado de salud de los españoles, destacar que la esperanza de vida al nacer se sitúa en 79,9 años, superior a la media europea, 78,3 años, y la esperanza de vida ajustada por incapacidad fue en 2002 de 72,6 años en España respecto a los 70,8 de la UE. Según cifras del propio Ministerio de Sanidad, la percepción de la salud de los ciudadanos fue positiva para un 73% de los hombres y un 63,2 de las mujeres. Alrededor del 60% de la población tiene un peso normal y la morbilidad sitúa en los primeros lugares las enfermedades del aparato circulatorio, el cáncer y las enfermedades del aparato respiratorio (CIE-9). El gasto sanitario en España, es un capítulo presupuestario importante, al situarse en torno al 7,5 del P.I.B, y los recursos e inversiones presentan aparentes desigualdades autonómicas. Los modelos de gestión y dependencia patrimonial de los recursos, variables entre Autonomías, plantean la necesidad de monitorizar un seguimiento que permita evaluar en los próximos diez años el impacto de la descentralización de competencias del Sistema. La estructura del Sistema tiene dos niveles asistenciales mayoritarios, atención primaria y especializada, absorbiendo la atención especializada la mayor parte del presupuesto. El incremento del gasto sanitario y la universalidad de las prestaciones han condicionado en gran medida la implantación de modelos de gestión diferentes a los tradicionales. Esta situación no es exclusiva del Estado Español. En los Estados del entorno de la Unión Europea, el Consejo de Ministros de Sanidad de la UE en su sesión celebrada los días 1 y 2 de Junio de 200625 concluyeron un documento que recoge los valores y principios comunes de los sistemas sanitarios de los países de la Unión Europea, resaltando los principios y valores de los sistemas sanitarios como soporte estructural de dichos estados. Como conclusión, en este momento (2007) el Sistema Nacional de Salud Español, está inmerso en un proceso de trasformación orientado a garantizar la eficiencia de las prestaciones de manera responsable, es decir, ofertar al ciudadano la mejor calidad de servicios al mínimo coste.
The main objective of the present work is to analyze the results of the utilization and evaluation of the LORETO Record System (LRS), providing improvement areas in the teaching-learning process and technology, in second year nursing students. A descriptive, prospective, cross sectional study using inferential statics has been carried out on all electronic records reported by 55 nursing students during clinical internships (April 1º-June 26º, 2013). Electronic record average rated 7.22 points (s=0.6; CV=0.083), with differences based on the clinical practice units (p<0,05). Three items assessed did not exceed the quality threshold set at 0.7 (p<0.05). Record Rate exceeds the quality threshold set at 80% for the overall sample, with differences based on the practice units. Only two clinical practice units rated above the minimum threshold (p <0.05). Record of care provision every 3 days did not reach the estimated quality threshold (p <0.05). There is a dichotomy between qualitative and quantitative results of LRS. Improvement areas in theoretical education have been identified. The LRS seems an appropriate learning and assessment tool, although the development of a new APP version and the application of principles of gamification should be explored.
Society, as we know it today, is completely dependent on computer networks, Internet and distributed systems, which place at our disposal the necessary services to perform our daily tasks. Moreover, and unconsciously, all services and distributed systems require network management systems. These systems allow us to, in general, maintain, manage, configure, scale, adapt, modify, edit, protect or improve the main distributed systems. Their role is secondary and is unknown and transparent to the users. They provide the necessary support to maintain the distributed systems whose services we use every day. If we don’t consider network management systems during the development stage of main distributed systems, then there could be serious consequences or even total failures in the development of the distributed systems. It is necessary, therefore, to consider the management of the systems within the design of distributed systems and systematize their conception to minimize the impact of the management of networks within the project of distributed systems. In this paper, we present a formalization method of the conceptual modelling for design of a network management system through the use of formal modelling tools, thus allowing from the definition of processes to identify those responsible for these. Finally we will propose a use case to design a conceptual model intrusion detection system in network.
The purpose of this paper is to identify the benefits of integrated management systems by comparing them with the benefits obtained through the individual implementation of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards. The methodology used is a literature review based on an electronic search in the Web of Science, ScienceDirect, Scopus and Emerald databases. Findings show that although some benefits are common regardless the system management type, the benefits obtained with integration are greater than considering management systems separately because of the wider scope considered in integration. This is one of the first papers, to the best of our knowledge, to compare benefits from the two management systems standards when implemented separately and when integrated. In addition, some ideas are proposed for consideration in future research on the internalization of management systems and selection effect.