4 resultados para Fortuna
em Universidad de Alicante
Estudia la influència dels sainetes de Ramón de la Cruz en l'escena de Barcelona, i l'esperó que aquest model va suposar per a superar el vell esquema de l'entremés i donar pas al sainet costumista català. S'exemplifica aquest canvi amb "El sarao de la Patacada", de Josep Robrenyo, que pren com a model un títol del saineter madrileny.
The marine stratigraphic record of the Granada Basin (central Betic Cordillera, Spain) is composed of three Late Miocene genetic units deposited in different sea-level contexts (from base to top): Unit I (sea-level rise), Unit II (high sea-level), and Unit III (low sea-level). The latter mainly consists of evaporites precipitated in a shallow-basin setting. Biostratigraphic analyses based on planktonic foraminifera and calcareous nannoplankton indicate four late Tortonian bioevents (PF1-CN1, PF2, PF3, and PF4), which can be correlated with astronomically-dated events in other sections of the Mediterranean. PF1-CN1 (7.89 Ma) is characterized by the influx of the Globorotalia conomiozea group (including typical forms of Globorotalia mediterranea) and by the first common occurrence of Discoaster surculus; PF2 (7.84 Ma) is marked by the first common occurrence of Globorotalia suterae; PF3 (7.69 Ma) is typified by the influx of dextral Neogloboquadrina acostaensis; and PF4 (7.37 Ma) is defined by the influx of the Globorotalia menardii group II (dextral forms). The PF1 event occurred in the upper part of Unit I, whereas PF2 to PF4 events occurred successively within Unit II. The age of Unit III (evaporites) can only be estimated in its lower part based on the presence of dextral Globorotalia scitula, which, together with the absence of the first common occurrence of the G. conomiozea group (7.24 Ma), points to the latest Tortonian. Comparisons with data from the other Betic basins indicate that the evaporitic phase of the Granada Basin (7.37–7.24 Ma) is not synchronous with those from the Lorca Basin (7.80 Ma) and the Fortuna Basin (7.6 Ma). In the Bajo Segura Basin (easternmost Betic Cordillera), no evaporite deposition occurred during the late Tortonian. The evaporitic unit of the Granada Basin (central Betics) records the late Tortonian restriction of the Betic seaway (the marine connection between the Atlantic and Mediterranean). The diachrony in the restriction of the Betic seaway is related to differing tectonic movements in the central and eastern sectors of the Betic Cordillera.
La elección de examinar la contrarrevolución a través de sus mayores éxitos, las cuatro restauraciones victoriosas, y su derrota, la restauración fallida, puede enriquecer las perspectivas tradicionales sobre la resistencia y la crisis del Reino de las dos Sicilias. Los conflictos europeos, las guerras civiles, las construcciones estatales y la creación de identidades nacionales modernas son fenómenos que se entrecruzan con la complicada historia del reino napolitano. A través de la perspectiva de las restauraciones, bien dinásticas (1799 y 1815), o bien absolutistas (1821 y 1849), podemos insertar en un esquema interpretativo general la dialéctica entre conflicto interno y crisis internacionales, la interrelación con la formación de las ideas y adscripciones nacionalistas y la comparación con la contrarrevolución en el mundo borbónico. El paradigma del conflicto nos permite también el contraste con el más amplio mundo borbónico, francés y, sobre todo, iberoamericano. De este modo podemos reflexionar tanto sobre el éxito del legitimismo napolitano como sobre los términos de su derrota en 1860 y sobre las razones de su reciente fortuna en el imaginario colectivo italiano.
Two as-synthesized meso- and macro-porous siliceous materials (MPSMs), i.e., Al-MCM-41 and SBA-15, were mixed with tobacco to study their effect on tobacco smoke chemistry. A reference cigarette, 3R4F, and a commercial cigarette, Fortuna, containing different percentages of MPSM were smoked in a smoking machine, and the mainstream smoke was analyzed. SBA-15 showed the highest reductions of nicotine; close to 90% when it was added at 8 mass %. The superb behavior of these materials may be related to their high particulate matter filtering efficiency in combination with their catalytic activity. The selectivity of these materials with respect to nicotine was also analyzed. Al-MCM-41 presents higher selectivity for condensed compounds than for gases, whereas SBA-15 presents similar ratios for both fractions. The highest selectivity was obtained for the liquid fraction when smoking 3R4F cigarettes mixed with Al-MCM-41.