6 resultados para ECHELLE SPECTROGRAPH

em Universidad de Alicante


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Context. Four clusters of red supergiants have been discovered in a region of the Milky Way close to base of the Scutum-Crux Arm and the tip of the Long Bar. Population synthesis models indicate that they must be very massive to harbour so many supergiants. If the clusters are physically connected, this Scutum Complex would be the largest and most massive star-forming region ever identified in the Milky Way. Aims. The spatial extent of one of these clusters, RSGC3, has not been investigated. In this paper we explore the possibility that a population of red supergiants could be located in its vicinity. Methods. We utilised 2MASS JHKS photometry to identify candidate obscured luminous red stars in the vicinity of RSGC3. We observed a sample of candidates with the TWIN spectrograph on the 3.5-m telescope at Calar Alto, obtaining intermediate-resolution spectroscopy in the 8000−9000 Å range. We re-evaluated a number of classification criteria proposed in the literature for this spectral range and found that we could use our spectra to derive spectral types and luminosity classes. Results. We measured the radial velocity of five members of RSGC3, finding velocities similar to the average for members of Stephenson 2. Among the candidates observed outside the cluster, our spectra revealed eight M-type supergiants at distances <18′ from the centre of RSGC3, distributed in two clumps. The southern clump is most likely another cluster of red supergiants, with reddening and age identical to RSGC3. From 2MASS photometry, we identified four likely supergiant members of the cluster in addition to the five spectroscopically observed. The northern clump may be a small cluster with similar parameters. Photometric analysis of the area around RSGC3 suggests the presence of a large (>30) population of red supergiants with similar colours. Conclusions. Our data suggest that the massive cluster RSGC3 is surrounded by an extended association, which may be very massive ( ≳ 105 M⊙). We also show that supergiants in the Scutum Complex may be characterised via a combination of 2MASS photometry and intermediate-to-high-resolution spectroscopy in the Z band.


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Aims. We report near-infrared observations of the supergiant donor to the eclipsing high mass X-ray binary pulsar IGR J18027-2016. We aim to determine its spectral type and measure its radial velocity curve and hence determine the stellar masses of the components. Methods. ESO/VLT observations of the donor utilising the NIR spectrograph ISAAC were obtained in the H and K bands. The multi-epoch H band spectra were cross-correlated with RV templates in order to determine a radial solution for the system. Results. The spectral type of the donor was confirmed as B0-1 I. The radial velocity curve constructed has a semi-amplitude of 23.8 ± 3.1 km s-1. Combined with other measured system parameters, a dynamically determined neutron star mass of 1.4  ±  0.2–1.6  ±  0.3 M⊙ is found. The mass range of the B0-B1 I donor was 18.6  ±  0.8–21.8  ±  2.4 M⊙. These lower and upper limits were obtained under the assumption that the system is viewed edge-on (i = 90° with β = 0.89) for the lower limit and the donor fills its Roche lobe (β = 1 with i = 73.1°) for the upper limit respectively.


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Context. Several clusters of red supergiants have been discovered in a small region of the Milky Way close to the base of the Scutum-Crux Arm and the tip of the Long Bar. Population synthesis models indicate that they must be very massive to harbour so many supergiants. Amongst these clusters, Stephenson 2, with a core grouping of 26 red supergiants, is a strong candidate to be the most massive young cluster in the Galaxy. Aims. Stephenson 2 is located close to a region where a strong over-density of red supergiants had been found. We explore the actual cluster size and its possible connection to this over-density. Methods. Taking advantage of Virtual Observatory tools, we have performed a cross-match between the DENIS, USNO-B1 and 2MASS catalogues to identify candidate obscured luminous red stars around Stephenson 2, and in a control nearby region. More than 600 infrared bright stars fulfill our colour criteria, with the vast majority having a counterpart in the I band and >400 being sufficiently bright in I to allow observation with a 4-m class telescope. We observed a subsample of ~250 stars, using the multi-object, wide-field, fibre spectrograph AF2 on the WHT telescope in La Palma, obtaining intermediate-resolution spectroscopy in the 7500–9000 Å range. We derived spectral types and luminosity classes for all these objects and measured their radial velocities. Results. Our targets turned out to be G and K supergiants, late (≥ M4) M giants, and M-type bright giants (luminosity class II) and supergiants. We found ~35 red supergiants with radial velocities similar to Stephenson 2 members, spread over the two areas surveyed. In addition, we found ~40 red supergiants with radial velocities incompatible in principle with a physical association. Conclusions. Our results show that Stephenson 2 is not an isolated cluster, but part of a huge structure likely containing hundreds of red supergiants, with radial velocities compatible with the terminal velocity at this Galactic longitude (and a distance ~6 kpc). In addition, we found evidence of several populations of massive stars at different distances along this line of sight.


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This study analyzes the repeatability, reproducibility and accuracy of a new hyperspectral system based on a pushbroom sensor as a means of measuring spectral features and color of materials and objects. The hyperspectral system consisted of a CCD camera, a spectrograph and an objective lens. An additional linear moving system allowed the mechanical scanning of the complete scene. A uniform overhead luminaire with daylight configuration was used to irradiate the scene using d:45 geometry. We followed the guidelines of the ASTM E2214-08 Standard Practice for Specifying and Verifying the Performance of Color-Measuring Instruments that define the standards and latest multidimensional procedures. The results obtained are analyzed in-depth and compared to those recently reported by other authors for spectrophotometers and multispectral systems. It can be concluded that hyperspectral systems are reliable and can be used in the industry to perform spectral and color readings with a high spatial resolution.


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The Gaia-ESO Survey is a large public spectroscopic survey that aims to derive radial velocities and fundamental parameters of about 105 Milky Way stars in the field and in clusters. Observations are carried out with the multi-object optical spectrograph FLAMES, using simultaneously the medium-resolution (R ~ 20 000) GIRAFFE spectrograph and the high-resolution (R ~ 47 000) UVES spectrograph. In this paper we describe the methods and the software used for the data reduction, the derivation of the radial velocities, and the quality control of the FLAMES-UVES spectra. Data reduction has been performed using a workflow specifically developed for this project. This workflow runs the ESO public pipeline optimizing the data reduction for the Gaia-ESO Survey, automatically performs sky subtraction, barycentric correction and normalisation, and calculates radial velocities and a first guess of the rotational velocities. The quality control is performed using the output parameters from the ESO pipeline, by a visual inspection of the spectra and by the analysis of the signal-to-noise ratio of the spectra. Using the observations of the first 18 months, specifically targets observed multiple times at different epochs, stars observed with both GIRAFFE and UVES, and observations of radial velocity standards, we estimated the precision and the accuracy of the radial velocities. The statistical error on the radial velocities is σ ~ 0.4 km s-1 and is mainly due to uncertainties in the zero point of the wavelength calibration. However, we found a systematic bias with respect to the GIRAFFE spectra (~0.9 km s-1) and to the radial velocities of the standard stars (~0.5 km s-1) retrieved from the literature. This bias will be corrected in the future data releases, when a common zero point for all the set-ups and instruments used for the survey is be established.


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Context. The Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey is obtaining high-quality spectroscopy of some 100 000 Milky Way stars using the FLAMES spectrograph at the VLT, down to V = 19 mag, systematically covering all the main components of the Milky Way and providing the first homogeneous overview of the distributions of kinematics and chemical element abundances in the Galaxy. Observations of young open clusters, in particular, are giving new insights into their initial structure, kinematics, and their subsequent evolution. Aims. This paper describes the analysis of UVES and GIRAFFE spectra acquired in the fields of young clusters whose population includes pre-main sequence (PMS) stars. The analysis is applied to all stars in such fields, regardless of any prior information on membership, and provides fundamental stellar atmospheric parameters, elemental abundances, and PMS-specific parameters such as veiling, accretion, and chromospheric activity. Methods. When feasible, different methods were used to derive raw parameters (e.g. line equivalent widths) fundamental atmospheric parameters and derived parameters (e.g. abundances). To derive some of these parameters, we used methods that have been extensively used in the past and new ones developed in the context of the Gaia-ESO survey enterprise. The internal precision of these quantities was estimated by inter-comparing the results obtained by these different methods, while the accuracy was estimated by comparison with independent external data, such as effective temperature and surface gravity derived from angular diameter measurements, on a sample of benchmarks stars. A validation procedure based on these comparisons was applied to discard spurious or doubtful results and produce recommended parameters. Specific strategies were implemented to resolve problems of fast rotation, accretion signatures, chromospheric activity, and veiling. Results. The analysis carried out on spectra acquired in young cluster fields during the first 18 months of observations, up to June 2013, is presented in preparation of the first release of advanced data products. These include targets in the fields of the ρ Oph, Cha I, NGC 2264, γ Vel, and NGC 2547 clusters. Stellar parameters obtained with the higher resolution and larger wavelength coverage from UVES are reproduced with comparable accuracy and precision using the smaller wavelength range and lower resolution of the GIRAFFE setup adopted for young stars, which allows us to provide stellar parameters with confidence for the much larger GIRAFFE sample. Precisions are estimated to be ≈120 K rms in Teff, ≈0.3 dex rms in log g, and ≈0.15 dex rms in [Fe/H] for the UVES and GIRAFFE setups.