3 resultados para Debit Card
em Universidad de Alicante
Introducción: Existe una estimable probabilidad de cobertura vacunal insuficiente entre la población inmigrante. Los estudios realizados se centran en población infantil. Este trabajo explora la opinión y conocimientos sobre vacunas, así como la cobertura vacunal autodeclarada en población adulta inmigrante en edad laboral. Métodos: Estudio transversal basado en un cuestionario específico dirigido a inmigrantes entre 18-65 años residentes en la provincia de Alicante. Se realizó mediante entrevista personal a una muestra de 692 individuos entre febrero y abril de 2010. Resultados: Del total de encuestados, un 56,6% son mujeres, el 90,8% reside en España desde hace menos de 10 años y un 88,7% dispone de tarjeta sanitaria. Las comunidades rumanas y marroquíes son las que menos confianza muestran hacia las vacunas. Las más conocidas son las del tétanos (65,8%), la gripe (56,8%) y la hepatitis B (56,2%); a su vez, las más administradas son las del tétanos y la hepatitis B (entre los marroquíes), y la antigripal (entre los europeos). El colectivo marroquí es el peor vacunado en su país de origen y el que más vacunas ha recibido en España (1,3 vacunas/persona). Un 46,7% refiere haber sido inmunizado alguna vez en España, aconsejados principalmente en su centro de salud o el lugar de trabajo. Un 13,3% del colectivo rumano y un 4,7% del ecuatoriano declararon haber tenido alguna dificultad para ser vacunados. Conclusiones: Aunque existe una opinión general favorable hacia las vacunas, algunas nacionalidades muestran cierta indiferencia o desapego. El estado vacunal y la predisposición a vacunarse difiere entre nacionalidades. Sería muy conveniente reforzar la tarea realizada por los equipos de atención primaria y aprovechar las ocasiones que representa la visita a un centro sanitario para ampliar la cobertura vacunal del colectivo de inmigrantes adultos.
The microbiota of multi-pond solar salterns around the world has been analyzed using a variety of culture-dependent and molecular techniques. However, studies addressing the dynamic nature of these systems are very scarce. Here we have characterized the temporal variation during 1 year of the microbiota of five ponds with increasing salinity (from 18% to >40%), by means of CARD-FISH and DGGE. Microbial community structure was statistically correlated with several environmental parameters, including ionic composition and meteorological factors, indicating that the microbial community was dynamic as specific phylotypes appeared only at certain times of the year. In addition to total salinity, microbial composition was strongly influenced by temperature and specific ionic composition. Remarkably, DGGE analyses unveiled the presence of most phylotypes previously detected in hypersaline systems using metagenomics and other molecular techniques, such as the very abundant Haloquadratum and Salinibacter representatives or the recently described low GC Actinobacteria and Nanohaloarchaeota. In addition, an uncultured group of Bacteroidetes was present along the whole range of salinity. Database searches indicated a previously unrecognized widespread distribution of this phylotype. Single-cell genome analysis of five members of this group suggested a set of metabolic characteristics that could provide competitive advantages in hypersaline environments, such as polymer degradation capabilities, the presence of retinal-binding light-activated proton pumps and arsenate reduction potential. In addition, the fairly high metagenomic fragment recruitment obtained for these single cells in both the intermediate and hypersaline ponds further confirm the DGGE data and point to the generalist lifestyle of this new Bacteroidetes group.
The commercial data acquisition systems used for seismic exploration are usually expensive equipment. In this work, a low cost data acquisition system (Geophonino) has been developed for recording seismic signals from a vertical geophone. The signal goes first through an instrumentation amplifier, INA155, which is suitable for low amplitude signals like the seismic noise, and an anti-aliasing filter based on the MAX7404 switched-capacitor filter. After that, the amplified and filtered signal is digitized and processed by Arduino Due and registered in an SD memory card. Geophonino is configured for continuous registering, where the sampling frequency, the amplitude gain and the registering time are user-defined. The complete prototype is an open source and open hardware system. It has been tested by comparing the registered signals with the ones obtained through different commercial data recording systems and different kind of geophones. The obtained results show good correlation between the tested measurements, presenting Geophonino as a low-cost alternative system for seismic data recording.