2 resultados para Coralline red algae
em Universidad de Alicante
El presente trabajo muestra la caracterización en detalle de la secuencia estratigráfica de los depósitos miocenos de la isla de Nueva Tabarca, el empleo de estos materiales en el patrimonio arquitectónico de la isla y su comportamiento frente la degradación. En la serie miocena, a grandes rasgos, se definen tres tramos. El tramo inferior, rico en clastos dolomíticos, muestra una alternancia de arenitas y calcarenitas. El tramo intermedio corresponde a una sucesión de niveles de calcirruditas con laminación cruzada cuya parte superior está representada por un nivel de grandes bioclastos, rodolitos y arenitas de grano fino. El comienzo del último tramo está marcado por la presencia de varias superficies arenosas más litificadas sobre las que se sitúa un banco de arenitas de grano fino y laminación paralela. Si bien las canteras extraían sillares de todas estas litofacies, existe una mayor extracción de los últimos niveles de la serie. Estas rocas presentan una durabilidad moderada-baja, degradándose fácilmente mediante arenización, escamación y/o alveolización.
Elysia timida (Risso, 1818) colonizing the shallow waters of the Mar Menor Lagoon (Spain) exhibit a brown and a green morph. It was hypothesised that these morphs were the result of feeding preferentially on brown and green algae, respectively. E. timida and its potential food sources, Acetabularia acetabulum (Chlorophyta) and Halopteris filicina (Heterokontophyta) were collected by snorkelling during April 2010. Photosynthetic pigments were analysed by HPLC, photo-physiological parameters were estimated by PAM fluorometry and body colour was characterized by spectral reflectance. Digital photography was used to count the number and area of red spots (small red dots on the slug’s surface) on the parapodia of the 2 morphs. In the laboratory, green E. timida was fed with A. acetabulum cultured under 2 light treatments (high light, 600 µmol E m−2 s−1 and low light, 40 µmol E m−2 s−1), and digital photography was used to monitor colour alterations in E. timida. Spectral reflectance confirmed the colour differences, but both morphs showed a pigment composition similar to the green alga A. acetabulum and showed none of the pigments present in the brown alga H. filicina, neither immediately after collection of the slugs in situ, nor after the feeding experiment. A. acetabulum grown under high light intensity changed from green to brown colour and E. timida changed to brown colour when fed with high-light acclimated A. acetabulum. Thus, E. timida colour differences could not be attributed to feeding on different algae groups but was likely the result of feeding on A. acetabulum growing under different light intensities.