7 resultados para Coal ash slag

em Universidad de Alicante


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It has been analyzed samples of portland cement (PC) with and without admixtures, samples of calcium aluminate cement (CAC) with different content of Al2O3 and specimens of concrete made with PC and CAC using High Resolution Gamma Spectrometry. The activity concentration index (I) is much less than 0.5 mSv y-1 for all the concrete specimens according to the Radiation protection document 112 of the European Commission. The PC without admixtures (CEM I 52,5 R) and the PC with addition of limestone (CEM II/BL 32,5 N) also have an I value much lower than 0.5 and the PC with the addition of fly ash and blast furnace slag (CEM IV/B (V) 32,5 N and III/A 42.5 N/SR) have an I value close to 0.6. The I value of the CAC used in the manufacture of structural precast concrete is of the order of 1 mSv y-1. Some of the CAC used in refractory concrete reaches a value close to 2 mSv y-1.


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In recent years, several researchers have shown the good performance of alkali activated slag cement and concretes. Besides their good mechanical properties and durability, this type of cement is a good alternative to Portland cements if sustainability is considered. Moreover, multifunctional cement composites have been developed in the last decades for their functional applications (self-sensing, EMI shielding, self-heating, etc.). In this study, the strain and damage sensing possible application of carbon fiber reinforced alkali activated slag pastes has been evaluated. Cement pastes with 0, 0.29 and 0.58 vol % carbon fiber addition were prepared. Both carbon fiber dosages showed sensing properties. For strain sensing, function gage factors of up to 661 were calculated for compressive cycles. Furthermore, all composites with carbon fibers suffered a sudden increase in their resistivity when internal damages began, prior to any external signal of damage. Hence, this material may be suitable as strain or damage sensor.


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En este trabajo se ha estudiado la evolución de la microestructura, propiedades de durabilidad y resistencias mecánicas de morteros preparados con cementos comerciales, que contienen ceniza volante (entre un 21% y un 35%) y escoria de alto horno (entre un 66% y un 80%), expuestos a tres ambientes, un ambiente óptimo de laboratorio, y dos ambientes representativos del clima Atlántico y Mediterráneo respectivamente. Como referencia de comportamiento, también se ensayaron morteros de cemento Portland. La microestructura se caracterizó mediante porosimetría de intrusión de mercurio. En lo referente a la durabilidad, se estudiaron los coeficientes de absorción capilar y de migración de cloruros en estado no estacionario. También se determinó la resistencia a compresión de los morteros. Los ensayos se realizaron a 7, 28 y 90 días. La principal conclusión alcanzada es que los cementos con cenizas y escorias expuestos a condiciones ambientales representativas de los climas Atlántico y Mediterráneo, pueden desarrollar unas propiedades en servicio adecuadas al cabo de tres meses.


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Special foundations, most prominently micropiles and soil anchors, are frequently used in construction today. In Spain, the grout for these special technical applications is generally prepared with portland cement, although the codes and standards in place stipulate only the minimum compressive strength required, with no mention of cement type. Those texts also establish a range of acceptable water:cement ratios. In the present study, durability and compressive strength in cement grout prepared with blast furnace slag cement at different w/c ratios are characterised and compared to the findings for a reference portland cement grout. The results show that slag grout exhibits greater durability than the portland cement material and complies with the compressive strength requirements laid down in the respective codes.


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Today, the use of micropiles for different applications has become very common. In Spain, the cement grouts for micropiles are prepared using ordinary Portland cement and w:c ratio 0.5, although the micropiles standards do not restrict the cement type to use, provided that it reaches a certain compressive strength. In this study, the influence of using slag cement on the microstructure and durability related properties of cement grouts for micropiles have been studied until 90 hardening days, compared to an ordinary Portland cement. Finally, slag cement grouts showed good service properties, better than ordinary Portland cement ones.


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In this study, the behavior of bituminous mixes made with sewage sludge ash (SSA) as mineral filler was investigated. The behavior of these mixes was evaluated with the Cantabro, indirect tensile strength, water sensitivity, permanent deformation, and resilient modulus tests. The results show that SSA waste may be used in bituminous mixes at approximately 2–3% weight percent, maintaining adequate levels of cohesion and adhesion in the mixtures, which is comparable to mixtures made with active fillers such as hydrated lime and cement. Moreover, its use does not increase permanent deformations. However, the resilient modulus test gave slightly lower results for mixes made with SSA than for mixtures made with other fillers. It may be concluded that SSA waste may be used as a filler for bituminous mixes with better results than for mixes made with limestone fillers and with similar results for mixes made with other fillers such as hydrated lime and cement.


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In this work, the microstructure of mortars made with an ordinary Portland cement and slag cement has been studied. These mortars were exposed to four different constant temperature and relative humidity environments during a 180-day period. The microstructure has been studied using impedance spectroscopy, and mercury intrusion porosimetry as a contrast technique. The impedance spectroscopy parameters make it possible to analyze the evolution of the solid fraction formation for the studied mortars and their results are confirmed with those obtained using mercury intrusion porosimetry. The development of the pore network of mortars is affected by the environment. However, slag cement mortars are more influenced by temperature while the relative humidity has a greater influence on the OPC mortars. The results show that slag cement mortars hardened under non-optimal environments have a more refined microstructure than OPC mortars for the studied environmental conditions.