16 resultados para City of Alicante

em Universidad de Alicante


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After the construction of the San Carlos bastion in Alicante in the final decade of the seventeenth century, and the great trench which the English built around the district of San Francisco during their years of dominance in the War of Succession, the waters of the San Blas gully caused serious damage to these fortifications of the city and to the trade buildings of the port. In 1772, the diversion canal was built. It was designed to divert the riverbed of the gully and send the waters directly to the sea. The project had been initially designed by the Engineer General, Jorge Próspero de Verboom in 1721. This unique work of engineering had some defects, principally in the breakwater which prevented the waters from flowing down the former river course. On several occasions, the water returned to its original riverbed due to the weakness of the breakwater, the narrowness of the channel’s bed and its lack of regularisation, causing serious damage to the bastion, the Babel-facing façade, the traders’ warehouses and other buildings. This study describes the project that the military engineer Leandro Badarán carried out in 1794 in order to technically improve this canal and examines his report on the state of the fortifications. Similar works built in Spain are also explained. It also analyses the repeated disputes between the war department and the port throughout these years over finding a technical solution to the problem.


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España no pudo asegurar la vacunación de toda su población infantil durante el siglo XIX. En este trabajo nos ocupamos de las causas de este fracaso utilizando como estudio de caso la ciudad de Alicante. Las principales causas de la inconstante práctica de la vacunación en Alicante fueron la ausencia de servicios sanitarios adecuados, la oposición o la negligencia de la población y algunos obstáculos técnicos.


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Charla realizada en el pasado 1st BYK-Gardner Iberian Automotive Meeting, celebrado en Alicante, entre los días 13 y 14 de Octubre de 2011: http://web.csidiomas.ua.es/congresos/iberianautomotive/index.html


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In this paper, the new features that IR-n system applies on the topic processing for CL-SR are described. This set of features are based on applying logic forms to topics with the aim of incrementing the weight of topic terms according to a set of syntactic rules.


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This paper shows an iOS application to guide visual disabled people in the campus of the University of Alicante by voice indications. The user interface is adapted to visual disabled people, using a bigger visual typography and a bigger area for the tactile buttons. Moreover, the application provides voice indications when users touch any of the elements in the interface, telling them where they are and how they can reach destination.


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La demolición del Grupo Escolar “Francisco Giner de los Ríos” supuso una pérdida incuestionable para la ciudad de Alicante (España), desapareciendo uno de los más relevantes ejemplos racionalistas, símbolo de modernidad y del desarrollo que en materia de enseñanza significó en la ciudad el “Plan de Construcción de Escuelas y Ordenación Escolar” de 1931. Con el fin de contribuir a subsanar el vacío documental que antecedió su demolición, el presente artículo muestra los resultados del estudio de las fases determinantes de la historia del edificio: proyecto (1933), construcción (1934-1935), reconstrucción y consolidación (1943-1944). Se concluyen las causas que originaron la ruina del inmueble, el alcance y magnitud de los daños y las avanzadas técnicas empleadas en su recuperación, prestando especial interés a las intervenciones de cimentación y consolidación del terreno, pilotajes e inyecciones de cemento, prácticas de relevancia internacional en el periodo de posguerra en España y Segunda Guerra Mundial.


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The purpose of this article is to provide bibliographical information about a copy of the fourth edition of the two parts of Anthony Munday's translation of Palmerin d'Oliva (London, 1637; STC 19160) recently purchased by the University of Alicante Library and not mentioned in the standard bibliographies. The article contains a detailed bibliographical description based on Bowers's principles (1949) and is designed to be useful to scholars by making direct consultation of the copy in most cases unnecessary. The description is preceded by a short introduction to the literary text and its publication in England.


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Various studies indicate that most of the slope instabilities affecting Flysch heterogeneous rock masses are related to differential weathering of the lithologies that make up the slope. Therefore, the weathering characteristics of the intact rock are of great importance for the study of these types of slopes and their associated instability processes. The main aim of this study is to characterise the weathering properties of the different lithologies outcropping in the carbonatic Flysch of Alicante (Spain), in order to understand the effects of environmental weathering on them, following slope excavation. To this end, 151 strata samples obtained from 11 different slopes, 5–40 years old, were studied. The lithologies were identified and their mechanical characteristics obtained using field and laboratory tests. Additionally, the slaking properties of intact rocks were determined, and a classification system proposed based on the first and fifth slake cycles (Id1 and Id5 respectively) and an Index of Weathering (IW5), defined in the study. Information obtained from the laboratory and the field was used to characterise the weathering behaviour of the rocks. Furthermore, the slaking properties determined from laboratory tests were related to the in-situ weathering properties of rocks (i.e., the weathering profile, patterns and length, and weathering rate). The proposed relationship between laboratory test results, field data, and in-situ observations provides a useful tool for predicting the response of slopes to weathering after excavation during the preliminary stages of design.


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From the late seventeenth to early nineteenth centuries, many religious temples have been built in the province of Alicante (south east of Spain) with brick domes as their main characteristic feature. Often, the limited data available about these remarkable constructions make rehabilitation interventions become into real research projects, with a high value for their historic conservation over time. The aim of this paper is to show a detailed refurbishment analysis of a religious temple built in 1778, showing the need of preservation of historic buildings as a part of the architectural heritage by establishing a common pattern of materials, geometry and constructive systems, specifically in their domes. In most cases, there was not an architectural project for the construction, that is why the analysis of any documentary and archival sources available is essential to find different ways to proceed on the use and maintenance of these religious buildings.


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Se propone como objetivo principal mostrar y analizar tres fuentes documentales inéditas del siglo XVIII, localizadas en el Archivo Municipal Sant Joan d’Alacant que aportan información sobre la gestión de enfermería realizada en el Hospital San Juan de Dios de Alicante. Son tres las fuentes documentales que se transcriben y analizan, una “relación jurada de Fray Joseph Martínez Maza”, fechando el documento entre 1710 y 1718; un “Real privilegio de S.M. para amortizar la cantidad de 120 libras libres de sello y demás”. Dado en 23 de enero de 1794, a favor del convento hospital de N.P. San Juan de Dios de la ciudad de Alicante y un “formulario o modelo para dar cumplimiento a la orden del nuncio de su Santidad referente a las rentas, gravámenes, limosnas y otras entradas, con la curación a pobres, enfermos, con arreglo a los libros de caja”, datando el documento entre 1748 y 1760.


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Versión inglesa y digital del libro "Campus Universidad de Alicante".


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El presente artículo describe la construcción de Benalúa, según proyecto del arquitecto José Guardiola Picó (1883), una de las áreas más singulares de la ciudad de Alicante -España-. Se realiza una exposición cronológica desde su concepción, documentando las tramitaciones legales que conllevaron su aprobación, hasta el cese en sus funciones de la Sociedad Anónima Los Diez Amigos, promotora y constructora del barrio (1896), sin finalizar con éxito el proyecto emprendido. Del estudio se concluyen tanto los aspectos más relevantes que caracterizaron el desarrollo de las obras del barrio como las causas que propiciaron el abandono de la Sociedad, siendo éstas exclusivamente económicas, con especial interés en la problemática que llegó a generar el proyecto y ejecución del Ensanche de Alicante.


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Objetivo: Explorar la opinión del profesorado de educación primaria de la ciudad de Alicante sobre las actividades de salud realizadas en la escuela. Método: Estudio exploratorio mediante análisis de contenido cualitativo. Se formaron tres grupos de discusión (8-9 participantes) con profesorado de educación primaria (14 mujeres y 11 hombres) procedentes de 14 escuelas públicas y 7 concertadas de la ciudad de Alicante. La información se obtuvo preguntando a los/las participantes sobre las actividades de salud realizadas en el aula o en el centro escolar. Resultados: El profesorado diferenció las actividades que forman parte de las programaciones escolares de educación para la salud de las que proceden de programas de otras instituciones públicas o privadas. Consideró que los programas externos son impuestos, no tienen continuidad y responden a modas pasajeras. Aunque mostró una actitud más favorable y comprometida con las actividades y programaciones escolares, identificó la educación para la salud como una tarea secundaria. En su opinión, incrementar su formación en salud, implicar a los padres y las madres, profesionales sanitarios y la administración educativa fomentaría la educación para la salud en la escuela. Conclusiones: El profesorado muestra una opinión más favorable y un mayor compromiso hacia las actividades de salud que complementan y facilitan su tarea educativa. Su programación docente y opinión deben tenerse en cuenta para maximizar la eficiencia de las actividades de promoción y educación para la salud promovidas por instituciones, compañías y fundaciones externas a la escuela.


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Although it is known that the Spanish current Educative System promotes using the Communicate Approach to teach foreign languages in schools, other recently designed approaches are also used to help students improve their skills when communicating in a foreign language. One of these approaches is Content and Language Integrated Learning, also known as CLIL, which is used to teach content courses using the English language as the language of instruction. This approach improves the students’ skills in English as the same time as they learn content from other areas. The goal of this thesis is to present a research project carried out at the University of Alicante during the academic year 2011-2012. With this research we obtained results that provide quantitative and qualitative data which explains how the use of the CLIL methodology affects the English level of students in the “Didactics of the English Language in Preschool Education” course in Preschool Education Teacher Undergraduate Program as students acquire the contents of the course.


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This paper aims to study and highlight the profile of the high speed rail (HSR) passenger in the case of the well-known sun and beach destination of Alicante, located in the Southeast of Spain. This region, which is directly connected with Madrid, differs from others because of its warm and sunny weather. The province is a tourist destination for both Spanish citizens and foreigners. However, the studies on the dynamics of the corridor towards Madrid and Alicante regarding HSR are quite recent and it is not possible to draw final conclusions about its impact on tourist mobility.