3 resultados para Basic research

em Universidad de Alicante


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La recerca històrica i geogràfi ca a vegades dóna resultats sorprenents. Aquest és el cas de la troballa del Proyecto de Iglesia Parroquial para el pueblo de Santa Pola, en què s’inclou, a més dels plànols originals de la coneguda com a «església rota» (l’actual mercat central), un «Plano Topográfi co de Santa Pola» de gran transcendència per a conéixer els inicis de l’evolució urbana de la localitat, tots signats per Francisco Morell y Gómez el 1863. Primer, tractem el projecte de l’església, analitzem les dades del projecte i els plànols. Després, el més interessant és el plànol topogràfi c inèdit esmentat. Fem una comparació amb el signat el 1863 pel també arquitecte José Ramon Mas y Font. Són iguals? Tenen diferències? Quines són i quina importància tenen? El plànol esdevé un instrument de recerca de primer ordre per a donar resposta a aquestes preguntes.


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Two new hybrid molybdenum(IV) Mo3S7 cluster complexes derivatized with diimino ligands have been prepared by replacement of the two bromine atoms of [Mo3S7Br6]2− by a substituted bipyridine ligand to afford heteroleptic molybdenum(IV) Mo3S7Br4(diimino) complexes. Adsorption of the Mo3S7 cores from sample solutions on TiO2 was only achieved from the diimino functionalized clusters. The adsorbed Mo3S7 units were reduced on the TiO2 surface to generate an electrocatalyst that reduces the overpotential for the H2 evolution reaction by approximately 0.3 V (for 1 mA cm−2) with a turnover frequency as high as 1.4 s−1. The nature of the actual active molybdenum sulfide species has been investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. In agreement with the electrochemical results, the modified TiO2 nanoparticles show a high photocatalytic activity for H2 production in the presence of Na2S/Na2SO3 as a sacrificial electron donor system.


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During the first decade of the 21st century, many golf courses were developed in the Southeast of Spain, which greatly increased the number of these facilities. Almost all of these golf courses have been accompanied by large residential developments composed of thousands of dwelling units. This article seeks to identify the factors that influence golf courses’ water consumption and estimate the number of dwelling units that an associated residential development needs to have to provide the effluent necessary to fully meet the irrigation needs of a golf course. The study indicates that private golf courses achieve greater levels of irrigation efficiency than public golf courses and that the golf courses associated with residential developments subject the irrigation needs of the grassland to the sale requirements of the real estate properties. The study also estimates that a golf course requires approximately 3000 dwelling units with an average annual occupancy of 33% to achieve self-sufficiency for irrigation.