3 resultados para Asbestos, poisoning
em Universidad de Alicante
The project and the works described in this article mainly deal with the removal of the current asbestos-cement covering of the roof of the Central Market in Alicante and its replacement with zinc diamond-shaped scales, similar to the originals which were implemented in 1921 when the building was put into service. These upgrades were necessary to avoid the causes (and consequences) of rainwater infiltration, as described in an earlier report in 2006, also drafted by the author of this article. The article illustrates the difficulties involving the practical application of Spanish Code RD 396/2006 (minimum safety and health requirements for work with risk of exposure to asbestos) in a complex case such as this, especially with regard to aspects such as economic (increasing costs), technical (increased difficulty of implementation), and the total duration of the work (total increase in duration due to interference with other trades).
La intoxicación por ingestión de munición de plomo en aves silvestres es conocida en España desde finales del siglo pasado. Elevadas densidades de perdigones de plomo en diversos humedales de importancia internacional producen tasas de ingestión de perdigones cercanas al 70% en especies como el ánade rabudo (Anas acuta) y el plumbismo llega a ser una de las principales causas de mortalidad de la amenazada malvasía cabeciblanca (Oxyura leucocephala). El plumbismo también ha sido descrito en diversas especies de aves rapaces y se ha comprobado que la exposición al plomo es elevada en las especies más carroñeras y oportunistas. La contaminación de la carne de caza también ha sido objeto de estudio, debido a que en España se da la particularidad de cocinarla en escabeche, lo que incrementa la transferencia de plomo de la munición a la carne. Por el momento, la única acción llevada a cabo para reducir el riesgo de exposición al plomo de la munición en aves y humanos ha sido la prohibición desde 2001 del uso de perdigones de plomo en humedales protegidos. En esta revisión se hace un repaso a los estudios llevados a cabo en España sobre la contaminación por el plomo de la munición y el efecto que están teniendo las medidas hasta el momento adoptadas para reducir este riesgo.
Hydrophobic Ti-MCM-41 samples prepared by post-synthesis silylation treatment demonstrate to be highly active and selective catalysts in olefins epoxidation by using organic hydroperoxides as oxidizing agents in liquid phase reaction systems. Epoxide yields show important enhancements with increased silylation degrees of the Ti-mesoporous samples. Catalytic studies are combined and correlated with spectroscopic techniques (e.g. XRD, XANES, UV-Visible, 29Si MAS-NMR) and calorimetric measurements to better understand the changes in the surface chemistry of Ti-MCM-41 samples due to the post-synthesis silylation treatment and to ascertain the role of these trimethylsilyl groups incorporated in olefin epoxidation. In such manner, the effect of the organic moieties on solids, and both water and glycol molecules contents on the catalytic activity and selectivity are analyzed in detail. Results show that the hydrophobicity level of the samples is responsible for the decrease in water adsorption and, consequently, the negligible formation of the non-desired glycol during the catalytic process. Thus, catalyst deactivation by glycol poisoning of Ti active sites is greatly diminished, this increasing catalyst stability and leading to practically quantitative production of the corresponding epoxide. The extended use of these hydrophobic Ti-MCM-41 catalysts together with organic hydroperoxides for the highly efficient and selective epoxidation of natural terpenes is also exemplified.