3 resultados para Accès à la nourriture

em Universidad de Alicante


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This paper provides data on diet and feeding habits of five benthic fish species (Torpedo torpedo (Linnaeus,1758), Mullus surmuletus (Linnaeus, 1758), Uranoscopus scaber (Linnaeus,1758), Scorpaena scrofa (Linnaeus,1758) and Synaptura lusitanica (Capello,1868)) common in the artisanal fisheries in the Cullera coast (Mediterranean sea – Spain) and T.torpedo, U.scaber y S. lusitánica feeding habits are almost unknown. T. torpedo preferred small preys like fishes, polychaetes and molluscs, these preys were feed in small portions. M. surmuletus showed the highest feeding dynamic, consuming small prey in large numbers like crustaceans (brachyura and amphypoda). U. scaber had similar feeding habits, but the numbers of preys in the stomach were lower. The principal preys were fishes, crustaceans, molluscs and polychaetes. S.scrofa ate larger prey items such as fish, followed by crustaceans and molluscs. Finally S. lusitánica had a high vacuity index, feeding polychaetes as the most important prey in their diet. Feeding strategy indicates a specialization of T.torpedo, S.scrofa and S. lusitanica; conversely M. surmuletus and U. scaber were generalized species.


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The aim of the present study is to identify and evaluate the relationship between Woodpigeon (Columba palumbus, Linnaeus, 1758) density and different environmental gradients (thermotype, ombrotype, continentality and latitudinal), land use and landscape structure, using geographic information systems and multivariate modelling. Transects (n = 396) were developed to estimate the density of Woodpigeon in the Marina Baja (Alicante, Spain) from 2006 to 2008. The highestdensity for Woodpigeon was in September-October (1.28birds/10ha) and the lowest inFebruary-March (0.34birds/10ha). Moreover, there were more Woodpigeons in areas with a mesomediterranean thermotypethan in thermomediterranean or supramediterranean ones. There was greater densityinthe intermediate zones compared to thecoast and interior. The natural or cultural landscape had the highest Woodpigeon density (1.53birds/10ha), with both denseand clear pine forest values standing out. Therefore, it is very important to conserve these traditional landscapes with adequate management strategies in order to maintain, resident and transient Woodpigeon populations. These natural areas are open places where the Woodpigeons find food and detect the presence ofpredators. Thus, this study will enable more precise knowledge of the ecological factors (habitat variables) that intervene in the distribution of Woodpigeon populations and their density.


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Amb aquest manual tractarem d’abordar tant el fonament teòric de les pràctiques que actualment és fan al laboratori de física com la seua resolució numèrica. A tal fi hem decidit aprofitar els avantatges que ens ofereixen les noves tecnologies i presentar una mena de llibre interactiu. A banda del text, indispensable per a l’enteniment i l’aprenentatge dels conceptes bàsics que es mostren a les pràctiques, pretenem, en primer lloc, incorporar al text fotografies descriptives amb detalls dels muntatges i dels instruments de mesura. Amb aquestes fotografies l’alumne és podrà fer una idea clara del material disponible i d’allò que és pretén mesurar. També s’hi afegirà una plantilla de mesures i resultats, que permetrà a l’alumne estructurar adequadament les dades experimentals i els resultats obtinguts. Creiem que pot ser de gran utilitat a l’alumne no solament per al treball diari al laboratori de física sinó també per a estudiar a casa.