11 resultados para APTAMER-BASED SENSORS

em Universidad de Alicante


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Pd and bimetallic Ni50Pd50 nanoparticles protected by polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) have been synthesized by the reduction-by-solvent method and deposited on single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) to be tested as H2 sensors. The SWCNTs were deposited by drop casting from different suspensions. The Pd nanoparticles-based sensors show a very reproducible performance with good sensitivity and very low response times (few seconds) for different H2 concentrations, ranging from 0.2% to 5% vol. H2 in air at atmospheric pressure. The influence of the metal nanoparticle composition, the quality of SWCNTs suspension and the metal loading have been studied, observing that all these parameters play an important role in the H2 sensor performance. Evidence for water formation during the H2 detection on Pd nanoparticles has been found, and its repercussion on the behaviour of the assembled sensors is discussed. The sensor preparation procedure detailed in this work has proven to be simple and reproducible to prepare cost-effective and highly efficient H2 sensors that perform very well under real application conditions.


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The current trend in the evolution of sensor systems seeks ways to provide more accuracy and resolution, while at the same time decreasing the size and power consumption. The use of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) provides specific reprogrammable hardware technology that can be properly exploited to obtain a reconfigurable sensor system. This adaptation capability enables the implementation of complex applications using the partial reconfigurability at a very low-power consumption. For highly demanding tasks FPGAs have been favored due to the high efficiency provided by their architectural flexibility (parallelism, on-chip memory, etc.), reconfigurability and superb performance in the development of algorithms. FPGAs have improved the performance of sensor systems and have triggered a clear increase in their use in new fields of application. A new generation of smarter, reconfigurable and lower power consumption sensors is being developed in Spain based on FPGAs. In this paper, a review of these developments is presented, describing as well the FPGA technologies employed by the different research groups and providing an overview of future research within this field.


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Information Technology and Communications (ICT) is presented as the main element in order to achieve more efficient and sustainable city resource management, while making sure that the needs of the citizens to improve their quality of life are satisfied. A key element will be the creation of new systems that allow the acquisition of context information, automatically and transparently, in order to provide it to decision support systems. In this paper, we present a novel distributed system for obtaining, representing and providing the flow and movement of people in densely populated geographical areas. In order to accomplish these tasks, we propose the design of a smart sensor network based on RFID communication technologies, reliability patterns and integration techniques. Contrary to other proposals, this system represents a comprehensive solution that permits the acquisition of user information in a transparent and reliable way in a non-controlled and heterogeneous environment. This knowledge will be useful in moving towards the design of smart cities in which decision support on transport strategies, business evaluation or initiatives in the tourism sector will be supported by real relevant information. As a final result, a case study will be presented which will allow the validation of the proposal.


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In this thesis a methodology for representing 3D subjects and their deformations in adverse situations is studied. The study is focused in providing methods based on registration techniques to improve the data in situations where the sensor is working in the limit of its sensitivity. In order to do this, it is proposed two methods to overcome the problems which can difficult the process in these conditions. First a rigid registration based on model registration is presented, where the model of 3D planar markers is used. This model is estimated using a proposed method which improves its quality by taking into account prior knowledge of the marker. To study the deformations, it is proposed a framework to combine multiple spaces in a non-rigid registration technique. This proposal improves the quality of the alignment with a more robust matching process that makes use of all available input data. Moreover, this framework allows the registration of multiple spaces simultaneously providing a more general technique. Concretely, it is instantiated using colour and location in the matching process for 3D location registration.


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Comunicación presentada en el IX Workshop de Agentes Físicos (WAF'2008), Vigo, 11-12 septiembre 2008.


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Tactile sensors play an important role in robotics manipulation to perform dexterous and complex tasks. This paper presents a novel control framework to perform dexterous manipulation with multi-fingered robotic hands using feedback data from tactile and visual sensors. This control framework permits the definition of new visual controllers which allow the path tracking of the object motion taking into account both the dynamics model of the robot hand and the grasping force of the fingertips under a hybrid control scheme. In addition, the proposed general method employs optimal control to obtain the desired behaviour in the joint space of the fingers based on an indicated cost function which determines how the control effort is distributed over the joints of the robotic hand. Finally, authors show experimental verifications on a real robotic manipulation system for some of the controllers derived from the control framework.


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SLAM is a popular task used by robots and autonomous vehicles to build a map of an unknown environment and, at the same time, to determine their location within the map. This paper describes a SLAM-based, probabilistic robotic system able to learn the essential features of different parts of its environment. Some previous SLAM implementations had computational complexities ranging from O(Nlog(N)) to O(N2), where N is the number of map features. Unlike these methods, our approach reduces the computational complexity to O(N) by using a model to fuse the information from the sensors after applying the Bayesian paradigm. Once the training process is completed, the robot identifies and locates those areas that potentially match the sections that have been previously learned. After the training, the robot navigates and extracts a three-dimensional map of the environment using a single laser sensor. Thus, it perceives different sections of its world. In addition, in order to make our system able to be used in a low-cost robot, low-complexity algorithms that can be easily implemented on embedded processors or microcontrollers are used.


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In this project, we propose the implementation of a 3D object recognition system which will be optimized to operate under demanding time constraints. The system must be robust so that objects can be recognized properly in poor light conditions and cluttered scenes with significant levels of occlusion. An important requirement must be met: the system must exhibit a reasonable performance running on a low power consumption mobile GPU computing platform (NVIDIA Jetson TK1) so that it can be integrated in mobile robotics systems, ambient intelligence or ambient assisted living applications. The acquisition system is based on the use of color and depth (RGB-D) data streams provided by low-cost 3D sensors like Microsoft Kinect or PrimeSense Carmine. The range of algorithms and applications to be implemented and integrated will be quite broad, ranging from the acquisition, outlier removal or filtering of the input data and the segmentation or characterization of regions of interest in the scene to the very object recognition and pose estimation. Furthermore, in order to validate the proposed system, we will create a 3D object dataset. It will be composed by a set of 3D models, reconstructed from common household objects, as well as a handful of test scenes in which those objects appear. The scenes will be characterized by different levels of occlusion, diverse distances from the elements to the sensor and variations on the pose of the target objects. The creation of this dataset implies the additional development of 3D data acquisition and 3D object reconstruction applications. The resulting system has many possible applications, ranging from mobile robot navigation and semantic scene labeling to human-computer interaction (HCI) systems based on visual information.


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Many applications including object reconstruction, robot guidance, and. scene mapping require the registration of multiple views from a scene to generate a complete geometric and appearance model of it. In real situations, transformations between views are unknown and it is necessary to apply expert inference to estimate them. In the last few years, the emergence of low-cost depth-sensing cameras has strengthened the research on this topic, motivating a plethora of new applications. Although they have enough resolution and accuracy for many applications, some situations may not be solved with general state-of-the-art registration methods due to the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the resolution of the data provided. The problem of working with low SNR data, in general terms, may appear in any 3D system, then it is necessary to propose novel solutions in this aspect. In this paper, we propose a method, μ-MAR, able to both coarse and fine register sets of 3D points provided by low-cost depth-sensing cameras, despite it is not restricted to these sensors, into a common coordinate system. The method is able to overcome the noisy data problem by means of using a model-based solution of multiplane registration. Specifically, it iteratively registers 3D markers composed by multiple planes extracted from points of multiple views of the scene. As the markers and the object of interest are static in the scenario, the transformations obtained for the markers are applied to the object in order to reconstruct it. Experiments have been performed using synthetic and real data. The synthetic data allows a qualitative and quantitative evaluation by means of visual inspection and Hausdorff distance respectively. The real data experiments show the performance of the proposal using data acquired by a Primesense Carmine RGB-D sensor. The method has been compared to several state-of-the-art methods. The results show the good performance of the μ-MAR to register objects with high accuracy in presence of noisy data outperforming the existing methods.


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The sustainability strategy in urban spaces arises from reflecting on how to achieve a more habitable city and is materialized in a series of sustainable transformations aimed at humanizing different environments so that they can be used and enjoyed by everyone without exception and regardless of their ability. Modern communication technologies allow new opportunities to analyze efficiency in the use of urban spaces from several points of view: adequacy of facilities, usability, and social integration capabilities. The research presented in this paper proposes a method to perform an analysis of movement accessibility in sustainable cities based on radio frequency technologies and the ubiquitous computing possibilities of the new Internet of Things paradigm. The proposal can be deployed in both indoor and outdoor environments to check specific locations of a city. Finally, a case study in a controlled context has been simulated to validate the proposal as a pre-deployment step in urban environments.


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The research described in this thesis was motivated by the need of a robust model capable of representing 3D data obtained with 3D sensors, which are inherently noisy. In addition, time constraints have to be considered as these sensors are capable of providing a 3D data stream in real time. This thesis proposed the use of Self-Organizing Maps (SOMs) as a 3D representation model. In particular, we proposed the use of the Growing Neural Gas (GNG) network, which has been successfully used for clustering, pattern recognition and topology representation of multi-dimensional data. Until now, Self-Organizing Maps have been primarily computed offline and their application in 3D data has mainly focused on free noise models, without considering time constraints. It is proposed a hardware implementation leveraging the computing power of modern GPUs, which takes advantage of a new paradigm coined as General-Purpose Computing on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU). The proposed methods were applied to different problem and applications in the area of computer vision such as the recognition and localization of objects, visual surveillance or 3D reconstruction.