em Universidad de Alicante


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Alkaline hydroxides, especially sodium and potassium hydroxides, are multi-million-ton per annum commodities and strong chemical bases that have large scale applications. Some of them are related with their consequent ability to degrade most materials, depending on the temperature used. As an example, these chemicals are involved in the manufacture of pulp and paper, textiles, biodiesels, soaps and detergents, acid gases removal (e.g., SO2) and others, as well as in many organic synthesis processes. Sodium and potassium hydroxides are strong and corrosive bases, but they are also very stable chemicals that can melt without decomposition, NaOH at 318ºC, and KOH at 360ºC. Hence, they can react with most materials, even with relatively inert ones such as carbon materials. Thus, at temperatures higher than 360ºC these melted hydroxides easily react with most types of carbon-containing raw materials (coals, lignocellulosic materials, pitches, etc.), as well as with most pure carbon materials (carbon fibers, carbon nanofibers and carbon nanotubes). This reaction occurs via a solid-liquid redox reaction in which both hydroxides (NaOH or KOH) are converted to the following main products: hydrogen, alkaline metals and alkaline carbonates, as a result of the carbon precursor oxidation. By controlling this reaction, and after a suitable washing process, good quality activated carbons (ACs), a classical type of porous materials, can be prepared. Such carbon activation by hydroxides, known since long time ago, continues to be under research due to the unique properties of the resulting activated carbons. They have promising high porosity developments and interesting pore size distributions. These two properties are important for new applications such as gas storage (e.g., natural gas or hydrogen), capture, storage and transport of carbon dioxide, electricity storage demands (EDLC-supercapacitors-) or pollution control. Because these applications require new and superior quality activated carbons, there is no doubt that among the different existing activating processes, the one based on the chemical reaction between the carbon precursor and the alkaline hydroxide (NaOH or KOH) gives the best activation results. The present article covers different aspects of the activation by hydroxides, including the characteristics of the resulting activated carbons and their performance in some environment-related applications. The following topics are discussed: i) variables of the preparation method, such as the nature of the hydroxide, the type of carbon precursor, the hydroxide/carbon precursor ratio, the mixing procedure of carbon precursor and hydroxide (impregnation of the precursor with a hydroxide solution or mixing both, hydroxide and carbon precursor, as solids), or the temperature and time of the reaction are discussed, analyzing their effect on the resulting porosity; ii) analysis of the main reactions occurring during the activation process, iii) comparative analysis of the porosity development obtained from different activation processes (e.g., CO2, steam, phosphoric acid and hydroxides activation); and iv) performance of the prepared activated carbon materials on a few applications, such as VOC removal, electricity and gas storages.


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Natural gas storage on porous materials (ANG) is a promising alternative to conventional on-board compressed (CNG) or liquefied natural gas (LNG). To date, Metal–organic framework (MOF) materials have apparently been the only system published in the literature that is able to reach the new Department of Energy (DOE) value of 263 cm3 (STP: 273.15 K, 1 atm)/cm3; however, this value was obtained by using the ideal single-crystal density to calculate the volumetric capacity. Here, we prove experimentally, and for the first time, that properly designed activated carbon materials can really achieve the new DOE value while avoiding the additional drawback usually associated with MOF materials (i.e., the low mechanical stability under pressure (conforming), which is required for any practical application).


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Supercapacitors are energy storage devices that offer a high power density and a low energy density in comparison with batteries. Their limited energy density can be overcome by using asymmetric configuration in mass electrodes, where each electrode works within their maximum available potential window, rendering the maximum voltage output of the system. Such asymmetric capacitors are optimized using the capacitance and the potential stability limits of the electrodes, with the reliability of the design largely depending on the accuracy and the approach taken for the electrochemical characterization. Therefore, the performance could be lower than expected and even the system could break down, if a well thought out procedure is not followed. In this work, a procedure for the development of asymmetric supercapacitors based on activated carbons is detailed. Three activated carbon materials with different textural properties and surface chemistry have been systematically characterized in neutral aqueous electrolyte. The asymmetric configuration of the masses of both electrodes in the supercapacitor has allowed to cover a higher potential window, resulting in an increase of the energy density of the three devices studied when compared with the symmetric systems, and an improved cycle life.


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A hydrogen economy is needed, in order to resolve current environmental and energy-related problems. For the introduction of hydrogen as an important energy vector, sophisticated materials are required. This paper provides a brief overview of the subject, with a focus on hydrogen storage technologies for mobile applications. The unique properties of hydrogen are addressed, from which its advantages and challenges can be derived. Different hydrogen storage technologies are described and evaluated, including compression, liquefaction, and metal hydrides, as well as porous materials. This latter class of materials is outlined in more detail, explaining the physisorption interaction which leads to the adsorption of hydrogen molecules and discussing the material characteristics which are required for hydrogen storage application. Finally, a short survey of different porous materials is given which are currently investigated for hydrogen storage, including zeolites, metal organic frameworks (MOFs), covalent organic frameworks (COFs), porous polymers, aerogels, boron nitride materials, and activated carbon materials.


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Amorphous carbon nanofibers (CNFs), produced by the polymer blend technique, are activated by CO2 (ACNFs). Monoliths are synthesized from the precursor and from some ACNFs. Morphology and textural properties of these materials are studied. When compared with other activating agents (steam and alkaline hydroxides), CO2 activation renders suitable yields and, contrarily to most other precursors, turns out to be advantageous for developing and controlling their narrow microporosity (< 0.7 nm), VDR(CO2). The obtained ACNFs have a high compressibility and, consequently, a high packing density under mechanical pressure which can also be maintained upon monolith synthesis. H2 adsorption is measured at two different conditions (77 K / 0.11 MPa, and 298 K / 20 MPa) and compared with other activated carbons. Under both conditions, H2 uptake depends on the narrow microporosity of the prepared ACNFs. Interestingly, at room temperature these ACNFs perform better than other activated carbons, despite their lower porosity developments. At 298 K they reach a H2 adsorption capacity as high as 1.3 wt.%, and a remarkable value of 1 wt.% in its mechanically resistant monolith form.


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Activated carbons with a highly developed mesoscale cavitation-linked structure have been prepared from natural products (e.g. peach stones) by combining chemical and physical activation processes. Characterization results show that these materials exhibit a large “apparent” surface area (∼1500 m2/g) together with a well-defined mesoporous structure, i.e. large cavities connected to the external surface through narrower mesoporous necks (cavitation effects).


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In recent years, several researchers have shown the good performance of alkali activated slag cement and concretes. Besides their good mechanical properties and durability, this type of cement is a good alternative to Portland cements if sustainability is considered. Moreover, multifunctional cement composites have been developed in the last decades for their functional applications (self-sensing, EMI shielding, self-heating, etc.). In this study, the strain and damage sensing possible application of carbon fiber reinforced alkali activated slag pastes has been evaluated. Cement pastes with 0, 0.29 and 0.58 vol % carbon fiber addition were prepared. Both carbon fiber dosages showed sensing properties. For strain sensing, function gage factors of up to 661 were calculated for compressive cycles. Furthermore, all composites with carbon fibers suffered a sudden increase in their resistivity when internal damages began, prior to any external signal of damage. Hence, this material may be suitable as strain or damage sensor.


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Composites consisting of polyaniline (PANI) coatings inside the microporosity of an activated carbon fibre (ACF) were prepared by electrochemical and chemical methods. Electrochemical characterization of both composites points out that the electrodes with polyaniline show a higher capacitance than the pristine porous carbon electrode. These materials have been used to develop an asymmetric capacitor based on activated carbon (AC) as negative electrode and an ACF–PANI composite as positive electrode in H2SO4 solution as electrolyte. The presence of a thin layer of polyaniline inside the porosity of the activated carbon fibres avoids the oxidation of the carbon material and the oxygen evolution reaction is produced at more positive potentials. This capacitor was tested in a maximum cell voltage of 1.6 V and exhibited high energy densities, calculated for the unpackaged active materials, with values of 20 W h kg−1 and power densities of 2.1 kW kg−1 with excellent cycle lifetime (90% during the first 1000 cycles) and high coulombic efficiency.


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Activated carbons prepared from petroleum pitch and using KOH as activating agent exhibit an excellent behavior in CO2 capture both at atmospheric (∼168 mg CO2/g at 298 K) and high pressure (∼1500 mg CO2/g at 298 K and 4.5 MPa). However, an exhaustive evaluation of the adsorption process shows that the optimum carbon structure, in terms of adsorption capacity, depends on the final application. Whereas narrow micropores (pores below 0.6 nm) govern the sorption behavior at 0.1 MPa, large micropores/small mesopores (pores below 2.0–3.0 nm) govern the sorption behavior at high pressure (4.5 MPa). Consequently, an optimum sorbent exhibiting a high working capacity for high pressure applications, e.g., pressure-swing adsorption units, will require a poorly-developed narrow microporous structure together with a highly-developed wide microporous and small mesoporous network. The appropriate design of the preparation conditions gives rise to carbon materials with an extremely high delivery capacity ∼1388 mg CO2/g between 4.5 MPa and 0.1 MPa. Consequently, this study provides guidelines for the design of carbon materials with an improved ability to remove carbon dioxide from the environment at atmospheric and high pressure.


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This work focuses on the preparation of flexible ruthenium oxide containing activated carbon cloth by electrodeposition. Different electrodeposition methods have been used, including chronoamperometry, chronopotentiometry and cyclic voltammetry. The electrochemical properties of the obtained materials have been measured. The results show that the potentiostatic method allows preparing composites with higher specific capacitance than the pristine activated carbon cloth. The capacitance values measured by cyclic voltammetry at 10 mV s−1 and 1 V of potential window were up to 160 and 180 F g−1. This means an improvement of 82% and 100% with respect to the capacitance of the pristine activated carbon cloth. This excellent capacitance enhancement is attributed to the small particle size (4–5 nm) and the three-dimensional nanoporous network of the ruthenium oxide film which allows reaching very high degree of oxide utilization without blocking the pore structure of the activated carbon cloth. In addition, the electrodes maintain the mechanical properties of the carbon cloth and can be useful for flexible devices.


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Advanced porous materials with tailored porosity (extremely high development of microporosity together with a narrow micropore size distribution (MPSD)) are required in energy and environmental related applications. Lignocellulosic biomass derived HTC carbons are good precursors for the synthesis of activated carbons (ACs) via KOH chemical activation. However, more research is needed in order to tailor the microporosity for those specific applications. In the present work, the influence of the precursor and HTC temperature on the porous properties of the resulting ACs is analyzed, remarking that, regardless of the precursor, highly microporous ACs could be generated. The HTC temperature was found to be an extremely influential parameter affecting the porosity development and the MPSD of the ACs. Tuning of the MPSD of the ACs was achieved by modification of the HTC temperature. Promising preliminary results in gas storage (i.e. CO2 capture and high pressure CH4 storage) were obtained with these materials, showing the effectiveness of this synthesis strategy in converting a low value lignocellulosic biomass into a functional carbon material with high performance in gas storage applications.


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A complete study of the importance of the pyrolysis temperature (up to 1500 °C) of a petroleum residue (ethylene tar) in the activation with KOH of the resultant pyrolysis products (covering from the own ethylene tar to pitches and well developed cokes) has been carried out. The trend in the porosity found for activated carbons is as follows: the pore volume increases with the pyrolysis temperature reaching a maximum value (1.39 cm3/g) at about 460 °C, just at the transition temperature between a fluid pitch and a solid coke. It is the pitch with highest mesophase content that develops the maximum porosity when activated with KOH. The amount of H2, CO and CO2 produced during the reaction of the mesophase pitch and coke with KOH has been quantified, and a trend as described for the pore volume was found with the pyrolysis temperature. Therefore, there is a relationship between the reactivity of the precursor with KOH and the porosity developed by the activated carbon. Since the reactions that produce H2 initiate at temperatures as low as 300 °C, it seems that KOH is modifying the conditions under which the pyrolysis occurs, and this fact is critical in the development of porosity.


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Titanium dioxide nanoparticles prepared in situ by sol–gel method were supported on a spherical activated carbon to prepare TiO2/AC hybrid photocatalysts for the oxidation of gaseous organic compounds. Additionally, a granular activated carbon was studied for comparison purposes. In both types of TiO2/AC composites the effect of different variables (i.e., the thermal treatment conditions used during the preparation of these materials) and the UV-light wavelength used during photocatalytic oxidation were analyzed. The prepared materials were deeply characterized (by gas adsorption, TGA, XRD, SEM and photocatalytic propene oxidation). The obtained results show that the carbon support has an important effect on the properties of the deposited TiO2 and, therefore, on the photocatalytic activity of the resulting TiO2/AC composites. Thus, the hybrid materials prepared over the spherical activated carbon show better results than those prepared over the granular one; a good TiO2 coverage with a high crystallinity of the deposited titanium dioxide, which just needs an air oxidation treatment at low-moderate temperature (350–375 °C) to present high photoactivity, without the need of additional inert atmosphere treatments. Additionally, these materials are more active at 365 nm than at 257.7 nm UV radiation, opening the possibility of using solar light for this application.


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Acid pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass, required for bioethanol production, generates large amounts of by-products, such as lignin and hydrolyzed hemicellulose fractions, which have found so far very limited applications. In this work, we demonstrate how the recovered hemicellulose hydrolysis products can be effectively utilized as a precursor for the synthesis of functional carbon materials through hydrothermal carbonization (HTC). The morphology and chemical structure of the synthesized HTC carbons are thoroughly characterized to highlight their similarities with glucose-derived HTC carbons. Furthermore, two routes for introducing porosity within the HTC carbon structure are presented: i) silica nanoparticle hard-templating, which is shown to be a viable method for the synthesis of carbonaceous hollow spheres; and ii) KOH chemical activation. The synthesized activated carbons (ACs) show an extremely high porosity (pore volume≈1.0 cm3 g−1) mostly composed of micropores (90 % of total pore volume). Because of their favorable textural properties, the ACs are further tested as electrodes for supercapacitors, yielding very promising results (300 F g−1 at 250 mA g−1) and confirming the high suitability of KOH-activated HTC carbons derived from spruce and corncob hydrolysis products as materials for electric double layer supercapacitors.


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The adsorption and electroadsorption of arsenic from a natural water has been studied in a filter-press electrochemical cell using a commercial granular activated carbon as adsorbent and Pt/Ti and graphite as electrodes. A significant reduction of the arsenic concentration is achieved when current is imposed between the electrodes, especially when the activated carbon was located in the vicinity of the anode. This enhancement can be explained in terms of the presence of electrostatic interactions between the polarized carbon surface and the arsenic ions, and changes in the distribution of most stable species of arsenic in solution due to As(III) to As(V) oxidation. In summary, electrochemical adsorption on a filter-press cell can be used for enhancement the arsenic remediation with activated carbon in the treatment of a real groundwater.