156 resultados para Urbanismo y arquitectura modernos


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The viability of carbon nanofiber (CNF) composites in cement matrices as a self-heating material is reported in this paper. This functional application would allow the use of CNF cement composites as a heating element in buildings, or for deicing pavements of civil engineering transport infrastructures, such as highways or airport runways. Cement pastes with the addition of different CNF dosages (from 0 to 5% by cement mass) have been prepared. Afterwards, tests were run at different fixed voltages (50, 100 and 150V), and the temperature of the specimens was registered. Also the possibility of using a casting method like shotcrete, instead of just pouring the fresh mix into the mild (with no system’s efficiency loss expected) was studied. Temperatures up to 138 °C were registered during shotcrete-5% CNF cement paste tests (showing initial 10 °C/min heating rates). However a minimum voltage was required in order to achieve a proper system functioning.


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A conditioning procedure is proposed allowing to install into the concrete specimens any selected value of water saturation degree with homogeneous moisture distribution. This is achieved within the least time and the minimum alteration of the concrete specimens. The protocol has the following steps: obtaining basic drying data at 50 °C (water absorption capacity and drying curves); unidirectional drying of the specimens at 50 °C until reaching the target saturation degree values; redistribution phase in closed containers at 50 °C (with measurement of the quasi-equilibrium relative humidities); storage into controlled environment chambers until and during mass transport tests, if necessary. A water transport model is used to derive transport parameters of the tested materials from the drying data, i.e., relative permeabilities and apparent water diffusion coefficients. The model also allows calculating moisture profiles during isothermal drying and redistribution phases, thus allowing optimization of the redistribution times for obtaining homogeneous moisture distributions.


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This RILEM Technical Recommendation intends to give a general description of methods of sampling for obtaining chloride concentration profiles in concrete, applicable both for laboratory cast concrete specimens, for concrete cores taken from structures and for testing on site. These sampling procedures may be applied for obtaining concentration profiles of any other chemical species present in concrete.


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The electrical resistivity of carbon fiber reinforced cement composites (CFRCCs) has been widely studied, because of their utility as multifunctional materials. The percolation phenomenon has also been reported and modeled when the electrical behavior of those materials had to be characterized. Amongst the multiple applications of multifunctional cement composites the ability of a CFRCC to act as a strain sensor is attractive. This paper provides experimental data relating self-sensing function and percolation threshold, and studying the effect of fiber aspect ratio on both phenomena. Higher fiber slenderness permitted percolation at lower carbon fiber addition, affected mechanical properties and improved strain-sensing sensitivity of CFRCC, which was also improved if percolation had not been achieved.


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This article summarizes research on the application of a conductive cement paste as an anode in the now classical technique of electrochemical extraction of chlorides applied to a concrete structural element by spraying the paste on the surface of a concrete structural element, a pillar. Sprayed conductive cement paste, by adding graphite powder, is particularly useful to treat sizable vertical surfaces such are structural supports. Outcomes indicate that this kind of anode not only provides electrochemical chloride removal with similar efficiency, but also is able to retain moisture even without the use of a continuous dampening system.


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Today, the use of micropiles for different applications has become very common. In Spain, the cement grouts for micropiles are prepared using ordinary Portland cement and w:c ratio 0.5, although the micropiles standards do not restrict the cement type to use, provided that it reaches a certain compressive strength. In this study, the influence of using slag cement on the microstructure and durability related properties of cement grouts for micropiles have been studied until 90 hardening days, compared to an ordinary Portland cement. Finally, slag cement grouts showed good service properties, better than ordinary Portland cement ones.


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This paper presents a structural analysis of a masonry chimney built in the 1940s, which is currently being cataloged as local interest heritage. This structure has not served any industrial purpose for the last thirty years. The chimney is located in the town of Agost (Alicante - Spain) and directly exposed to the prevailing winds from the sea, as it is approximately 12 km away from the waterfront and there are not any significant barriers, which could protect the structure against the wind. There are longitudinal cracks and fissures all along the shaft because of the chimney’s geometrical characteristics, the effect of the masonry creep and especially the lack of maintenance. Moreover, there is also a permanent bending deformation in the upper 1/3 of the height due to the wind pressure. A numerical analysis for the static behavior against gravity and wind loads was performed using the structure’s current conditions after a detailed report of its geometry, its construction system and the cracking pattern. Afterwards, the dynamic behavior was studied, i.e. a seismic analysis using both response spectra and accelerograms in order to examine the structural stability. This work shows the pre-monitoring analysis before any experimental testing. Using the current results the future test conditions will be determined (e.g. number of sensors and monitoring point location, excitation systems, etc) prior to a possible structural reinforcement by applying composite material (fiber reinforced polymers).


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Binary and ternary combinations of sewage sludge ash (SSA) with marble dust (MD), fly ash (FA) and rice husk ash (RHA) as replacement in Portland cement pastes, were assessed. Several tests were carried out at different curing ages: thermogravimetry, density, water absorption, ultrasonic pulse velocity and mechanical strengths. Pozzolanic effects of the mineral admixtures, densities similar to control sample and improved absorptions when combining waste materials were identified. In general, the compressive strength reaches or exceeds the cement strength class, and blending SSA, FA and RHA (30% cement replacement) increase of strength by 9%, compared to the control sample, was achieved.


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The moisture content and its spatial distribution has a great influence on the durability properties of concrete structures. Several non-destructive techniques have been used for the determination of the total water content, but moisture distribution is difficult to determine. In this paper impedance spectroscopy is used to study the water distribution in concrete samples with controlled and homogeneously distributed moisture contents. The technique is suitable for the determination of water distribution inside the sample, using the appropriate equivalent circuits. It is shown that using the selected drying procedures there is no change in the solid phase of the samples, although the technique can only be used for the qualitative study of variations in the solid phase when samples are too thick. The results of this work show that for a wide range of concrete percentages of saturation, from full to 18 % saturation, practically all the pores keep at least a thin layer of electrolyte covering their walls, since the capacitance measurement results are practically independent of the saturation degree.


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Las nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la enseñanza permiten la visualización de fenómenos físicos y su relación con la base matemática utilizada en la modelización de los mismos. En este trabajo se ha utilizado el programa Mathematica para realizar una aplicación ilustrativa del oscilador con un grado de libertad en funcionamiento libre, amortiguado y forzado armónicamente. El oscilador de 1 GL forma parte del conocimiento de base en el análisis de estructuras bajo cargas dinámicas (sismos), y la comprensión de sus fundamentos teóricos, así como la influencia de los parámetros implicados, deben ser objetivo didáctico prioritario en las asignaturas relacionadas con el cálculo avanzado de estructuras. En la aplicación desarrollada se pueden variar las características intrínsecas del oscilador (rigidez, constante de amortiguación y masa) y la fuerza aplicada (amplitud y frecuencia). El resultado se visualiza en forma de gráfico animado del movimiento permanente resultante. Las ecuaciones resultantes y los parámetros característicos (frecuencia natural, coeficiente de amortiguamiento, razón de frecuencias, factor de amplificación dinámica, ángulo de desfase…) también están disponibles de una forma interactiva. Las constantes de integración que definen las condiciones iniciales, y la ventana de tiempos mostrada pueden variarse asimismo. La aplicación puede ejecutarse desde cualquier navegador.


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Dentro de los cambios introducidos en el EEES, se incluyeron desde el curso 2011/2012 nuevas metodologías docentes en las asignaturas de Cálculo de Estructuras I y II en el Grado en Ingeniería Civil. En el caso de Cálculo de Estructuras I, se procedió a la incorporación de prácticas de laboratorio con diferentes tipologías de perfiles y materiales, de tal forma que el alumno se familiarizara con la realidad de las estructuras estudiadas en las clases de teoría. En el caso de Cálculo de Estructuras II, se procedió a la incorporación de prácticas con ordenador analizando diferentes software informáticos, de tal forma que el alumno fuera capaz de estudiar estructuras complejas. De esta manera, el objetivo principal de la RED en la que se enmarca el presente trabajo, es el seguimiento continuo y mejora de los materiales y prácticas docentes elaborados en dichas asignaturas. Por tanto, se han recogido los resultados tras los dos primeros años de docencia para analizar el efecto de los cambios metodológicos en la evaluación continua de los alumnos.


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An empirical model based on constant flux is presented for chloride transport through concrete in atmospherical exposure conditions. A continuous supply of chlorides is assumed as a constant mass flux at the exposed concrete surface. The model is applied to experimental chloride profiles obtained from a real marine structure, and results are compared with the classical error-function model. The proposed model shows some advantages. It yields a better predictive capacity than the classical error-function model. The previously observed chloride surface concentration increases are compatible with the proposed model. Nevertheless, the predictive capacity of the model can fail if the concrete microstructure changes with time. The model seems to be appropriate for well-maturated concretes exposed to a marine environment in atmospherical conditions.


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This article describes the research carried out regarding the application of cathodic protection (CP) and cathodic prevention (CPrev), in some cases with a pre-treatment of electrochemical chloride extraction (ECE), on representative specimens of reinforced concrete structures, using an anodic system consisting of a graphite-cement paste applied as a coating on the surface. The aim of this research is to find out the competence of this anode for the aforementioned electrochemical treatments. The efficiency of this anode has been clearly demonstrated, as well as its capability to apply a combined process of ECE and after CP.


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Chlorides induce local corrosion in the steel reinforcements when reaching the bar surface. The measurement of the rate of ingress of these ions, is made by mathematically fitting the so called “error function equation” into the chloride concentration profile, obtaining so the diffusion coefficient and the chloride concentration at the concrete surface. However, the chloride profiles do not always follow Fick’s law by having the maximum concentration at the concrete surface, but often the profile shows a maximum concentration more in the interior, which indicates a different composition and performance of the most external concrete layer with respect to the internal zones. The paper presents a procedure prepared during the time of the RILEM TC 178-TMC: “Testing and modeling chloride penetration in concrete”, which suggests neglecting the external layer where the chloride concentration increases and using the maximum as an “apparent” surface concentration, called C max and to fit the error function equation into the decreasing concentration profile towards the interior. The prediction of evolution should be made also from the maximum.


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This article shows the research carried out by the authors focused on how the shape of structural reinforced concrete elements treated with electrochemical chloride extraction can affect the efficiency of this process. Assuming the current use of different anode systems, the present study considers the comparison of results between conventional anodes based on Ti-RuO2 wire mesh and a cement-based anodic system such as a paste of graphite-cement. Reinforced concrete elements of a meter length were molded to serve as laboratory specimens, to closely represent authentic structural supports, with circular and rectangular sections. Results confirm almost equal performances for both types of anode systems when electrochemical chloride extraction is applied to isotropic structural elements. In the case of anisotropic ones, such as rectangular sections with no uniformly distributed rebar, differences in electrical flow density were detected during the treatment. Those differences were more extreme for Ti-RuO2 mesh anode system. This particular shape effect is evidenced by obtaining the efficiencies of electrochemical chloride extraction in different points of specimens.