368 resultados para 3210 Medicina preventiva


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Purpose: Citations received by papers published within a journal serve to increase its bibliometric impact. The objective of this paper was to assess the influence of publication language, article type, number of authors, and year of publication on the citations received by papers published in Gaceta Sanitaria, a Spanish-language journal of public health. Methods: The information sources were the journal website and the Web of Knowledge, of the Institute of Scientific Information. The period analyzed was from 2007 to 2010. We included original articles, brief original articles, and reviews published within that period. We extracted manually information regarding the variables analyzed and we also differentiated among total citations and self-citations. We constructed logistic regression models to analyze the probability of a Gaceta Sanitaria paper to be cited or not, taking into account the aforementioned independent variables. We also analyzed the probability of receiving citations from non-Spanish authors. Results: Two hundred forty papers fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The included papers received a total of 287 citations, which became 202 when excluding self-citations. The only variable influencing the probability of being cited was the publication year. After excluding never cited papers, time since publication and review papers had the highest probabilities of being cited. Papers in English and review articles had a higher probability of citation from non-Spanish authors. Conclusions: Publication language has no influence on the citations received by a national, non-English journal. Reviews in English have the highest probability of citation from abroad. Editors should decide how to manage this information when deciding policies to raise the bibliometric impact factor of their journals.


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Carta a la directora


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Migrant workers usually show higher rates of work-related health problems than natives. However, little information is available about their exposure to occupational risks. We describe self-reported working exposure in Spanish and foreign-born workers. A cross-sectional survey was conducted as part of the ITSAL Project. Data on sociodemographic and self-reported occupational exposure in 1,841 foreign-born and 509 Spanish workers were collected through face-to-face interviews. Prevalence and adjusted odds ratios-aOR- (by age, education, type of contract) were calculated. Foreign-born men in non-services sectors and those in manual occupations perceived exposure to occupational risks with lower prevalence than Spanish workers. Foreign-born women reported higher prevalence of exposure than Spanish female workers. By occupation, foreign-born female workers were more likely than Spanish workers to report working many hours/day (aOR2.68; 95 % CI 1.06–6.78) and exposure to extreme temperatures (aOR2.19; 95 % CI 1.10–4.38). Some groups of migrant workers may need increased protection regarding some occupational exposures.


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Background: in both Spain and Italy the number of immigrants has strongly increased in the last 20 years, currently representing more than the 10% of workforce in each country. The segregation of immigrants into unskilled or risky jobs brings negative consequences for their health. The objective of this study is to compare prevalence of work-related health problems between immigrants and native workers in Italy and Spain. Methods: data come from the Italian Labour Force Survey (n=65 779) and Spanish Working Conditions Survey (n=11 019), both conducted in 2007. We analyzed merged datasets to evaluate whether interviewees, both natives and migrants, judge their health being affected by their work conditions and, if so, which specific diseases. For migrants, we considered those coming from countries with a value of the Human Development Index lower than 0.85. Logistic regression models were used, including gender, age, and education as adjusting factors. Results: migrants reported skin diseases (Mantel-Haenszel pooled OR=1.49; 95%CI: 0.59-3.74) and musculoskeletal problems among those employed in agricultural sector (Mantel-Haenszel pooled OR=1.16; 95%CI: 0.69-1.96) more frequently than natives; country-specific analysis showed higher risks of musculoskeletal problems among migrants compared to the non-migrant population in Italy (OR=1.17; 95% CI: 0.48-1.59) and of respiratory problems in Spain (OR=2.02; 95%CI: 1.02-4.0). In both countries the risk of psychological stress was predominant among national workers. Conclusions: this collaborative study allows to strength the evidence concerning the health of migrant workers in Southern European countries.


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Objectives. We describe reported exposures to main categories of occupational agents and conditions in Spanish pregnant workers. Methods. Women were recruited at 12th week of pregnancy from main public gynaecological consults to be included in the INMA Spanish cohorts study (n = 2,058). Through personal interviews with structured questionnaires, information on working situation and working conditions during pregnancy was obtained. Results. Fifty percent of the women reported frequent exposure to physical load (standing, heavy lifting) and 45 % reported exposure to three or more indicators of job strain. Exposure to at least one physical agent (noise, vibrations, etc.) affected 25 % of the women. Exposure to chemicals was reported by 20 % of the women, mostly including solvents and cleaning products. Eight percent of the women worked at night shifts. Job strain was more prevalent in office workers and industrial operators. Industrial workers showed the highest prevalence of exposure to chemical and physical pollutants. Conclusions. Our data suggest that working conditions of pregnant women may need increased control in Spain.


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Los viajes científicos a Francia durante último tercio del siglo XVIII y el primero del siglo XIX son generalmente considerados, por diversas razones, como una importante cuestión en el desarrollo de la ciencia española de ese período. Los viajes científicos de los pensionados y comisionados de la Ilustración suelen estudiarse como un vehículo de transmisión de nuevas ideas científicas. Por el contrario, el exilio de autores afrancesados y liberales suele valorarse negativamente, como una de las causas de la decadencia de la ciencia española del primer tercio del siglo XIX. En este trabajo se pretende ofrecer un marco general para el estudio de estos viajes y presentar algunas de las primeras conclusiones de un análisis comparado de un grupo de biografías de estos viajeros. También se presentan los datos obtenidos del análisis de diferentes fuentes documentales poco conocidas y un esquema de periodificación de estos viajes.


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El presente trabajo se enmarca dentro de las investigaciones sobre las aplicaciones de la historia de la ciencia a la enseñanza de las ciencias. Su objetivo principal consiste en ofrecer algunas sugerencias acerca del modo en que puede renovarse la enseñanza de la terminología química mediante el empleo de las conclusiones de diversos estudios históricos sobre el tema. Se pretende además mostrar que la terminología química puede ser también empleada como ventana desde la que asomarse a la historia de la química, de acuerdo con un planteamiento que permite atacar ciertas imágenes sobre la ciencia y el papel que juega el lenguaje en la actividad científica. Esta perspectiva histórica permite aclarar la naturaleza de la terminología actual, las razones que han llevado a su establecimiento y las causas de su constante transformación.


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El presente trabajo se enmarca en un proyecto de investigación acerca del papel de las prácticas y los conocimientos químicos en la transición de la materia médica a la farmacología experimental. Dentro de ese esquema general, el objeto de este artículo es el estudio de los libros de texto destinados a los estudiantes de medicina y de cirugía durante los años finales del siglo XVIII y la primera mitad del siglo XIX. En un estudio anterior, publicado en esta revista nos ocupamos de establecer las coordenadas institucionales generales dentro de las cuales fueron escritas, publicadas y leídas estas obras. Este trabajo es una continuación del anterior y está dedicado al análisis del «Curso de química» de Pedro Gutiérrez Bueno. A través de esta obra, se intenta ofrecer nuevos datos sobre los nuevos públicos de la química a finales del siglo XVIII y su influencia en la estructura y contenidos de los nuevos libros de texto.


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El presente trabajo se enmarca en un proyecto de investigación sobre la farmacología en la sociedad española del siglo XIX, en particular, acerca del papel de las prácticas y los conocimientos químicos en la transición de la materia médica a la farmacología experimental. Dentro de ese esquema general, el objeto principal de este trabajo es uno de los principales autores españoles de libros de texto de química del último tercio del siglo XVIII: Pedro Gutiérrez Bueno (1745-1822). En un trabajo anterior se ha estudiado el público destinatario de la primera edición de su libro de texto así como las principales características de esta obra. En este artículo abordaremos el análisis del contexto en el que se produjo la aparición de la segunda edición, lo que conducirá a estudiar las ideas de Gutiérrez Bueno sobre las relaciones entre la química y la farmacia. Estas ideas estuvieron fuertemente influidas por los puntos de vista defendidos por Antoine Fourcroy en Francia.


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Este trabajo ha sido en parte posible gracias a una beca del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, dentro del programa de Formación de Profesorado Universitario, obtenida por José Ramón Bertomeu, y una beca postdoctoral concedida por el mismo Ministerio a Antonio García Belmar.


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Several important collections of scientific instruments are preserved in secondary schools but just a small group have been properly catalogued and studied. Unfortunately, they are not commonly regarded as a relevant part of the cultural heritage. However, recent trends in history of science offer new perspectives to study these objects from new points of view. We review some recent studies about collections of scientific instruments in secondary schools and we offer preliminary conclusions of our current work on this topic.