86 resultados para Mecánica de los Medios Continuos y Teoría de Estructuras


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Measurement of concrete strain through non-invasive methods is of great importance in civil engineering and structural analysis. Traditional methods use laser speckle and high quality cameras that may result too expensive for many applications. Here we present a method for measuring concrete deformations with a standard reflex camera and image processing for tracking objects in the concretes surface. Two different approaches are presented here. In the first one, on-purpose objects are drawn on the surface, while on the second one we track small defects on the surface due to air bubbles in the hardening process. The method has been tested on a concrete sample under several loading/unloading cycles. A stop-motion sequence of the process has been captured and analyzed. Results have been successfully compared with the values given by a strain gauge. Accuracy of our methods in tracking objects is below 8 μm, in the order of more expensive commercial devices.


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The paper presents an analytical review of the literature, which reflects the results of national and foreign scientific researches aimed to studying the features of the composition and dosage of components of self compacting concrete as one of the most promising aggregate for modern composite structures. In addition, the results of numerical and experimental researches of stress-strain state of composite structures (concrete-filled tubes) under the influence of various power factors, have been considered. The description and features of existing analytical methods for the determination of the bearing capacity of the considered structures under compression and bendings, have been given. The analysis of deformation model of confined concrete in a composition of the composite structure, as well as non-linear models of steel works with their distinctive features, has been carried out. The main approaches to the finite element modeling of composite structures have been determined.


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The increase of building pathologies related to the use of stone materials and the use of ventilated stone veneers, requires the reformulation of design concepts in building façades and also the reformulation of the architectural project. The aim of this paper is to identify, analyze and evaluate synthetically building pathologies in stone ventilated façades in order to obtain the main technical conditions to be considered in the architectural design, by interpreting its mechanical behavior and capabilities to prevent such pathologies and to ensure the proper features during the building lifetime. The methodology is based on both laboratory stone tests and in situ tests about construction systems, by analyzing physical and mechanical behavior of the outer layer in relation to other building requirements. The results imply the need of proper sizing, specific quality control and practical application of calculation methods, to control high concentration pressures in ventilated façades by reaching appropriate project solutions. In conclusion, the research about different pathologies of stone ventilated façades, the study of their mechanical behavior, their anchorage and their connection with their constructive aspects, will help to improve the construction quality of the stone ventilated façade in buildings and to enhance the use of natural stone in modern architecture.


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Complementary programs


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Software for video-based multi-point frequency measuring and mapping: http://hdl.handle.net/10045/53429


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Object tracking with subpixel accuracy is of fundamental importance in many fields since it provides optimal performance at relatively low-cost. Although there are many theoretical proposals that lead to resolution increments of several orders of magnitude, in practice, this resolution is limited by the imaging systems. In this paper we propose and demonstrate through numerical models a realistic limit for subpixel accuracy. The final result is that maximum achievable resolution enhancement is connected with the dynamic range of the image, i.e. the detection limit is 1/2^(nr.bits). Results here presented may help to proper design of superresolution experiments in microscopy, surveillance, defense and other fields.


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The Santas Justa and Rufina Gothic church (fourteenth century) has suffered several physical, mechanical, chemical, and biochemical types of pathologies along its history: rock alveolization, efflorescence, biological activity, and capillary ascent of groundwater. However, during the last two decades, a new phenomenon has seriously affected the church: ground subsidence caused by aquifer overexploitation. Subsidence is a process that affects the whole Vega Baja of the Segura River basin and consists of gradual sinking in the ground surface caused by soil consolidation due to a pore pressure decrease. This phenomenon has been studied by differential synthetic aperture radar interferometry techniques, which illustrate settlements up to 100 mm for the 1993–2009 period for the whole Orihuela city. Although no differential synthetic aperture radar interferometry information is available for the church due to the loss of interferometric coherence, the spatial analysis of nearby deformation combined with fieldwork has advanced the current understanding on the mechanisms that affect the Santas Justa and Rufina church. These results show the potential interest and the limitations of using this remote sensing technique as a complementary tool for the forensic analysis of building structures.


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Object tracking with subpixel accuracy is of fundamental importance in many fields since it provides optimal performance at relatively low cost. Although there are many theoretical proposals that lead to resolution increments of several orders of magnitude, in practice this resolution is limited by the imaging systems. In this paper we propose and demonstrate through simple numerical models a realistic limit for subpixel accuracy. The final result is that maximum achievable resolution enhancement is connected with the dynamic range of the image, i.e., the detection limit is 1/2∧(nr.bits). The results here presented may aid in proper design of superresolution experiments in microscopy, surveillance, defense, and other fields.


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Pedestrian Unique Bridge in prestesed white concrete. Pilar de la Horadada. Alicante.


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El objeto del presente proyecto es la definición, justificación técnica y valoración, con el nivel de detalle correspondiente a un proyecto de construcción, de las obras de la pasarela peatonal sobre la carretera Nacional 340. De este modo, se pretende eliminar el obstáculo que esta carretera supone entre las dos partes del polígono industrial (polígono industrial A y polígono industrial B) situado en la entrada de la ciudad.


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La fluencia de las rocas tiene gran importancia en la evaluación del comportamiento a largo plazo de elementos construidos con estos materiales. En este trabajo, se ha caracterizado física y mecánicamente una calcarenita porosa bien conocida localmente como Piedra de San Julián. Se han realizado ensayos de compresión uniaxial de 96 h. a carga constante. Se ha utilizado un modelo de fluencia bien conocido, el Código-modelo CEB-FIP 2010, usado para modelizar otro material pétreo (hormigón). Además, se ha propuesto un modelo reológico. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es investigar la posibilidad de aprovechar la gran experiencia acumulada en el estudio del hormigón, con el fin de obtener un enfoque para el comportamiento de la roca, para tiempos de prueba muy largos difíciles de implementar en laboratorio. Se propone una función de fluencia adaptada a la roca estudiada dependiente sólo de sus características elásticas y mecánicas.


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Las barandillas de seguridad con solicitación dinámica, tipos B y C según UNE-EN 13374, son el conjunto de componentes destinados a la protección colectiva de las personas contra las caídas a un nivel inferior y a retener materiales. Frecuentemente incorporan una red de seguridad. En este artículo se analizan aspectos fundamentales como su diseño, sus requisitos mecánicos y la solución a la problemática que suponen los soportes o puntos duros capaces de producir lesiones al accidentado. Para este fin, se ha estudiado el fenómeno de la caída de un lastre sobre tales redes con distintos modelos numéricos de elementos finitos en régimen dinámico y mediante consideraciones analíticas cinemáticas, obteniendo conclusiones útiles como la forma geométrica necesaria, la escuadría de los perfiles que constituyen el bastidor de la red, y los factores de impacto que sufren los accidentados. Ello permite sugerir mejoras al texto normativo.


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Las nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la enseñanza permiten la visualización de fenómenos físicos y su relación con la base matemática utilizada en la modelización de los mismos. En este trabajo se ha utilizado el programa Mathematica para realizar una aplicación ilustrativa del oscilador con un grado de libertad en funcionamiento libre, amortiguado y forzado armónicamente. El oscilador de 1 GL forma parte del conocimiento de base en el análisis de estructuras bajo cargas dinámicas (sismos), y la comprensión de sus fundamentos teóricos, así como la influencia de los parámetros implicados, deben ser objetivo didáctico prioritario en las asignaturas relacionadas con el cálculo avanzado de estructuras. En la aplicación desarrollada se pueden variar las características intrínsecas del oscilador (rigidez, constante de amortiguación y masa) y la fuerza aplicada (amplitud y frecuencia). El resultado se visualiza en forma de gráfico animado del movimiento permanente resultante. Las ecuaciones resultantes y los parámetros característicos (frecuencia natural, coeficiente de amortiguamiento, razón de frecuencias, factor de amplificación dinámica, ángulo de desfase…) también están disponibles de una forma interactiva. Las constantes de integración que definen las condiciones iniciales, y la ventana de tiempos mostrada pueden variarse asimismo. La aplicación puede ejecutarse desde cualquier navegador.


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The present paper addresses the analysis of structural vibration transmission in the presence of structural joints. The problem is tackled from a numerical point of view, analyzing some scenarios by using finite element models. The numerical results obtained making use of this process are then compared with those evaluated using the EN 12354 standard vibration reduction index concept. It is shown that, even for the simplest cases, the behavior of a structural joint is complex and evidences the frequency dependence. Comparison with results obtained by empirical formulas reveals that those of the standards cannot accurately reproduce the expected behavior, and thus indicate that alternative complementary calculation procedures are required. A simple methodology to estimate the difference between numerical and standard predictions is here proposed allowing the calculation of an adaptation term that makes both approaches converge. This term was found to be solution-dependent, and thus should be evaluated for each structure.


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In this paper the model of an Innovative Monitoring Network involving properly connected nodes to develop an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solution for preventive maintenance of historical centres from early warnings is proposed. It is well known that the protection of historical centres generally goes from a large-scale monitoring to a local one and it could be supported by a unique ICT solution. More in detail, the models of a virtually organized monitoring system could enable the implementation of automated analyses by presenting various alert levels. An adequate ICT solution tool would allow to define a monitoring network for a shared processing of data and results. Thus, a possible retrofit solution could be planned for pilot cases shared among the nodes of the network on the basis of a suitable procedure utilizing a retrofit catalogue. The final objective would consist in providing a model of an innovative tool to identify hazards, damages and possible retrofit solutions for historical centres, assuring an easy early warning support for stakeholders. The action could proactively target the needs and requirements of users, such as decision makers responsible for damage mitigation and safeguarding of cultural heritage assets.