97 resultados para pirólisis


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The authors thank the research project CTQ2008-05520 from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science and PROMETEO/2009/043/FEDER from the Valencian Community Government (Spain) for the support provided.


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Este trabajo ha sido realizado gracias a la ayuda de los proyectos CTQ2008-05520 (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación) y Prometeo/2009/043/FEDER (Generalitat Valenciana).


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The decomposition of five different biomass samples was studied in a horizontal laboratory reactor. The samples consisted of esparto grass, straw, Posidonea Oceanic seaweed, waste from urban and agricultural pruning and waste from forest pruning. Both pyrolysis in inert atmosphere and combustion in the presence of oxygen were studied. Different heating rates were used by varying the input speed. Major gas compounds were analyzed. The experimental results show that the amount of CO formed is lower in less dense species. It is also found that there is an increase of hydrocarbons formed at increasing feeding rates, in particular methane, while there is a decrease in the production of hydrogen.


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Nanoclay-based pigments are promising colorants. They enhance the colorimetric properties of the dye giving more intense and saturated colours. In addition, they act as reinforce additive when they are dispersed into polymers. They can be applied in a wide variety of substrates: printing inks, textiles, acrylic paints and concrete; and more applications are being developed. One important advantage of the nanoclay-based pigments is the fact that they can be considered an ecological alternative to contaminant colorants, in contrast to some traditional inorganic pigments that contend heavy metal in their structure.


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El alarmante descenso del número de alumnos que estudian química en bachillerato hace necesaria la búsqueda de herramientas para recuperar los niveles de finales de la pasada década. Los autores proponen algunas estrategias, aplicables en todos los niveles de enseñanza no universitaria, que van desde experiencias de laboratorio para alumnos de primaria, hasta la creación de una serie de personajes de ficción, que intervienen en los enunciados de los problemas de química, poner a disposición de los alumnos colecciones de problemas resueltos y la participación en pruebas como las olimpiadas de química.


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The pyrolysis and combustion of corn stover were studied by dynamic thermogravimetry and derivate thermogravimetry (TG-DTG) at heating rates of 5, 10, 20 and 50 K min−1 at atmospheric pressure. For the simulation of pyrolysis and combustion processes a kinetic model based on the distribution of activation energies was used, with three pools of reactants (three pseudocomponents) because of the complexity of the biomass samples of agricultural origin. The experimental thermogravimetric data of pyrolysis and combustion processes were simultaneously fitted to determine a single set of kinetic parameters able to describe both processes at the different heating rates. The model proposed achieves a good correlation between the experimental and calculated curves, with an error of less than 4% for fitting four heating rates simultaneously. The experimental results and kinetic parameters may provide useful data for the design of thermo decomposition processing system using corn stover as feedstock. On the other hand, analysis of the main compounds in the evolved gas is given by means of a microcromatograph.


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Wildfires produce a significant release of gases and particles affecting climate and air quality. In the Mediterranean region, shrublands significantly contribute to burned areas and may show specific emission profiles. Our objective was to depict and quantify the primary-derived aerosols and precursors of secondary particulate species released during shrubland experimental fires, in which fire-line intensity values were equivalent to those of moderate shrubland wildfires, by using a number of different methodologies for the characterization of organic and inorganic compounds in both gas-phase and particulate-phase. Emissions of PM mass, particle number concentrations and organic and inorganic PMx components during flaming and smouldering phases were characterized in a field shrubland fire experiment. Our results revealed a clear prevalence of K+ and SO42- as inorganic ions released during the flaming-smouldering processes, accounting for 68 to 80% of the inorganic soluble fraction. During the residual-smouldering phases, in addition to K+ and SO42-, Ca2+ was found in significant amounts probably due the predominance of re-suspension processes (ashes and soil dust) over other emission sources during this stage. Concerning organic markers, the chromatograms were dominated by phenols, n-alkanals and n-alkanones, as well as by alcohol biomarkers in all the PMx fractions investigated. Levoglucosan was the most abundant degradation compound with maximum emission factors between 182 and 261 mg kg-1 in PM2.5 and PM10 respectively. However, levoglucosan was also observed in significant amounts in the gas-phase. The most representative organic volatile constituents in the smoke samples were alcohols, carbonyls, acids, monocyclic and bicyclic arenes, isoprenoids and alkanes compounds. The emission factors obtained in this study may contribute to the validation and improvement of national and international emission inventories of this intricate and diffuse emission source.


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The pyrolysis of a sludge produced in the waste water treatment plant of an oil refinery was studied in a pilot plant reactor provided with a system for condensation of semivolatile matter. The study comprises experiments at 350, 400, 470 and 530 °C in nitrogen atmosphere. Analysis of all the products obtained (gases, liquids and chars) are presented, with a thermogravimetric study of the char produced and analysis of main components of the liquid. In the temperature range studied, the composition of the gas fraction does not appreciably vary. In the liquids, the light hidrocarbon yield increases with increasing temperature, whereas the aromatic compounds diminish. The decomposition of the solid fraction has been analysed, finding a material that reacts rapidly with oxygen regardless of the conditions it is formed.


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In this work, the catalytic effect of MCM-41 on the qualitative composition of the gases evolved in the pyrolysis of glycerol, tobacco and tobacco–glycerol mixtures has been studied by TGA/FTIR. The results obtained reflect that the amount of volatile products obtained from tobacco or from tobacco containing mixtures is noticeably decreased if the catalyst is used as a tobacco additive. The addition of the catalyst also produces noticeable changes in the composition of the gases obtained at each temperature. Such changes are more significant in the case of the pyrolysis of the tobacco–glycerol–mixture than in the pyrolysis of tobacco. The evolution patterns for different types of compounds reveal that the catalyst contributes to a noticeable decrease of the yields of methane, CO, CO2 and carbonylic compounds, which could be interesting from the point of view of the use of MCM-41 as a tobacco additive in order to reduce tobacco smoke toxicity.


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Tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) is the most widely used brominated flame retardant worldwide. A detailed examination of the degradation products emitted during thermal decomposition of TBBPA is presented in the study. Runs were performed in a laboratory furnace at different temperatures (650 and 800 °C) and in different atmospheres (nitrogen and air). More than one hundred semivolatile compounds have been identified by GC/MS, with special interest in brominated ones. Presence of HBr and brominated light hydrocarbons increased with temperature and in the presence of oxygen. Maximum formation of PAHs is observed at pyrolytic condition at the higher temperature. High levels of 2,4-, 2,6- and 2,4,6- bromophenols were found. The levels of polybrominated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans have been detected in the ppm range. The most abundant isomers are 2,4,6,8-TeBDF in pyrolysis and 1,2,3,7,8-PeBDF in combustion. These results should be considered in the assessment of thermal treatment of materials containing brominated flame retardants.


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In this work the usefulness of qualitatively studying and drawing three-dimensional temperature–composition diagrams for ternary systems is pointed out to understand and interpret the particular behavior of the liquid–vapour equilibrium of non-ideal ternary systems. Several examples have been used in order to highlight the interest and the possibilities of this tool, which should be an interesting support not only for lecturers, but also for researchers interested in experimental equilibrium data determination.


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In order to evaluate the influence of particle transport episodes on particle number concentration temporal trends at both urban and high-altitude (Aitana peak-1558 m a.s.l.) stations, a simultaneous sampling campaign from October 2011 to September 2012 was performed. The monitoring stations are located in southeastern Spain, close to the Mediterranean coast. The annual average value of particle concentration obtained in the larger accumulation mode (size range 0.25–1 μm) at the mountain site, 55.0 ± 3.0 cm− 3, was practically half that of the value obtained at the urban station (112.0 ± 4.0 cm− 3). The largest difference between both stations was recorded during December 2011 and January 2012, when particles at the mountain station registered the lowest values. It was observed that during urban stagnant episodes, particle transport from urban sites to the mountain station could take place under specific atmospheric conditions. During these transports, the major particle transfer is produced in the 0.5–2 μm size range. The minimum difference between stations was recorded in summer, particularly in July 2012, which is most likely due to several particle transport events that affected only the mountain station. The particle concentration in the coarse mode was very similar at both monitoring sites, with the biggest difference being recorded during the summer months, 0.4 ± 0.1 cm− 3 at the urban site and 0.9 ± 0.1 cm− 3 at the Aitana peak in August 2012. Saharan dust outbreaks were the main factor responsible for these values during summer time. The regional station was affected more by these outbreaks, recording values of > 4.0 cm− 3, than the urban site. This long-range particle transport from the Sahara desert also had an effect upon O3 levels measured at the mountain station. During periods affected by Saharan dust outbreaks, ozone levels underwent a significant decrease (3–17%) with respect to its mean value.


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The present work has two dimensions: analytical and environmental. On the one hand we proved that thermogravimetric analysis can be used to perform fast characterization of oil refinery sludge. To this end, thermogravimetric curves were deconvoluted by using autocatalytic kinetics to take into account acceleratory phases in a thermal degradation performed in oxygen-containing atmosphere or at high heating rates. Based on thermogravimetric results, oil refinery sludge was modeled in terms of various fractions (pseudo-components) which degrade as major oil cuts. On the other hand, as an alternative to landfill, we have seen that Soxhlet extraction allows recovery almost half of the weight of sludge as a mixture of hydrocarbons, similar to gas–oil, which burns without residue. This ensures both, waste inerting and significant reduction in sludge volume.


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Gasoline coming from refinery fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) unit is a major contributor to the total commercial grade gasoline pool. The contents of the FCC gasoline are primarily paraffins, naphthenes, olefins, aromatics, and undesirables such as sulfur and sulfur containing compounds in low quantities. The proportions of these components in the FCC gasoline invariable determine its quality as well as the performance of the associated downstream units. The increasing demand for cleaner and lighter fuels significantly influences the need not only for novel processing technologies but also for alternative refinery and petrochemical feedstocks. Current and future clean gasoline requirements include increased isoparaffins contents, reduced olefin contents, reduced aromatics, reduced benzene, and reduced sulfur contents. The present study is aimed at investigating the effect of processing an unconventional refinery feedstock, composed of blend of vacuum gas oil (VGO) and low density polyethylene (LDPE) on FCC full range gasoline yields and compositional spectrum including its paraffins, isoparaffins, olefins, napthenes, and aromatics contents distribution within a range of operating variables of temperature (500–700 °C) and catalyst-feed oil ratio (CFR 5–10) using spent equilibrium FCC Y-zeolite based catalyst in a FCC pilot plant operated at the University of Alicante’s Research Institute of Chemical Process Engineering (RICPE). The coprocessing of the oil-polymer blend led to the production of gasoline with very similar yields and compositions as those obtained from the base oil, albeit, in some cases, the contribution of the feed polymer content as well as the processing variables on the gasoline compositional spectrum were appreciated. Carbon content analysis showed a higher fraction of the C9–C12 compounds at all catalyst rates employed and for both feedstocks. The gasoline’s paraffinicity, olefinicity, and degrees of branching of the paraffins and olefins were also affected in various degrees by the scale of operating severity. In the majority of the cases, the gasoline aromatics tended toward the decrease as the reactor temperature was increased. While the paraffins and iso-paraffins gasoline contents were relatively stable at around 5 % wt, the olefin contents on the other hand generally increased with increase in the FCC reactor temperature.


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Support for this work was provided by PROMETEO/2009/043/FEDER of Generalitat Valenciana (Spain) and CTQ2008-05520 (Spanish MCI/research).