68 resultados para interferometria de píons
Central compact objects (CCOs) are X-ray sources lying close to the centre of supernova remnants, with inferred values of the surface magnetic fields significantly lower (≲1011 G) than those of standard pulsars. In this paper, we revise the hidden magnetic field scenario, presenting the first 2D simulations of the submergence and re-emergence of the magnetic field in the crust of a neutron star. A post-supernova accretion stage of about 10−4–10−3 M⊙ over a vast region of the surface is required to bury the magnetic field into the inner crust. When accretion stops, the field re-emerges on a typical time-scale of 1–100 kyr, depending on the submergence conditions. After this stage, the surface magnetic field is restored close to its birth values. A possible observable consequence of the hidden magnetic field is the anisotropy of the surface temperature distribution, in agreement with observations of several of these sources. We conclude that the hidden magnetic field model is viable as an alternative to the antimagnetar scenario, and it could provide the missing link between CCOs and the other classes of isolated neutron stars.
The lack of isolated X-ray pulsars with spin periods longer than 12 s raises the question of where the population of evolved high-magnetic-field neutron stars has gone. Unlike canonical radiopulsars, X-ray pulsars are not subject to physical limits to the emission mechanism nor observational biases against the detection of sources with longer periods. Here we show that a highly resistive layer in the innermost part of the crust of neutron stars naturally limits the spin period to a maximum value of about 10–20 s. This highly resistive layer is expected if the inner crust is amorphous and heterogeneous in nuclear charge, possibly owing to the existence of a nuclear ‘pasta’ phase. Our findings suggest that the maximum period of isolated X-ray pulsars may be the first observational evidence for an amorphous inner crust, whose properties can be further constrained by future X-ray timing missions combined with more detailed models.
We report on the long-term X-ray monitoring with Swift, RXTE, Suzaku, Chandra, and XMM-Newton of the outburst of the newly discovered magnetar Swift J1822.3–1606 (SGR 1822–1606), from the first observations soon after the detection of the short X-ray bursts which led to its discovery, through the first stages of its outburst decay (covering the time span from 2011 July until the end of 2012 April). We also report on archival ROSAT observations which detected the source during its likely quiescent state, and on upper limits on Swift J1822.3–1606's radio-pulsed and optical emission during outburst, with the Green Bank Telescope and the Gran Telescopio Canarias, respectively. Our X-ray timing analysis finds the source rotating with a period of P = 8.43772016(2) s and a period derivative P = 8.3(2)×10−14 s s−1, which implies an inferred dipolar surface magnetic field of B sime 2.7 × 1013 G at the equator. This measurement makes Swift J1822.3–1606 the second lowest magnetic field magnetar (after SGR 0418+5729). Following the flux and spectral evolution from the beginning of the outburst, we find that the flux decreased by about an order of magnitude, with a subtle softening of the spectrum, both typical of the outburst decay of magnetars. By modeling the secular thermal evolution of Swift J1822.3–1606, we find that the observed timing properties of the source, as well as its quiescent X-ray luminosity, can be reproduced if it was born with a poloidal and crustal toroidal fields of Bp ~ 1.5 × 1014 G and B tor ~ 7 × 1014 G, respectively, and if its current age is ~550 kyr.
The availability of a large amount of observational data recently collected from magnetar outbursts is now calling for a complete theoretical study of outburst characteristics. In this Letter (the first of a series dedicated to modeling magnetar outbursts), we tackle the long-standing open issue of whether or not short bursts and glitches are always connected to long-term radiative outbursts. We show that the recent detection of short bursts and glitches seemingly unconnected to outbursts is only misleading our understanding of these events. We show that, in the framework of the starquake model, neutrino emission processes in the magnetar crust limit the temperature, and therefore the luminosity. This natural limit to the maximum luminosity makes outbursts associated with bright persistent magnetars barely detectable. These events are simply seen as a small luminosity increase over the already bright quiescent state, followed by a fast return to quiescence. In particular, this is the case for 1RXS J1708–4009, 1E 1841–045, SGR 1806–20, and other bright persistent magnetars. On the other hand, a similar event (with the same energetics) in a fainter source will drive a more extreme luminosity variation and longer cooling time, as for sources such as XTE J1810–197, 1E 1547–5408, and SGR 1627–41. We conclude that the non-detection of large radiative outbursts in connection with glitches and bursts from bright persistent magnetars is not surprising per se, nor does it need any revision of the glitches and burst mechanisms as explained by current theoretical models.
SGR 0418+5729 is a transient soft gamma-ray repeater which underwent a major outburst in 2009 June, during which the emission of short bursts was observed. Its properties appeared quite typical of other sources of the same class until long-term X-ray monitoring failed to detect any period derivative. The present upper limit on P implies that the surface dipole field is Bp lsim 7.5 × 1012 G, well below those measured in other soft gamma-ray repeaters (SGRs) and in the Anomalous X-ray Pulsars (AXPs), a group of similar sources. Both SGRs and AXPs are currently believed to be powered by ultra-magnetized neutron stars (magnetars, Bp ≈ 1014-1015 G). SGR 0418+5729 hardly seems to fit in such a picture. We show that the magneto-rotational properties of SGR 0418+5729 can be reproduced if this is an aged magnetar, ≈1 Myr old, which experienced substantial field decay. The large initial toroidal component of the internal field required to match the observed properties of SGR 0418+5729 ensures that crustal fractures, and hence bursting activity, can still occur at the present time. The thermal spectrum observed during the outburst decay is compatible with the predictions of a resonant Compton scattering model (as in other SGRs/AXPs) if the field is low and the magnetospheric twist is moderate.
We report on an ~63 ks Chandra observation of the X-ray transient Swift J195509.6+261406 discovered as the afterglow of what was first believed to be a long-duration gamma-ray burst (GRB 070610). The outburst of this source was characterized by unique optical flares on timescales of second or less, morphologically similar to the short X-ray bursts usually observed from magnetars. Our Chandra observation was performed ~2 years after the discovery of the optical and X-ray flaring activity of this source, catching it in its quiescent state. We derive stringent upper limits on the quiescent emission of Swift J195509.6+261406, which argues against the possibility of this object being a typical magnetar. Our limits show that the most viable interpretation on the nature of this peculiar bursting source is a binary system hosting a black hole or a neutron star with a low-mass companion star (<0.12 M ☉) and with an orbital period smaller than a few hours.
Contiene: LANGEWIESCHE, Dieter, La época del Estado-Nación en Europa, Valencia, PUV, 2012, 183 pp. Edición a cargo de Jesús Millán y María Cruz Romeo. / Rafael Serrano García; BUTRÓN, Gonzalo; RÚJULA, Pedro (eds.), Los sitios en la Guerra de la Independencia: la lucha en las ciudades, Madrid, Sílex Ediciones-Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cádiz, 2012, 411 pp. / Rafael Fernández Sirvent; MORENO ALONSO, Manuel, La Constitución de Cádiz. Una mirada crítica, Sevilla, Ediciones Alfar, 2011, 440 pp. / Mª del Mar Alarcón Alarcón; VARELA SUANZES-CARPEGNA, Joaquín, La monarquía doceañista (1810-1837). Avatares, encomios y denuestos de una extraña forma de gobierno, Madrid, Marcial Pons, 2013, 480 pp. / Emilio La Parra López; SÁNCHEZ COLLANTES, Sergio, Sediciosos y románticos. El papel de Asturias en las insurrecciones contra la Monarquía durante el siglo XIX, Gijón, Zahorí Ediciones, 2011, 197 pp. / Juan Boris Ruiz Núñez; COLL MOSCARDÓ, Miguel, De la discordia a la comunión: el Dr. Sardá y los Jesuitas (1882-1907), Roma, Instituto Español de Historia Eclesiástica, 2013, separata del nº 53-54 (2006-2007) de Anthologica Annua, 290 pp. / Antonio Moliner Prada; SALORT I VIVES, Salvador, Revoluciones industriales, trabajo y Estado de Bienestar. La gran ruptura mundial contemporánea, Madrid, Sílex, 2012, 311 pp. / Mª del Mar Alarcón Alarcón; RISQUES I CORBELLA, Manel (dir.), Un segle d’història de Catalunya en fotografíes, 4 vols., Barcelona, Enciclopèdia Catalana, 2010-2012 / Francisco Sevillano Calero; MEDINA DOMÉNECH, Rosa María, Ciencia y sabiduría del amor. Una historia cultural del franquismo (1940-1960), Madrid, Vervuert, 2013, 276 pp. / Miren Llona González; MORADIELLOS, Enrique, Clío y las aulas. Ensayo sobre Educación e Historia, Badajoz, Diputación de Badajoz, 2013, 320 pp. / Emilio La Parra López.
We study the outburst of the newly discovered X-ray transient 3XMMJ185246.6+003317, re-analyzing all available XMM-Newton observations of the source to perform a phase-coherent timing analysis, and derive updated values of the period and period derivative. We find the source rotating at P = 11.55871346(6) s (90% confidence level; at epoch MJD 54728.7) but no evidence for a period derivative in the seven months of outburst decay spanned by the observations. This translates to a 3σ upper limit for the period derivative of ˙ P <1.4×10−13 s s−1, which, assuming the classical magneto-dipolar braking model, gives a limit on the dipolar magnetic field of Bdip < 4.1×1013 G. The X-ray outburst and spectral characteristics of 3XMM J185246.6+003317 confirm its identification as a magnetar, but the magnetic field upper limit we derive defines it as the third “low-B” magnetar discovered in the past 3 yr, after SGR 0418+5729 and Swift J1822.3−1606. We have also obtained an upper limit to the quiescent luminosity (<4×1033 erg s−1), in line with the expectations for an old magnetar. The discovery of this new low field magnetar reaffirms the prediction of about one outburst per year from the hidden population of aged magnetars.
A representation of the color gamut of special effect coatings is proposed and shown for six different samples, whose colors were calculated from spectral bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) measurements at different geometries. The most important characteristic of the proposed representation is that it allows a straightforward understanding of the color shift to be done both in terms of conventional irradiation and viewing angles and in terms of flake-based parameters. A different line was proposed to assess the color shift of special effect coatings on a*,b*-diagrams: the absorption line. Similar to interference and aspecular lines (constant aspecular and irradiation angles, respectively), an absorption line is the locus of calculated color coordinates from measurement geometries with a fixed bistatic angle. The advantages of using the absorption lines to characterize the contributions to the spectral BRDF of the scattering at the absorption pigments and the reflection at interference pigments for different geometries are shown.
We report on the quiescent state of the soft gamma repeater SGR 0501+4516 observed by XMM–Newton on 2009 August 30. The source exhibits an absorbed flux ∼75 times lower than that measured at the peak of the 2008 outburst, and a rather soft spectrum, with the same value of the blackbody temperature observed with ROSAT back in 1992. This new observation is put into the context of all existing X-ray data since its discovery in 2008 August, allowing us to complete the study of the timing and spectral evolution of the source from outburst until its quiescent state. The set of deep XMM–Newton observations performed during the few years time-scale of its outburst allows us to monitor the spectral characteristics of this magnetar as a function of its rotational period, and their evolution along these years. After the first ∼10 d, the initially hot and bright surface spot progressively cooled down during the decay. We discuss the behaviour of this magnetar in the context of its simulated secular evolution, inferring a plausible dipolar field at birth of 3 × 1014 G, and a current (magnetothermal) age of ∼10 kyr.
We present a long-term phase-coherent timing analysis and pulse-phase resolved spectroscopy for the two outbursts observed from the transient anomalous X-ray pulsar CXOU J164710.2−455216. For the first outburst we used 11 Chandra and XMM–Newton observations between 2006 September and 2009 August, the longest baseline yet for this source. We obtain a coherent timing solution with P = 10.61065583(4) s, Ṗ = 9.72(1) × 10−13 s s−1 and P̈ = –1.05(5) × 10−20 s s−2. Under the standard assumptions this implies a surface dipolar magnetic field of ∼1014 G, confirming this source as a standard B magnetar. We also study the evolution of the pulse profile (shape, intensity and pulsed fraction) as a function of time and energy. Using the phase-coherent timing solution we perform a phase-resolved spectroscopy analysis, following the spectral evolution of pulse-phase features, which hints at the physical processes taking place on the star. The results are discussed from the perspective of magnetothermal evolution models and the untwisting magnetosphere model. Finally, we present similar analysis for the second, less intense, 2011 outburst. For the timing analysis we used Swift data together with 2 XMM–Newton and Chandra pointings. The results inferred for both outbursts are compared and briefly discussed in a more general framework.
The thermal X-ray spectra of several isolated neutron stars display deviations from a pure blackbody. The accurate physical interpretation of these spectral features bears profound implications for our understanding of the atmospheric composition, magnetic field strength and topology, and equation of state of dense matter. With specific details varying from source to source, common explanations for the features have ranged from atomic transitions in the magnetized atmospheres or condensed surface, to cyclotron lines generated in a hot ionized layer near the surface. Here, we quantitatively evaluate the X-ray spectral distortions induced by inhomogeneous temperature distributions of the neutron star surface. To this aim, we explore several surface temperature distributions, we simulate their corresponding general relativistic X-ray spectra (assuming an isotropic, blackbody emission), and fit the latter with a single blackbody model. We find that, in some cases, the presence of a spurious ‘spectral line’ is required at a high significance level in order to obtain statistically acceptable fits, with central energy and equivalent width similar to the values typically observed. We also perform a fit to a specific object, RX J0806.4−4123, finding several surface temperature distributions able to model the observed spectrum. The explored effect is unlikely to work in all sources with detected lines, but in some cases it can indeed be responsible for the appearance of such lines. Our results enforce the idea that surface temperature anisotropy can be an important factor that should be considered and explored also in combination with more sophisticated emission models like atmospheres.
We revisit the population synthesis of isolated radio-pulsars incorporating recent advances on the evolution of the magnetic field and the angle between the magnetic and rotational axes from new simulations of the magneto-thermal evolution and magnetosphere models, respectively. An interesting novelty in our approach is that we do not assume the existence of a death line. We discuss regions in parameter space that are more consistent with the observational data. In particular, we find that any broad distribution of birth spin periods with P0 ≲ 0.5 s can fit the data, and that if the alignment angle is allowed to vary consistently with the torque model, realistic magnetospheric models are favoured compared to models with classical magneto-dipolar radiation losses. Assuming that the initial magnetic field is given by a lognormal distribution, our optimal model has mean strength 〈log B0[G]〉 ≈ 13.0–13.2 with width σ(log B0) = 0.6–0.7. However, there are strong correlations between parameters. This degeneracy in the parameter space can be broken by an independent estimate of the pulsar birth rate or by future studies correlating this information with the population in other observational bands (X-rays and γ-rays).
The magnetic field strength at birth is arguably one of the most important properties to determine the evolutionary path of a neutron star. Objects with very high fields, collectively known as magnetars, are characterized by high X-ray quiescent luminosities, occurrence of outbursts, and, for some of them, sporadic giant flares. While the magnetic field strength is believed to drive their collective behaviour, however, the diversity of their properties, and, especially, the observation of magnetar-like bursts from “low-field” pulsars, has been a theoretical puzzle. In this review, we discuss results of long-term simulations following the coupled evolution of the X-ray luminosity and the timing properties for a large, homogeneous sample of X-ray emitting isolated neutron stars, accounting for a range of initial magnetic field strengths, envelope compositions, and neutron star masses. In addition, by following the evolution of magnetic stresses within the neutron star crust, we can also relate the observed magnetar phenomenology to the physical properties of neutron stars, and in particular to their age and magnetic field strength and topology. The dichotomy of “high-B” field pulsars versus magnetars is naturally explained, and occasional outbursts from old, low B-field neutron stars are predicted. We conclude by speculating on the fate of old magnetars, and by presenting observational diagnostics of the neutron star crustal field topology.
“Crecemos en democracia” es una actividad didáctica transversal que ha conseguido unir a tres instituciones distintas: la Universidad de Alicante, Archivo Histórico Provincial de Alicante (AHPA) y el Colegio Público San Gabriel de esta misma ciudad. Asimismo esta transversalidad se ha visto incrementada porque dentro de la citada institución universitaria dos son los centros que intervienen en ella: la Facultad de Educación y la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras a un doble nivel: participación de profesorado y de alumnado de prácticas externas del Grado de Historia. El objetivo primordial ha sido generar un “aprendizaje en dominó” desde los docentes universitarios a nuestros estudiantes de grado; y éstos a su vez, a través de la asignatura de prácticas externas o prácticas de empresa destinados en el AHPA, han aprendido a aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos, generando recursos educativos destinados a la enseñanza de la Historia para el alumnado del tercer ciclo de Educación Primaria. Así pues, desde la docencia universitaria hemos generado un vínculo con los centros de Educación Primaria para el aprendizaje y el desarrollo de competencias vinculadas a la Historia y la Educación para la Ciudadanía, a partir de los medios materiales y documentales con los que cuentan los archivos. Tomando como hilo conductor algunos hitos electorales a lo largo de la Historia de España, se dan a conocer los mecanismos de funcionamiento de nuestra sociedad democrática, y al mismo tiempo mostrar el papel que en ella desempeñan las administraciones públicas, en este caso los archivos públicos, en la defensa y desarrollo de los derechos así como en la garantía de los servicios que ofrecen a los ciudadanos.