40 resultados para Isoterma de Curie
Fundamentos: El Physician Readiness to Manage Intimate Partner Violence Survey (PREMIS) es uno de los cuestionarios más completos en el contexto internacional para la valoración de la capacidad de respuesta frente a la violencia del compañero íntimo por los profesionales de Atención Primaria de Salud. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la fiabilidad, consistencia interna y validez de constructo de la versión española de este cuestionario. Métodos: Tras la traducción, retrotraducción y valoración de la validez de contenido del cuestionario, se distribuyeron en una muestra de 200 profesionales de medicina y enfermería de 15 centros de atención primaria de 4 Comunidades Autónomas en 2013 (Comunidad Valenciana, Castilla León, Murcia y Cantabria). Se calcularon los coeficientes alfa de Cronbach, los de correlación intraclase y rho de Spearman (test-retest). Resultados: la versión española del PREMIS incluyó 64 ítems. El coeficiente α de Cronbach fue superior a 0,7 o muy cercano a ese valor en la mayoría de los índices. Se obtuvo un coeficiente de correlación intraclase de 0,87 y un coeficiente de Spearman de 0,67 que muestran una fiabilidad alta. Todas las correlaciones observadas para la escala de opiniones, la única tratada como estructura factorial en el cuestionario PREMIS, fueron superiores a 0,30. Conclusiones: el PREMIS en español obtuvo una buena validez interna, alta fiabilidad y capacidad predictiva de las prácticas auto-referidas por médicos(as) y enfermeros(as) frente a casos de violencia del compañero íntimo en centros de atención primaria.
This methodological note describes the development and application of a mixed-methods protocol to assess the responsiveness of Spanish health systems to violence against women in Spain, based on the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations. Five areas for exploration were identified based on the WHO recommendations: policy environment, protocols, training, accountability/monitoring, and prevention/promotion. Two data collection instruments were developed to assess the situation of 17 Spanish regional health systems (RHS) with respect to these areas: 1) a set of indicators to guide a systematic review of secondary sources, and 2) an interview guide to be used with 26 key informants at the regional and national levels. We found differences between RHSs in the five areas assessed. The progress of RHSs on the WHO recommendations was notable at the level of policies, moderate in terms of health service delivery, and very limited in terms of preventive actions. Using a mixed-methods approach was useful for triangulation and complementarity during instrument design, data collection and interpretation.
Chiral L-prolinamides 2 containing the (R,R)- and (S,S)-trans-cyclohexane-1,2-diamine scaffold and a 2-pyrimidinyl unit are synthesized and used as general organocatalysts for intermolecular and intramolecular aldol reactions with 1,6-hexanedioic acid as a co-catalyst under solvent-free conditions. The intermolecular reaction between ketone–aldehyde and aldehyde–aldehyde must be performed under wet conditions with catalyst (S,S)-2b at 10 °C, which affords anti-aldols with high regio-, diastereo-, and enantioselectivities. For the Hajos–Parrish–Eder–Sauer–Wiechert reaction, both diastereomers of catalyst 2 give similar results at room temperature in the absence of water to give the corresponding Wieland–Miescher ketone and derivatives. Both types of reactions were scaled up to 1 g, and the organocatalysts were recovered by extractive workup and reused without any appreciable loss in activity. DFT calculations support the stereochemical results of the intermolecular process and the bifunctional role played by the organocatalyst by providing a computational comparison of the H-bonding networks occurring with catalysts 2a and 2b.
Background: Despite the progress made on policies and programmes to strengthen primary health care teams’ response to Intimate Partner Violence, the literature shows that encounters between women exposed to IPV and health-care providers are not always satisfactory, and a number of barriers that prevent individual health-care providers from responding to IPV have been identified. We carried out a realist case study, for which we developed and tested a programme theory that seeks to explain how, why and under which circumstances a primary health care team in Spain learned to respond to IPV. Methods: A realist case study design was chosen to allow for an in-depth exploration of the linkages between context, intervention, mechanisms and outcomes as they happen in their natural setting. The first author collected data at the primary health care center La Virgen (pseudonym) through the review of documents, observation and interviews with health systems’ managers, team members, women patients, and members of external services. The quality of the IPV case management was assessed with the PREMIS tool. Results: This study found that the health care team at La Virgen has managed 1) to engage a number of staff members in actively responding to IPV, 2) to establish good coordination, mutual support and continuous learning processes related to IPV, 3) to establish adequate internal referrals within La Virgen, and 4) to establish good coordination and referral systems with other services. Team and individual level factors have triggered the capacity and interest in creating spaces for team leaning, team work and therapeutic responses to IPV in La Virgen, although individual motivation strongly affected this mechanism. Regional interventions did not trigger individual and/ or team responses but legitimated the workings of motivated professionals. Conclusions: The primary health care team of La Virgen is involved in a continuous learning process, even as participation in the process varies between professionals. This process has been supported, but not caused, by a favourable policy for integration of a health care response to IPV. Specific contextual factors of La Virgen facilitated the uptake of the policy. To some extent, the performance of La Virgen has the potential to shape the IPV learning processes of other primary health care teams in Murcia.
The so-called quantum spin Hall phase is a topologically nontrivial insulating phase that is predicted to appear in graphene and graphenelike systems. In this paper we address the question of whether this topological property persists in multilayered systems. We consider two situations: purely multilayer graphene and heterostructures where graphene is encapsulated by trivial insulators with a strong spin-orbit coupling. We use a four-orbital tight-binding model that includes full atomic spin-orbit coupling and we calculate the Z2 topological invariant of the bulk states as well as the edge states of semi-infinite crystals with armchair termination. For homogeneous multilayers we find that even when the spin-orbit interaction opens a gap for all possible stackings, only those with an odd number of layers host gapless edge states while those with an even number of layers are trivial insulators. For heterostructures where graphene is encapsulated by trivial insulators, it turns out that interlayer coupling is able to induce a topological gap whose size is controlled by the spin-orbit coupling of the encapsulating materials, indicating that the quantum spin Hall phase can be induced by proximity to trivial insulators.
Chiral primary amines containing the (R,R)- and (S,S)-trans-cyclohexane-1,2-diamine scaffold and a pyrimidin-2-yl unit are synthesized and used as general organocatalysts for the Michael reaction of α-branched aldehydes to maleimides. The reaction takes place with 10 mol% organocatalyst loading and hexanedioic acid as cocatalyst in aqueous N,N-dimethylformamide at 10 °C affording the corresponding succinimides in good yields and enantioselectivities. DFT calculations support the stereochemical results and the role played by the solvents.
Background. Health care professionals, especially those working in primary health-care services, can play a key role in preventing and responding to intimate partner violence. However, there are huge variations in the way health care professionals and primary health care teams respond to intimate partner violence. In this study we tested a previously developed programme theory on 15 primary health care center teams located in four different Spanish regions: Murcia, C Valenciana, Castilla-León and Cantabria. The aim was to identify the key combinations of contextual factors and mechanisms that trigger a good primary health care center team response to intimate partner violence. Methods. A multiple case-study design was used. Qualitative and quantitative information was collected from each of the 15 centers (cases). In order to handle the large amount of information without losing familiarity with each case, qualitative comparative analysis was undertaken. Conditions (context and mechanisms) and outcomes, were identified and assessed for each of the 15 cases, and solution formulae were calculated using qualitative comparative analysis software. Results. The emerging programme theory highlighted the importance of the combination of each team’s self-efficacy, perceived preparation and women-centredness in generating a good team response to intimate partner violence. The use of the protocol and accumulated experience in primary health care were the most relevant contextual/intervention conditions to trigger a good response. However in order to achieve this, they must be combined with other conditions, such as an enabling team climate, having a champion social worker and having staff with training in intimate partner violence. Conclusions. Interventions to improve primary health care teams’ response to intimate partner violence should focus on strengthening team’s self-efficacy, perceived preparation and the implementation of a woman-centred approach. The use of the protocol combined with a large working experience in primary health care, and other factors such as training, a good team climate, and having a champion social worker on the team, also played a key role. Measures to sustain such interventions and promote these contextual factors should be encouraged.
We find that the formation of MWC 656 (the first Be binary containing a black hole) involves a common envelope phase and a supernova explosion. This result supports the idea that a rapidly rotating Be star can emerge out of a common envelope phase, which is very intriguing because this evolutionary stage is thought to be too fast to lead to significant accretion and spin up of the B star. We predict ∼10–100 of B-BH binaries to currently reside in the Galactic disc, among which around 1/3 contain a Be star, but there is only a small chance to observe a system with parameters resembling MWC 656. If MWC 656 is representative of intrinsic Galactic Be-BH binary population, it may indicate that standard evolutionary theory needs to be revised. This would pose another evolutionary problem in understanding black hole (BH) binaries, with BH X-ray novae formation issue being the prime example. Future evolution of MWC 656 with an ∼5 M⊙ BH and with an ∼13 M⊙ main-sequence companion on an ∼60 d orbit may lead to the formation of a coalescing BH–NS (neutron star) system. The estimated Advanced LIGO/Virgo detection rate of such systems is up to ∼0.2 yr−1. This empirical estimate is a lower limit as it is obtained with only one particular evolutionary scenario, the MWC 656 binary. This is only a third such estimate available (after Cyg X-1 and Cyg X-3), and it lends additional support to the existence of so far undetected BH–NS binaries.
Skyrmions are topologically protected spin textures, characterized by a topological winding number N, that occur spontaneously in some magnetic materials. Recent experiments have demonstrated the capability to grow graphene on top Fe/Ir, a system that exhibits a two-dimensional skyrmion lattice. Here we show that a weak exchange coupling between the Dirac electrons in graphene and a two-dimensional skyrmion lattice withN = ±1 drives graphene into a quantum anomalous Hall phase, with a band gap in bulk, a Chern number C = 2N, and chiral edge states with perfect quantization of conductance G = 2N e2 h . Our findings imply that the topological properties of the skyrmion lattice can be imprinted in the Dirac electrons of graphene.
Objective: Few evaluations have assessed the factors triggering an adequate health care response to intimate partner violence. This article aimed to: 1) describe a realist evaluation carried out in Spain to ascertain why, how and under what circumstances primary health care teams respond to intimate partner violence, and 2) discuss the strengths and challenges of its application. Methods: We carried out a series of case studies in four steps. First, we developed an initial programme theory (PT1), based on interviews with managers. Second, we refined PT1 into PT2 by testing it in a primary healthcare team that was actively responding to violence. Third, we tested the refined PT2 by incorporating three other cases located in the same region. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected and thick descriptions were produced and analysed using a retroduction approach. Fourth, we analysed a total of 15 cases, and identified combinations of contextual factors and mechanisms that triggered an adequate response to violence by using qualitative comparative analysis. Results: There were several key mechanisms —the teams’ self-efficacy, perceived preparation, women-centred care—, and contextual factors —an enabling team environment and managerial style, the presence of motivated professionals, the use of the protocol and accumulated experience in primary health care—that should be considered to develop adequate primary health-care responses to violence. Conclusion: The full application of this realist evaluation was demanding, but also well suited to explore a complex intervention reflecting the situation in natural settings.
Los derechos humanos están sufriendo severos recortes con la excusa de que las políticas internacionales exigen ajustes económicos. Hay un cambio drástico de política. Las universidades y trabajadores sociales profesionales junto con las organizaciones civiles, están participando en el debate público y denunciando la calidad de estas políticas o su inexistencia cuando no las hay.
The activity of calmodulin (CaM) is modulated not only by oscillations in the cytosolic concentration of free Ca2+, but also by its phosphorylation status. In the present study, the role of tyrosine-phosphorylated CaM [P-(Tyr)-CaM] on the regulation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) has been examined using in vitro assay systems. We show that phosphorylation of CaM by rat liver solubilized EGFR leads to a dramatic increase in the subsequent phosphorylation of poly-L-(Glu:Tyr) (PGT) by the receptor in the presence of ligand, both in the absence and in the presence of Ca2+. This occurred in contrast with assays where P-(Tyr)-CaM accumulation was prevented by the presence of Ca2+, absence of a basic cofactor required for CaM phosphorylation and/or absence of CaM itself. Moreover, an antibody against CaM, which inhibits its phosphorylation, prevented the extra ligand-dependent EGFR activation. Addition of purified P-(Tyr)-CaM, phosphorylated by recombinant c-Src (cellular sarcoma kinase) and free of non-phosphorylated CaM, obtained by affinity-chromatography using an immobilized anti-phospho-(Tyr)-antibody, also increased the ligand-dependent tyrosine kinase activity of the isolated EGFR toward PGT. Also a CaM(Y99D/Y138D) mutant mimicked the effect of P-(Tyr)-CaM on ligand-dependent EGFR activation. Finally, we demonstrate that P-(Tyr)-CaM binds to the same site (645R-R-R-H-I-V-R-K-R-T-L-R-R-L-L-Q660) as non-phosphorylated CaM, located at the cytosolic juxtamembrane region of the EGFR. These results show that P-(Tyr)-CaM is an activator of the EGFR and suggest that it could contribute to the CaM-mediated ligand-dependent activation of the receptor that we previously reported in living cells.
Enantiomerically pure carbamate-monoprotected trans-cyclohexane-1,2-diamines are used as chiral organocatalysts for the addition of aryl ketones and acetone to nitroalkenes to give enantioenriched β-substituted γ-nitroketones. The reaction was performed in the presence of 3,4-dimethoxybenzoic acid as an additive, in chloroform as the solvent at room temperature, achieving enantioselectivities up to 96%. Theoretical calculations are used to justify the observed sense of the stereoinduction.
A simple change in the polarity of the solvent allows both enantiomers of substituted succinimides to be obtained in the enantioselective conjugate addition reaction of aldehydes, mainly α,α-disubstituted, to maleimides catalysed by chiral carbamate-monoprotected trans-cyclohexane-1,2-diamines. Using a single enantiomer of the organocatalyst, both enantiomers of the resulting Michael adducts are obtained in high yields by simply changing the reaction solvent from aqueous DMF (up to 84 % ee) to chloroform (up to 86 % ee). Theoretical calculations are used to explain this uncommon reversal of the enantioselectivity; two transition state orientations of different polarities are differently favoured in polar or nonpolar solvents.
We have studied the radial dependence of the energy deposition of the secondary electron generated by swift proton beams incident with energies T = 50 keV–5 MeV on poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA). Two different approaches have been used to model the electronic excitation spectrum of PMMA through its energy loss function (ELF), namely the extended-Drude ELF and the Mermin ELF. The singly differential cross section and the total cross section for ionization, as well as the average energy of the generated secondary electrons, show sizeable differences at T ⩽ 0.1 MeV when evaluated with these two ELF models. In order to know the radial distribution around the proton track of the energy deposited by the cascade of secondary electrons, a simulation has been performed that follows the motion of the electrons through the target taking into account both the inelastic interactions (via electronic ionizations and excitations as well as electron-phonon and electron trapping by polaron creation) and the elastic interactions. The radial distribution of the energy deposited by the secondary electrons around the proton track shows notable differences between the simulations performed with the extended-Drude ELF or the Mermin ELF, being the former more spread out (and, therefore, less peaked) than the latter. The highest intensity and sharpness of the deposited energy distributions takes place for proton beams incident with T ~ 0.1–1 MeV. We have also studied the influence in the radial distribution of deposited energy of using a full energy distribution of secondary electrons generated by proton impact or using a single value (namely, the average value of the distribution); our results show that differences between both simulations become important for proton energies larger than ~0.1 MeV. The results presented in this work have potential applications in materials science, as well as hadron therapy (due to the use of PMMA as a tissue phantom) in order to properly consider the generation of electrons by proton beams and their subsequent transport and energy deposition through the target in nanometric scales.