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Context. Four clusters of red supergiants have been discovered in a region of the Milky Way close to base of the Scutum-Crux Arm and the tip of the Long Bar. Population synthesis models indicate that they must be very massive to harbour so many supergiants. If the clusters are physically connected, this Scutum Complex would be the largest and most massive star-forming region ever identified in the Milky Way. Aims. The spatial extent of one of these clusters, RSGC3, has not been investigated. In this paper we explore the possibility that a population of red supergiants could be located in its vicinity. Methods. We utilised 2MASS JHKS photometry to identify candidate obscured luminous red stars in the vicinity of RSGC3. We observed a sample of candidates with the TWIN spectrograph on the 3.5-m telescope at Calar Alto, obtaining intermediate-resolution spectroscopy in the 8000−9000 Å range. We re-evaluated a number of classification criteria proposed in the literature for this spectral range and found that we could use our spectra to derive spectral types and luminosity classes. Results. We measured the radial velocity of five members of RSGC3, finding velocities similar to the average for members of Stephenson 2. Among the candidates observed outside the cluster, our spectra revealed eight M-type supergiants at distances <18′ from the centre of RSGC3, distributed in two clumps. The southern clump is most likely another cluster of red supergiants, with reddening and age identical to RSGC3. From 2MASS photometry, we identified four likely supergiant members of the cluster in addition to the five spectroscopically observed. The northern clump may be a small cluster with similar parameters. Photometric analysis of the area around RSGC3 suggests the presence of a large (>30) population of red supergiants with similar colours. Conclusions. Our data suggest that the massive cluster RSGC3 is surrounded by an extended association, which may be very massive ( ≳ 105 M⊙). We also show that supergiants in the Scutum Complex may be characterised via a combination of 2MASS photometry and intermediate-to-high-resolution spectroscopy in the Z band.


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Context. There is growing evidence that a treatment of binarity amongst OB stars is essential for a full theory of stellar evolution. However the binary properties of massive stars – frequency, mass ratio & orbital separation – are still poorly constrained. Aims. In order to address this shortcoming we have undertaken a multiepoch spectroscopic study of the stellar population of the young massive cluster Westerlund 1. In this paper we present an investigation into the nature of the dusty Wolf-Rayet star and candidate binary W239. Methods. To accomplish this we have utilised our spectroscopic data in conjunction with multi-year optical and near-IR photometric observations in order to search for binary signatures. Comparison of these data to synthetic non-LTE model atmosphere spectra were used to derive the fundamental properties of the WC9 primary. Results. We found W239 to have an orbital period of only ~5.05 days, making it one of the most compact WC binaries yet identified. Analysis of the long term near-IR lightcurve reveals a significant flare between 2004-6. We interpret this as evidence for a third massive stellar component in the system in a long period (>6 yr), eccentric orbit, with dust production occuring at periastron leading to the flare. The presence of a near-IR excess characteristic of hot (~1300 K) dust at every epoch is consistent with the expectation that the subset of persistent dust forming WC stars are short (<1 yr) period binaries, although confirmation will require further observations. Non-LTE model atmosphere analysis of the spectrum reveals the physical properties of the WC9 component to be fully consistent with other Galactic examples. Conclusions. The simultaneous presence of both short period Wolf-Rayet binaries and cool hypergiants within Wd 1 provides compelling evidence for a bifurcation in the post-Main Sequence evolution of massive stars due to binarity. Short period O+OB binaries will evolve directly to the Wolf-Rayet phase, either due to an episode of binary mediated mass loss – likely via case A mass transfer or a contact configuration – or via chemically homogenous evolution. Conversely, long period binaries and single stars will instead undergo a red loop across the HR diagram via a cool hypergiant phase. Future analysis of the full spectroscopic dataset for Wd 1 will constrain the proportion of massive stars experiencing each pathway; hence quantifying the importance of binarity in massive stellar evolution up to and beyond supernova and the resultant production of relativistic remnants.


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Aims. We report near-infrared observations of the supergiant donor to the eclipsing high mass X-ray binary pulsar IGR J18027-2016. We aim to determine its spectral type and measure its radial velocity curve and hence determine the stellar masses of the components. Methods. ESO/VLT observations of the donor utilising the NIR spectrograph ISAAC were obtained in the H and K bands. The multi-epoch H band spectra were cross-correlated with RV templates in order to determine a radial solution for the system. Results. The spectral type of the donor was confirmed as B0-1 I. The radial velocity curve constructed has a semi-amplitude of 23.8 ± 3.1 km s-1. Combined with other measured system parameters, a dynamically determined neutron star mass of 1.4  ±  0.2–1.6  ±  0.3 M⊙ is found. The mass range of the B0-B1 I donor was 18.6  ±  0.8–21.8  ±  2.4 M⊙. These lower and upper limits were obtained under the assumption that the system is viewed edge-on (i = 90° with β = 0.89) for the lower limit and the donor fills its Roche lobe (β = 1 with i = 73.1°) for the upper limit respectively.


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Aims. Despite their importance to a number of astrophysical fields, the lifecycles of very massive stars are still poorly defined. In order to address this shortcoming, we present a detailed quantitative study of the physical properties of four early-B hypergiants (BHGs) of spectral type B1-4 Ia+; Cyg OB2 #12, ζ1 Sco, HD 190603 and BP Cru. These are combined with an analysis of their long-term spectroscopic and photometric behaviour in order to determine their evolutionary status. Methods. Quantitative analysis of UV–radio photometric and spectroscopic datasets was undertaken with a non-LTE model atmosphere code in order to derive physical parameters for comparison with apparently closely related objects, such as B supergiants (BSGs) and luminous blue variables (LBVs), and theoretical evolutionary predictions. Results. The long-term photospheric and spectroscopic datasets compiled for the early-B HGs revealed that they are remarkably stable over long periods ( ≥ 40 yrs), with the possible exception of ζ1 Sco prior to the 20th century; in contrast to the typical excursions that characterise LBVs. Quantitative analysis of ζ1 Sco, HD 190603 and BP Cru yielded physical properties intermediate between BSGs and LBVs; we therefore suggest that BHGs are the immediate descendants and progenitors (respectively) of such stars, for initial masses in the range ~30−60 M⊙. Comparison of the properties of ζ1 Sco with the stellar population of its host cluster/association NGC 6231/Sco OB1 provides further support for such an evolutionary scenario. In contrast, while the wind properties of Cyg OB2 #12 are consistent with this hypothesis, the combination of extreme luminosity and spectroscopic mass (~110 M⊙) and comparatively low temperature means it cannot be accommodated in such a scheme. Likewise, despite its co-location with several LBVs above the Humphreys-Davidson (HD) limit, the lack of long term variability and its unevolved chemistry apparently excludes such an identification. Since such massive stars are not expected to evolve to such cool temperatures, instead traversing an O4-6Ia → O4-6Ia+ → WN7-9ha pathway, the properties of Cyg OB2 #12 are therefore difficult to understand under current evolutionary paradigms. Finally, we note that as with AG Car in its cool phase, despite exceeding the HD limit, the properties of Cyg OB2 #12 imply that it lies below the Eddington limit – thus we conclude that the HD limit does not define a region of the HR diagram inherently inimical to the presence of massive stars.


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Context. Historically, supergiant (sg)B[e] stars have been difficult to include in theoretical schemes for the evolution of massive OB stars. Aims. The location of Wd1-9 within the coeval starburst cluster Westerlund 1 means that it may be placed into a proper evolutionary context and we therefore aim to utilise a comprehensive multiwavelength dataset to determine its physical properties and consequently its relation to other sgB[e] stars and the global population of massive evolved stars within Wd1. Methods. Multi-epoch R- and I-band VLT/UVES and VLT/FORS2 spectra are used to constrain the properties of the circumstellar gas, while an ISO-SWS spectrum covering 2.45−45μm is used to investigate the distribution, geometry and composition of the dust via a semi-analytic irradiated disk model. Radio emission enables a long term mass-loss history to be determined, while X-ray observations reveal the physical nature of high energy processes within the system. Results. Wd1-9 exhibits the rich optical emission line spectrum that is characteristic of sgB[e] stars. Likewise its mid-IR spectrum resembles those of the LMC sgB[e] stars R66 and 126, revealing the presence of equatorially concentrated silicate dust, with a mass of ~10−4M⊙. Extreme historical and ongoing mass loss (≳ 10−4M⊙yr−1) is inferred from the radio observations. The X-ray properties of Wd1-9 imply the presence of high temperature plasma within the system and are directly comparable to a number of confirmed short-period colliding wind binaries within Wd1. Conclusions. The most complete explanation for the observational properties of Wd1-9 is that it is a massive interacting binary currently undergoing, or recently exited from, rapid Roche-lobe overflow, supporting the hypothesis that binarity mediates the formation of (a subset of) sgB[e] stars. The mass loss rate of Wd1-9 is consistent with such an assertion, while viable progenitor and descendent systems are present within Wd1 and comparable sgB[e] binaries have been identified in the Galaxy. Moreover, the rarity of sgB[e] stars - only two examples are identified from a census of ~ 68 young massive Galactic clusters and associations containing ~ 600 post-Main Sequence stars - is explicable given the rapidity (~ 104yr) expected for this phase of massive binary evolution.


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Central compact objects (CCOs) are X-ray sources lying close to the centre of supernova remnants, with inferred values of the surface magnetic fields significantly lower (≲1011 G) than those of standard pulsars. In this paper, we revise the hidden magnetic field scenario, presenting the first 2D simulations of the submergence and re-emergence of the magnetic field in the crust of a neutron star. A post-supernova accretion stage of about 10−4–10−3 M⊙ over a vast region of the surface is required to bury the magnetic field into the inner crust. When accretion stops, the field re-emerges on a typical time-scale of 1–100 kyr, depending on the submergence conditions. After this stage, the surface magnetic field is restored close to its birth values. A possible observable consequence of the hidden magnetic field is the anisotropy of the surface temperature distribution, in agreement with observations of several of these sources. We conclude that the hidden magnetic field model is viable as an alternative to the antimagnetar scenario, and it could provide the missing link between CCOs and the other classes of isolated neutron stars.


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The lack of isolated X-ray pulsars with spin periods longer than 12 s raises the question of where the population of evolved high-magnetic-field neutron stars has gone. Unlike canonical radiopulsars, X-ray pulsars are not subject to physical limits to the emission mechanism nor observational biases against the detection of sources with longer periods. Here we show that a highly resistive layer in the innermost part of the crust of neutron stars naturally limits the spin period to a maximum value of about 10–20 s. This highly resistive layer is expected if the inner crust is amorphous and heterogeneous in nuclear charge, possibly owing to the existence of a nuclear ‘pasta’ phase. Our findings suggest that the maximum period of isolated X-ray pulsars may be the first observational evidence for an amorphous inner crust, whose properties can be further constrained by future X-ray timing missions combined with more detailed models.


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We report near-infrared radial velocity (RV) measurements of the recently identified donor star in the high mass X-ray binary (HMXB) system OAO 1657−415 obtained in the H band using ISAAC on the Very Large Telescope. Cross-correlation methods were employed to construct a RV curve with a semi-amplitude of 22.1 ± 3.5 km s−1. Combined with other measured parameters of this system it provides a dynamically determined neutron star (NS) mass of 1.42 ± 0.26 M⊙ and a mass of 14.3 ± 0.8 M⊙ for the Ofpe/WN9 highly evolved donor star. OAO 1657−415 is an eclipsing HMXB pulsar with the largest eccentricity and orbital period of any within its class. Of the 10 known eclipsing X-ray binary pulsars OAO 1657−415 becomes the ninth with a dynamically determined NS mass solution and only the second in an eccentric system. Furthermore, the donor star in OAO 1657−415 is much more highly evolved than the majority of the supergiant donors in other HMXBs, joining a small but growing list of HMXBs donors with extensive hydrogen depleted atmospheres. Considering the evolutionary development of OAO 1657−415, we have estimated the binding energy of the envelope of the mass donor and find that there is insufficient energy for the removal of the donor’s envelope via spiral-in, ruling out a common envelope evolutionary scenario. With its non-zero eccentricity and relatively large orbital period the identification of a definitive evolutionary pathway for OAO 1657−415 remains problematic, we conclude by proposing two scenarios which may account for OAO 1657−415 current orbital configuration.


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We report on the long-term X-ray monitoring with Swift, RXTE, Suzaku, Chandra, and XMM-Newton of the outburst of the newly discovered magnetar Swift J1822.3–1606 (SGR 1822–1606), from the first observations soon after the detection of the short X-ray bursts which led to its discovery, through the first stages of its outburst decay (covering the time span from 2011 July until the end of 2012 April). We also report on archival ROSAT observations which detected the source during its likely quiescent state, and on upper limits on Swift J1822.3–1606's radio-pulsed and optical emission during outburst, with the Green Bank Telescope and the Gran Telescopio Canarias, respectively. Our X-ray timing analysis finds the source rotating with a period of P = 8.43772016(2) s and a period derivative P = 8.3(2)×10−14 s s−1, which implies an inferred dipolar surface magnetic field of B sime 2.7 × 1013 G at the equator. This measurement makes Swift J1822.3–1606 the second lowest magnetic field magnetar (after SGR 0418+5729). Following the flux and spectral evolution from the beginning of the outburst, we find that the flux decreased by about an order of magnitude, with a subtle softening of the spectrum, both typical of the outburst decay of magnetars. By modeling the secular thermal evolution of Swift J1822.3–1606, we find that the observed timing properties of the source, as well as its quiescent X-ray luminosity, can be reproduced if it was born with a poloidal and crustal toroidal fields of Bp ~ 1.5 × 1014 G and B tor ~ 7 × 1014 G, respectively, and if its current age is ~550 kyr.


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The availability of a large amount of observational data recently collected from magnetar outbursts is now calling for a complete theoretical study of outburst characteristics. In this Letter (the first of a series dedicated to modeling magnetar outbursts), we tackle the long-standing open issue of whether or not short bursts and glitches are always connected to long-term radiative outbursts. We show that the recent detection of short bursts and glitches seemingly unconnected to outbursts is only misleading our understanding of these events. We show that, in the framework of the starquake model, neutrino emission processes in the magnetar crust limit the temperature, and therefore the luminosity. This natural limit to the maximum luminosity makes outbursts associated with bright persistent magnetars barely detectable. These events are simply seen as a small luminosity increase over the already bright quiescent state, followed by a fast return to quiescence. In particular, this is the case for 1RXS J1708–4009, 1E 1841–045, SGR 1806–20, and other bright persistent magnetars. On the other hand, a similar event (with the same energetics) in a fainter source will drive a more extreme luminosity variation and longer cooling time, as for sources such as XTE J1810–197, 1E 1547–5408, and SGR 1627–41. We conclude that the non-detection of large radiative outbursts in connection with glitches and bursts from bright persistent magnetars is not surprising per se, nor does it need any revision of the glitches and burst mechanisms as explained by current theoretical models.


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SGR 0418+5729 is a transient soft gamma-ray repeater which underwent a major outburst in 2009 June, during which the emission of short bursts was observed. Its properties appeared quite typical of other sources of the same class until long-term X-ray monitoring failed to detect any period derivative. The present upper limit on P implies that the surface dipole field is Bp lsim 7.5 × 1012 G, well below those measured in other soft gamma-ray repeaters (SGRs) and in the Anomalous X-ray Pulsars (AXPs), a group of similar sources. Both SGRs and AXPs are currently believed to be powered by ultra-magnetized neutron stars (magnetars, Bp ≈ 1014-1015 G). SGR 0418+5729 hardly seems to fit in such a picture. We show that the magneto-rotational properties of SGR 0418+5729 can be reproduced if this is an aged magnetar, ≈1 Myr old, which experienced substantial field decay. The large initial toroidal component of the internal field required to match the observed properties of SGR 0418+5729 ensures that crustal fractures, and hence bursting activity, can still occur at the present time. The thermal spectrum observed during the outburst decay is compatible with the predictions of a resonant Compton scattering model (as in other SGRs/AXPs) if the field is low and the magnetospheric twist is moderate.


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We report on an ~63 ks Chandra observation of the X-ray transient Swift J195509.6+261406 discovered as the afterglow of what was first believed to be a long-duration gamma-ray burst (GRB 070610). The outburst of this source was characterized by unique optical flares on timescales of second or less, morphologically similar to the short X-ray bursts usually observed from magnetars. Our Chandra observation was performed ~2 years after the discovery of the optical and X-ray flaring activity of this source, catching it in its quiescent state. We derive stringent upper limits on the quiescent emission of Swift J195509.6+261406, which argues against the possibility of this object being a typical magnetar. Our limits show that the most viable interpretation on the nature of this peculiar bursting source is a binary system hosting a black hole or a neutron star with a low-mass companion star (<0.12 M ☉) and with an orbital period smaller than a few hours.


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Gene homologs of GlnK PII regulators and AmtB-type ammonium transporters are often paired on prokaryotic genomes, suggesting these proteins share an ancient functional relationship. Here, we demonstrate for the first time in Archaea that GlnK associates with AmtB in membrane fractions after ammonium shock, thus, providing a further insight into GlnK-AmtB as an ancient nitrogen sensor pair. For this work, Haloferax mediterranei was advanced for study through the generation of a pyrE2-based counterselection system that was used for targeted gene deletion and expression of Flag-tagged proteins from their native promoters. AmtB1-Flag was detected in membrane fractions of cells grown on nitrate and was found to coimmunoprecipitate with GlnK after ammonium shock. Thus, in analogy to bacteria, the archaeal GlnK PII may block the AmtB1 ammonium transporter under nitrogen-rich conditions. In addition to this regulated protein–protein interaction, the archaeal amtB-glnK gene pairs were found to be highly regulated by nitrogen availability with transcript levels high under conditions of nitrogen limitation and low during nitrogen excess. While transcript levels of glnK-amtB are similarly regulated by nitrogen availability in bacteria, transcriptional regulators of the bacterial glnK promoter including activation by the two-component signal transduction proteins NtrC (GlnG, NRI) and NtrB (GlnL, NRII) and sigma factor σN (σ54) are not conserved in archaea suggesting a novel mechanism of transcriptional control.


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Some chiral β-amino alcohols have been evaluated as potential ligands for the ruthenium-catalyzed asymmetric transfer hydrogenation (ATH) of N-phosphinyl ketimines in isopropyl alcohol. The ruthenium complex prepared from [RuCl2(p-cymene)]2 and (1S,2R)-1-amino-2-indanol has shown to be an efficient catalyst for the ATH of several N-(diphenylphosphinyl)imines, affording the reduction products in very good isolated yields and enantiomeric excesses up to 82%. The inherent rigidity of the indane ring system present in the ligand seems to be very important to achieve good enantioselectivities.


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We study the outburst of the newly discovered X-ray transient 3XMMJ185246.6+003317, re-analyzing all available XMM-Newton observations of the source to perform a phase-coherent timing analysis, and derive updated values of the period and period derivative. We find the source rotating at P = 11.55871346(6) s (90% confidence level; at epoch MJD 54728.7) but no evidence for a period derivative in the seven months of outburst decay spanned by the observations. This translates to a 3σ upper limit for the period derivative of ˙ P <1.4×10−13 s s−1, which, assuming the classical magneto-dipolar braking model, gives a limit on the dipolar magnetic field of Bdip < 4.1×1013 G. The X-ray outburst and spectral characteristics of 3XMM J185246.6+003317 confirm its identification as a magnetar, but the magnetic field upper limit we derive defines it as the third “low-B” magnetar discovered in the past 3 yr, after SGR 0418+5729 and Swift J1822.3−1606. We have also obtained an upper limit to the quiescent luminosity (<4×1033 erg s−1), in line with the expectations for an old magnetar. The discovery of this new low field magnetar reaffirms the prediction of about one outburst per year from the hidden population of aged magnetars.