21 resultados para Cortina de impermeabilização
Presentaciones de la asignatura Modelización de Sistemas Ecológicos
Heavy metal contamination and drought are expected to increase in large areas worldwide. However, their combined effect on plant performance has been scantly analyzed. This study examines the effect of Zn supply at different water availabilities on morpho-physiological traits of Quercus suber L. in order to analyze the combined effects of both stresses. Seedlings were treated with four levels of zinc from 3 to 150 µM and exposed to low watering (LW) or high watering (HW) frequency in hydroponic culture, using a growth chamber. Under both watering regimes, Zn concentration in leaves and roots increased with Zn increment in nutrient solution. Nevertheless, at the highest Zn doses, Zn tissue concentrations were almost twice in HW than in LW seedlings. Functional traits as leaf photosynthetic rate and root hydraulic conductivity, and morphological traits as root length and root biomass decreased significantly in response to Zn supply. Auxin levels increased with Zn concentrations, suggesting the involvement of this phytohormone in the seedling response to this element. LW seedlings exposed to 150 µM Zn showed higher root length and root biomass than HW seedlings exposed to the same Zn dose. Our results suggest that low water availability could mitigate Zn toxicity by limiting internal accumulation. Morphological traits involved in the response to both stresses probably contributed to this response.
Forest plantations have been extensively used to combat desertification. In drylands, harsh climate conditions and unfertile soils often preclude seedling establishment. The improvement in seedling quality by manipulating nutrient availability could contribute to increase planting success. However, morpho-functional traits defining optimum seedling quality in drylands, and the fertilization schemes to achieve them, are still under discussion. Several studies suggest that well fertilized seedlings may perform better than nutrient limited seedlings in these environments. However, recent works have shown opposite results. In this review, we discuss the concept of seedling quality in drylands based on an evaluation of the effects of nutrient manipulation on seedling morpho-functional traits and field performance. According to existing data, we hypothesize that nutrient-limited small seedlings may be better adapted to arid environments and unfavorable microsites, where access to water is uncertain and a conservative water use strategy may be advantageous. In contrast, in dry sub-humid areas, areas with deep soils, protected from excess radiation, and areas where irrigation is feasible, well-fertilized big seedlings with high root growth potential may have more chances of success. We discuss this theory in the context of the multiple objectives of dryland restoration and the environmental constrains posed by these areas, and identify knowledge gaps that should be targeted to test our hypothesis.
Studies on positive plant–plant relations have traditionally focused on pair-wise interactions. Conversely, the interaction with other co-occurring species has scarcely been addressed, despite the fact that the entire community may affect plant performance. We used woody vegetation patches as models to evaluate community facilitation in semi-arid steppes. We characterized biotic and physical attributes of 53 woody patches (patch size, litter accumulation, canopy density, vegetation cover, species number and identity, and phylogenetic distance), and soil fertility (organic C and total N), and evaluated their relative importance for the performance of seedlings of Pistacia lentiscus, a keystone woody species in western Mediterranean steppes. Seedlings were planted underneath the patches, and on their northern and southern edges. Woody patches positively affected seedling survival but not seedling growth. Soil fertility was higher underneath the patches than elsewhere. Physical and biotic attributes of woody patches affected seedling survival, but these effects depended on microsite conditions. The composition of the community of small shrubs and perennial grasses growing underneath the patches controlled seedling performance. An increase in Stipa tenacissima and a decrease in Brachypodium retusum increased the probability of survival. The cover of these species and other small shrubs, litter depth and community phylogenetic distance, were also related to seedling survival. Seedlings planted on the northern edge of the patches were mostly affected by attributes of the biotic community. These traits were of lesser importance in seedlings planted underneath and in the southern edge of patches, suggesting that constraints to seedling establishment differed within the patches. Our study highlights the importance of taking into consideration community attributes over pair-wise interactions when evaluating the outcome of ecological interactions in multi-specific communities, as they have profound implications in the composition, function and management of semi-arid steppes.
En 1930 Walter Gropius presentaba una ponencia al congreso CIAM de Bruselas titulada “¿Construcción baja, media o alta?”, decantándose por la arquitectura en altura dadas las posibilidades técnicas y las necesidades sociales. En 1963, el arquitecto catalán Juan Guardiola Gaya (1927-2005), afincado en Alicante desde 1959, proyecta dos de los primeros rascacielos residenciales de España, entendiendo por tales los edificios verticales que, requiriendo de ascensores para su uso (h> 25m, 1935, Bergpolder, Rotterdam), mantienen una proporción entre su altura y sus medidas en planta de, al menos, 2: 1, una torre. Lógico: más alto que ancho, lo contrario sería el edificio laminar. En esta comunicación se desmenuza en detalle el proyecto y la obra del rascacielos Coblanca-1 (1963-65), que roza los 100 metros de cota y que se convertiría en el primer experimento del laboratorio de arquitectura y urbanismo moderno de Benidorm. Sus referencias son múltiples: en el planteamiento distributivo: las viviendas de Gropius, en el volumen: la nitidez de la Lever House de SOM (plataforma comercial y prisma residencial), en la estructura en retícula: el orden de Mies (con una relación de esbeltez de 1:4)… La vigencia de este legado está presente por 1º) la contemporaneidad por su método de proyecto (zonificación por bandas de servicios paralelas), 2º) su riguroso orden compositivo racional (retícula en el espacio, flexibilidad de las distribuciones, estudios del existenzminimum y composición tripartita: pódium, fuste y pérgola), 3º) su riqueza de su distribución funcional y espacial (superposición de diversos usos) y 4º) la implicación urbana de su parte de mat-building comercial y sus jardines de plantas autóctonas. Esta arquitectura singular se erige en un tipo de referencia, tanto en planta, sección, volumen, estructura como organización para toda la primera generación de rascacielos residenciales cuyos entramados de sostén se ejecutaron con perfiles normalizados de acero (previos al desarrollo en los años 80 de la segunda generación de rascacielos basados en el hormigón de alta resistencia) y se pusieron en obra con los materiales tecnológicamente más avanzados del momento (muro cortina, celosías de hormigón, carpinterías de aluminio, revestimientos de cerámica…). Su solución tipológica resultaba intercambiable y compatible con la propia hotelera (plataforma comercial equivalente a los salones públicos de un hotel, cuerpo de apartamentos similar al volumen de habitaciones y zonificación por bandas de usos válida para ambos casos). La rotundidad de su volumen prismático ha contribuido a definir el skyline de la metrópolis moderna. Su actualidad viene refrendada, no solo en las formas y en la imagen, también en sus parámetros urbanísticos: la fórmula de fijar la edificabilidad permitió experimentar en distintas posibilidades de composición del volumen donde se optó, como Gropius, por recurrir a la mínima ocupación en planta con la máxima cota en altura para alcanzar el volumen fijado (con los medios tecnológicos disponibles): el orden de los factores sí alteraba el resultado. Existe un cierto paralelismo con lo acontecido en Chicago casi un siglo atrás cuando se asistió al nacimiento de la metrópolis contemporánea. Arquitectura y ciudad son un binomio inseparable.