179 resultados para Química física inorgànica
The interface between Au(hkl) basal planes and the ionic liquid 1-Ethyl-2,3-dimethyl imidazolium bis(trifluoromethyl)sulfonil imide was investigated by using both cyclic voltammetry and laser-induced temperature jump. Cyclic voltammetry showed characteristic features, revealing surface sensitive processes at the interfaces Au(hkl)/[Emmim][Tf2N]. From laser-induced heating the potential of maximum entropy (pme) is determined. Pme is close to the potential of zero charge (pzc) and, therefore, the technique provides relevant interfacial information. The following order for the pme values has been found: Au(111) > Au(100) > Au(110). This order correlates well with work function data and values of pzc in aqueous solutions.
Most of electrocatalytic reactions occur in an aqueous environment. Understanding the influence of water structure on reaction dynamics is fundamental in electrocatalysis. In this work, the role of liquid water structure on the oxygen reduction at Pt(1 1 1) electrode is analyzed in methanesulfonic (MTSA) and perchloric acids. This is because these different anions can exert a different influence on liquid water structure. Results reveal a lower ORR electrode activity in MTSA than in HClO4 solutions and they are discussed in light of anion's influence on water structural ordering. From them, the existence of an outer-sphere, rate determining, step in the ORR mechanism is suggested.
Model Hamiltonians have been, and still are, a valuable tool for investigating the electronic structure of systems for which mean field theories work poorly. This review will concentrate on the application of Pariser–Parr–Pople (PPP) and Hubbard Hamiltonians to investigate some relevant properties of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and graphene. When presenting these two Hamiltonians we will resort to second quantisation which, although not the way chosen in its original proposal of the former, is much clearer. We will not attempt to be comprehensive, but rather our objective will be to try to provide the reader with information on what kinds of problems they will encounter and what tools they will need to solve them. One of the key issues concerning model Hamiltonians that will be treated in detail is the choice of model parameters. Although model Hamiltonians reduce the complexity of the original Hamiltonian, they cannot be solved in most cases exactly. So, we shall first consider the Hartree–Fock approximation, still the only tool for handling large systems, besides density functional theory (DFT) approaches. We proceed by discussing to what extent one may exactly solve model Hamiltonians and the Lanczos approach. We shall describe the configuration interaction (CI) method, a common technology in quantum chemistry but one rarely used to solve model Hamiltonians. In particular, we propose a variant of the Lanczos method, inspired by CI, that has the novelty of using as the seed of the Lanczos process a mean field (Hartree–Fock) determinant (the method will be named LCI). Two questions of interest related to model Hamiltonians will be discussed: (i) when including long-range interactions, how crucial is including in the Hamiltonian the electronic charge that compensates ion charges? (ii) Is it possible to reduce a Hamiltonian incorporating Coulomb interactions (PPP) to an 'effective' Hamiltonian including only on-site interactions (Hubbard)? The performance of CI will be checked on small molecules. The electronic structure of azulene and fused azulene will be used to illustrate several aspects of the method. As regards graphene, several questions will be considered: (i) paramagnetic versus antiferromagnetic solutions, (ii) forbidden gap versus dot size, (iii) graphene nano-ribbons, and (iv) optical properties.
Polypyrrole (PPy) was synthesized by enzyme mediated oxidation of pyrrole using naturally occurring compounds as redox mediators. The catalytic mechanism is an enzymatic cascade reaction in which hydrogen peroxide is the oxidizer and soybean peroxidase, in the presence of acetosyringone, syringaldehyde or vanillin, acts as a natural catalysts. The effect of the initial reaction composition on the polymerization yield and electrical conductivity of PPy was analyzed. Morphology of the PPy particles was studied by scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy whereas the chemical structure was studied by X-ray photoelectron and Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopic techniques. The redox mediators increased the polymerization yield without a significant modification of the electronic structure of PPy. The highest conductivity of PPy was reached when chondroitin sulfate was used simultaneously as dopant and template during pyrrole polymerization. Electroactive properties of PPy obtained from natural precursors were successfully used in the amperometric quantification of uric acid concentrations. PPy increases the amperometric sensitivity of carbon nanotube screen-printed electrodes toward uric acid detection.
Natural anthocyanin pigments/dyes and phenolic copigments/co-dyes form noncovalent complexes, which stabilize and modulate (in particular blue, violet, and red) colors in flowers, berries, and food products derived from them (including wines, jams, purees, and syrups). This noncovalent association and their electronic and optical implications constitute the copigmentation phenomenon. Over the past decade, experimental and theoretical studies have enabled a molecular understanding of copigmentation. This review revisits this phenomenon to provide a comprehensive description of the nature of binding (the dispersion and electrostatic components of π–π stacking, the hydrophobic effect, and possible hydrogen-bonding between pigment and copigment) and of spectral modifications occurring in copigmentation complexes, in which charge transfer plays an important role. Particular attention is paid to applications of copigmentation in food chemistry.
The voltammetric profile of preferentially shaped platinum nanoparticles has been used to analyze the different sites present on the surface. For the first time, this analysis has been made in NaOH solutions and revisited in sulfuric and perchloric acid media. The comparison with the voltammetric profiles of the model surfaces, that is, single-crystal electrodes, allows assigning the different signals appearing in the voltammograms of the nanoparticle to specific sites on the surface. A good correlation between the shape of the nanoparticle determined by TEM and the voltammetric profile is obtained. For the nanoparticles characterized in alkaline media, the adsorbed species on the surface have been characterized, and three major regions can be identified. Below 0.2 V, the major contribution is due to hydrogen adsorption, whereas above 0.6 V, adsorbed OH is the main species on the surface. Between those values, the signals are due to the competitive adsorption/desorption process of OH/H. New criteria for determining the active area in NaOH solutions has been proposed. In this medium, the total charge density measured between 0.06 and 0.90 V stands for 390 μC cm–2. The areas measured are in perfect agreement with those measured in acid media. Once the nanoparticles have been characterized, the behavior of the nanoparticles toward CO oxidation is analyzed and compared with that observed for single-crystal electrodes.
The oxidation of ethanol (EtOH) at Pt(111) electrodes is dominated by the 4e path leading to acetic acid. The inclusion of surface defects such as those present on stepped surfaces leads to an increase of the reactivity towards the most desirable 12e path leading to CO2 as final product. This path is also favored when the methyl group is more oxidized, as in the case of ethylene glycol (EG) that spontaneously decomposes to CO on Pt(111) electrodes, thus showing a more effective breaking of the C-C bond. Some trends in reactivity can be envisaged when other derivative molecules are compared at well-ordered electrodes. This strategy was used in the past, but the improvement in the electrode pretreatment and the overall information available on the subject suggest that relevant information is still missing.
We address in this paper a voltammetric study of the charge transfer processes characteristic of Pt(1 0 0) and vicinal surfaces in alkaline media. The electrochemical behavior of a series of stepped surfaces of the type Pt(S)[n(1 0 0) × (1 1 1)] has been characterized using cyclic voltammetry at different pHs, charge displacement measurements and FTIR experiments for adsorbed CO. The results from these techniques allow assigning the different peaks appearing in the voltammogram to hydrogen and/or OH adsorption on the different sites of these surfaces, namely, terrace and step sites. Additionally, the potential of zero total charge (pztc) of the electrodes was determined. The resulting pztc values shift to more negative values when the step density increases on the surface up to n = 5. FTIR spectroscopy experiments have been used to monitor the adsorption of CO on the different surfaces as well as the consequent CO oxidation, accompanying a positive potential sweep. The oxidation of adsorbed CO on (1 0 0) terraces is catalyzed by the presence of the (1 1 1) steps. The FTIR spectra revealed that CO is mostly bonded in bridge configuration at low potentials interconverting to on-top when the electrode potential is increased.
En la actualidad, los arrecifes de coral, ecosistemas productivos de gran vulnerabilidad, se encuentran en un estado de degradación continua por factores tanto de carácter antropogénico como natural. Consecuentemente se han desarrollado diversas metodologías de conservación y restauración de las cuales destaca el uso de técnicas electroquímicas. Dicha técnica consiste en el depósito electroasistido de carbonatos de calcio sobre soportes de acero inoxidable (u otro material conductor) que sumergido en el agua de mar y por la aplicación de una corriente de reducción genera un depósito mineral sobre el soporte metálico. En primer lugar, se han estudiado diversos sustratos conductores, tanto metálicos como carbonosos mediante técnicas voltamperométricas en las que se ha podido apreciar la efectividad de cada uno de ellos para la precipitación de minerales. Si se aplica una intensidad de corriente en la electrolisis de agua de mar se produce una reacción de reducción electroquímica en el electrodo sumergido que actúa como cátodo que induce un cambio de los parámetros químicos del agua: el pH, alcalinidad, concentración de calcio y magnesio, etc. A la vez, en la superficie del cátodo se promueve la formación y crecimiento de un depósito mineral. Este se ha analizado mediante diversas técnicas de microscopía, microanálisis y difracción de rayos X y los resultados muestran como la aplicación de distintas densidades de corriente durante las electrólisis tienen la capacidad de modular, las características morfológicas, atómicas y cristalográficas de los depósitos. La composición mineralógica del compuesto agregado en el electrodo consta de Mg(OH)2 y CaCO3. Las estructuras cristalinas de tales especies corresponden a la forma brucita, con una textura lisa e homogénea y aragonito con hábito botroidal. Densidades de corriente aplicadas por encima de 1 mA/cm2 generan depósitos con más de un 93% de presencia de brucita además de presentar una cristalografía más amorfa y un progresivo descenso de la eficiencia del proceso con un elevado gasto energético. En cambio, se ha comprobado que es posible modular las características del depósito a obtener con densidades de corriente comprendidas entre 0.01 y 1 mA/cm2, obteniendo una composición del depósito con cantidades de aragonito, textura y morfología óptimas para una futura aplicación con corales.
Using a combination of experimental and computational methods, mainly FTIR and DFT calculations, new insights are provided here in order to better understand the cleavage of the C–C bond taking place during the complete oxidation of ethanol on platinum stepped surfaces. First, new experimental results pointing out that platinum stepped surfaces having (111) terraces promote the C–C bond breaking are presented. Second, it is computationally shown that the special adsorption properties of the atoms in the step are able to promote the C–C scission, provided that no other adsorbed species are present on the step, which is in agreement with the experimental results. In comparison with the (111) terrace, the cleavage of the C–C bond on the step has a significantly lower activation energy, which would provide an explanation for the observed experimental results. Finally, reactivity differences under acidic and alkaline conditions are discussed using the new experimental and theoretical evidence.
A novel polymer electrolyte membrane electrochemical reactor (PEMER) configuration has been employed for the direct electrooxidation of propargyl alcohol (PGA), a model primary alcohol, towards its carboxylic acid derivatives in alkaline medium. The PEMER configuration comprised of an anode and cathode based on nanoparticulate Ni and Pt electrocatalysts, respectively, supported on carbonaceous substrates. The electrooxidation of PGA was performed in 1.0 M NaOH, where a cathode based on a gas diffusion electrode was manufactured for the reduction of oxygen in alkaline conditions. The performance of a novel alkaline anion-exchange membrane based on Chitosan (CS) and Poly(vinyl) alcohol (PVA) in a 50:50 composition ratio doped with a 5 wt.% of poly (4-vinylpyridine) organic ionomer cross-linked, methyl chloride quaternary salt resin (4VP) was assessed as solid polymer electrolyte. The influence of 4VP anionic ionomer loading of 7, 12 and 20 wt.% incorporated into the electrocatalytic layers was examined by SEM and cyclic voltammetry (CV) upon the optimisation of the electroactive area, the mechanical stability and cohesion of the catalytic ink onto the carbonaceous substrate for both electrodes. The performance of the 4VP/CS:PVA membrane was compared with the commercial alkaline anion-exchange membrane FAA −a membrane generally used in direct alcohol alkaline fuel cells- in terms of polarisation plots in alkaline conditions. Furthermore, preparative electrolyses of the electrooxidation of PGA was performed under alkaline conditions of 1 M NaOH at constant current density of 20 mA cm−2 using a PEMER configuration to provide proof of the principle of the feasibility of the electrooxidation of other alcohols in alkaline media. PGA conversion to Z isomers of 3-(2-propynoxy)-2-propenoic acid (Z-PPA) was circa 0.77, with average current efficiency of 0.32. Alkaline stability of the membranes within the PEMER configuration was finally evaluated after the electrooxidation of PGA.
Inspired by recent reports concerning the utilisation of hand drawn pencil macroelectrodes (PDEs), we report the fabrication, characterisation (physicochemical and electrochemical) and implementation (electrochemical sensing) of various PDEs drawn upon a flexible polyester substrate. Electrochemical characterisation reveals that there are no quantifiable electrochemical responses upon utilising these PDEs with an electroactive analyte that requires an electrochemical oxidation step first, therefore the PDEs have been examined towards the electroactive redox probes hexaammineruthenium(III) chloride, potassium ferricyanide and ammonium iron(II) sulfate. For the first time, characterisation of the number of drawn pencil layers and the grade of pencil are examined; these parameters are commonly overlooked when utilising PDEs. It is demonstrated that a PDE drawn ten times with a 6B pencil presented the most advantageous electrochemical platform, in terms of electrochemical reversibility and peak height/analytical signal. In consideration of the aforementioned limitation, analytes requiring an electrochemical reduction as the first process were solely analysed. We demonstrate the beneficial electroanalytical capabilities of these PDEs towards p-benzoquinone and the simultaneous detection of heavy metals, namely lead(II) and cadmium(II), all of which are explored for the first time utilising PDEs. Initially, the detection limits of this system were higher than desired for electroanalytical platforms, however upon implementation of the PDEs in a back-to-back configuration (in which two PDEs are placed back-to-back sharing a single connection to the potentiostat), the detection limits for lead(II) and cadmium(II) correspond to 10 μg L−1 and 98 μg L−1 respectively within model aqueous (0.1 M HCl) solutions.
Currently, one of the most attractive and desirable ways to solve the energy challenge is harvesting energy directly from the sunlight through the so-called artificial photosynthesis. Among the ternary oxides based on earth–abundant metals, bismuth vanadate has recently emerged as a promising photoanode. Herein, BiVO4 thin film photoanodes have been successfully synthesized by a modified metal-organic precursor decomposition method, followed by an annealing treatment. In an attempt to improve the photocatalytic properties of this semiconductor material for photoelectrochemical water oxidation, the electrodes have been modified (i) by doping with La and Ce (by modifying the composition of the BiVO4 precursor solution with the desired concentration of the doping element), and (ii) by surface modification with Au nanoparticles potentiostatically electrodeposited. La and Ce doping at concentrations of 1 and 2 at% in the BiVO4 precursor solution, respectively, enhances significantly the photoelectrocatalytic performance of BiVO4 without introducing important changes in either the material structure or the electrode morphology, according to XRD and SEM characterization. In addition, surface modification of the electrodes with Au nanoparticles further enhances the photocurrent as such metallic nanoparticles act as co-catalysts, promoting charge transfer at the semiconductor/solution interface. The combination of these two complementary ways of modifying the electrodes has resulted in a significant increase in the photoresponse, facilitating their potential application in artificial photosynthesis devices.
We have studied the role played by cyclic topology on charge-transfer properties of recently synthesized π -conjugated molecules, namely the set of [n]cycloparaphenylene compounds, with n the number of phenylene rings forming the curved nanoring. We estimate the charge-transfer rates for holes and electrons migration within the array of molecules in their crystalline state. The theoretical calculations suggest that increasing the size of the system would help to obtain higher hole and electron charge-transfer rates and that these materials might show an ambipolar behavior in real samples, independently of the different mode of packing followed by the [6]cycloparaphenylene and [12]cycloparaphenylene cases studied.
En este trabajo se ha realizado la síntesis y caracterización de polímeros conductores como la polianilina, el poli(o-aminofenol) y además un copolímero compuesto por los dos anteriores, poli(anilina-co-o-aminofenol). Éstos pueden ser sintetizados de diversas formas, entre las cuales se ha elegido la oxidación química, ya que proporciona una mayor cantidad de producto. Para llevar a cabo las síntesis, se usa (NH4)2S2O8 como agente oxidante en proporción estequiométrica con el reactivo principal para sintetizar cada uno de los polímeros. Se realiza una medida del potencial de la disolución y una vez finalizada la reacción, se filtran y lavan los productos obtenidos con ácido clorhídrico y agua. En el caso de la polianilina, la mitad del producto obtenido, es lavado además con amoníaco, para obtener la polianilina emeraldina base. Una vez sintetizados todos los polímeros, se procede a la caracterización de cada uno de ellos mediante diferentes técnicas. Mediante análisis elemental, se obtienen los porcentajes másicos y se relacionan con las estructuras teóricas de cada polímero sintetizado. Con los espectros de IR obtenidos con FTIR, se comprueban cuáles son las bandas más importantes de las estructuras químicas. A través de la técnica de XPS se observan las energías de ligadura de cada uno de los átomos presentes en los polímeros, pudiendo así determinar porcentajes atómicos y másicos y el grado de dopaje de cada una de las muestras. Mediante la solubilidad, se comprueba que los polímeros conductores presentan una baja solubilidad, pero que utilizando el disolvente adecuado y modificando la polianilina, se puede aumentar ese valor de solubilidad. Por último, al medir la conductividad eléctrica, se observa que la polianilina sintetizada presenta una adecuada conductividad, y que el copolímero también la presenta pero con varios órdenes de magnitud menor.