22 resultados para polarity, sentiment analysis chat NLP word2vec wordembedding RNNLM liblinear
Recent years have witnessed a surge of interest in computational methods for affect, ranging from opinion mining, to subjectivity detection, to sentiment and emotion analysis. This article presents a brief overview of the latest trends in the field and describes the manner in which the articles contained in the special issue contribute to the advancement of the area. Finally, we comment on the current challenges and envisaged developments of the subjectivity and sentiment analysis fields, as well as their application to other Natural Language Processing tasks and related domains.
Preliminary research demonstrated the EmotiBlog annotated corpus relevance as a Machine Learning resource to detect subjective data. In this paper we compare EmotiBlog with the JRC Quotes corpus in order to check the robustness of its annotation. We concentrate on its coarse-grained labels and carry out a deep Machine Learning experimentation also with the inclusion of lexical resources. The results obtained show a similarity with the ones obtained with the JRC Quotes corpus demonstrating the EmotiBlog validity as a resource for the SA task.
EmotiBlog is a corpus labelled with the homonymous annotation schema designed for detecting subjectivity in the new textual genres. Preliminary research demonstrated its relevance as a Machine Learning resource to detect opinionated data. In this paper we compare EmotiBlog with the JRC corpus in order to check the EmotiBlog robustness of annotation. For this research we concentrate on its coarse-grained labels. We carry out a deep ML experimentation also with the inclusion of lexical resources. The results obtained show a similarity with the ones obtained with the JRC demonstrating the EmotiBlog validity as a resource for the SA task.
Comunicación presentada en las IV Jornadas TIMM, Torres (Jaén), 7-8 abril 2011.
Citation corpus composed by 85 articles taken randomly from ACL Anthology with a total of 2195 bibliography cites.
The huge amount of data available on the Web needs to be organized in order to be accessible to users in real time. This paper presents a method for summarizing subjective texts based on the strength of the opinion expressed in them. We used a corpus of blog posts and their corresponding comments (blog threads) in English, structured around five topics and we divided them according to their polarity and subsequently summarized. Despite the difficulties of real Web data, the results obtained are encouraging; an average of 79% of the summaries is considered to be comprehensible. Our work allows the user to obtain a summary of the most relevant opinions contained in the blog. This allows them to save time and be able to look for information easily, allowing more effective searches on the Web.
The present is marked by the availability of large volumes of heterogeneous data, whose management is extremely complex. While the treatment of factual data has been widely studied, the processing of subjective information still poses important challenges. This is especially true in tasks that combine Opinion Analysis with other challenges, such as the ones related to Question Answering. In this paper, we describe the different approaches we employed in the NTCIR 8 MOAT monolingual English (opinionatedness, relevance, answerness and polarity) and cross-lingual English-Chinese tasks, implemented in our OpAL system. The results obtained when using different settings of the system, as well as the error analysis performed after the competition, offered us some clear insights on the best combination of techniques, that balance between precision and recall. Contrary to our initial intuitions, we have also seen that the inclusion of specialized Natural Language Processing tools dealing with Temporality or Anaphora Resolution lowers the system performance, while the use of topic detection techniques using faceted search with Wikipedia and Latent Semantic Analysis leads to satisfactory system performance, both for the monolingual setting, as well as in a multilingual one.
El campo de procesamiento de lenguaje natural (PLN), ha tenido un gran crecimiento en los últimos años; sus áreas de investigación incluyen: recuperación y extracción de información, minería de datos, traducción automática, sistemas de búsquedas de respuestas, generación de resúmenes automáticos, análisis de sentimientos, entre otras. En este artículo se presentan conceptos y algunas herramientas con el fin de contribuir al entendimiento del procesamiento de texto con técnicas de PLN, con el propósito de extraer información relevante que pueda ser usada en un gran rango de aplicaciones. Se pueden desarrollar clasificadores automáticos que permitan categorizar documentos y recomendar etiquetas; estos clasificadores deben ser independientes de la plataforma, fácilmente personalizables para poder ser integrados en diferentes proyectos y que sean capaces de aprender a partir de ejemplos. En el presente artículo se introducen estos algoritmos de clasificación, se analizan algunas herramientas de código abierto disponibles actualmente para llevar a cabo estas tareas y se comparan diversas implementaciones utilizando la métrica F en la evaluación de los clasificadores.
imaxin|software: PLN aplicada a la mejora de la comunicación multilingüe de empresas e instituciones
imaxin|software es una empresa creada en 1997 por cuatro titulados en ingeniería informática cuyo objetivo ha sido el de desarrollar videojuegos multimedia educativos y procesamiento del lenguaje natural multilingüe. 17 años más tarde, hemos desarrollado recursos, herramientas y aplicaciones multilingües de referencia para diferentes lenguas: Portugués (Galicia, Portugal, Brasil, etc.), Español (España, Argentina, México, etc.), Inglés, Catalán y Francés. En este artículo haremos una descripción de aquellos principales hitos en relación a la incorporación de estas tecnologías PLN al sector industrial e institucional.
En los países democráticos, conocer la intención de voto de los ciudadanos y las valoraciones de los principales partidos y líderes políticos es de gran interés tanto para los propios partidos como para los medios de comunicación y el público en general. Para ello se han utilizado tradicionalmente costosas encuestas personales. El auge de las redes sociales, principalmente Twitter, permite pensar en ellas como una alternativa barata a las encuestas. En este trabajo, revisamos la bibliografía científica más relevante en este ámbito, poniendo especial énfasis en el caso español.
In this work we present a semantic framework suitable of being used as support tool for recommender systems. Our purpose is to use the semantic information provided by a set of integrated resources to enrich texts by conducting different NLP tasks: WSD, domain classification, semantic similarities and sentiment analysis. After obtaining the textual semantic enrichment we would be able to recommend similar content or even to rate texts according to different dimensions. First of all, we describe the main characteristics of the semantic integrated resources with an exhaustive evaluation. Next, we demonstrate the usefulness of our resource in different NLP tasks and campaigns. Moreover, we present a combination of different NLP approaches that provide enough knowledge for being used as support tool for recommender systems. Finally, we illustrate a case of study with information related to movies and TV series to demonstrate that our framework works properly.
Tesis doctoral con mención europea en procesamiento del lenguaje natural realizada en la Universidad de Alicante por Ester Boldrini bajo la dirección del Dr. Patricio Martínez-Barco. El acto de defensa de la tesis tuvo lugar en la Universidad de Alicante el 23 de enero de 2012 ante el tribunal formado por los doctores Manuel Palomar (Universidad de Alicante), Dr. Paloma Moreda (UA), Dr. Mariona Taulé (Universidad de Barcelona), Dr. Horacio Saggion (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) y Dr. Mike Thelwall (University of Wolverhampton). Calificación: Sobresaliente Cum Laude por unanimidad.
In this paper we present a method to automatically identify linguistic contexts which contain possible causes of emotions or emotional states from Italian newspaper articles (La Repubblica Corpus). Our methodology is based on the interplay between relevant linguistic patterns and an incremental repository of common sense knowledge on emotional states and emotion eliciting situations. Our approach has been evaluated with respect to manually annotated data. The results obtained so far are satisfying and support the validity of the methodology proposed.
This paper presents the first version of EmotiBlog, an annotation scheme for emotions in non-traditional textual genres such as blogs or forums. We collected a corpus composed by blog posts in three languages: English, Spanish and Italian and about three topics of interest. Subsequently, we annotated our collection and carried out the inter-annotator agreement and a ten-fold cross-validation evaluation, obtaining promising results. The main aim of this research is to provide a finer-grained annotation scheme and annotated data that are essential to perform evaluation focused on checking the quality of the created resources.
This paper presents a preliminary study in which Machine Learning experiments applied to Opinion Mining in blogs have been carried out. We created and annotated a blog corpus in Spanish using EmotiBlog. We evaluated the utility of the features labelled firstly carrying out experiments with combinations of them and secondly using the feature selection techniques, we also deal with several problems, such as the noisy character of the input texts, the small size of the training set, the granularity of the annotation scheme and the language object of our study, Spanish, with less resource than English. We obtained promising results considering that it is a preliminary study.