4 resultados para Notice of Availability - Draft EIS
em University of Washington
This is a public notice for the availability of the Seattle Campus Master Plan Draft EIS. It provides information on the Campus Master Plan, EIS alternatives analyzed, a link to the plan and EIS, and notification of a public hearing.
The U.S. National Science Foundation metadata registry under development for the National Science Digital Library (NSDL) is a repertory intended to manage both metadata schemes and schemas. The focus of this draft discussion paper is on the scheme side of the development work. In particular, the concern of the discussion paper is with issues around the creation of historical snapshots of concept changes and their encoding in SKOS. Through framing the problem as we see it, we hope to find an optimal solution to our need for a SKOS encoding of these snapshots. Since what we are seeking to model is concept change, it is necessary at the outset to make it clear that we are not talking about changes to a concept of such a nature that would require the declaration a new concept with its own URI.In the project, we avoid the use of the terms “version” and “versioning” with regard to changes in concepts and reserve their use to the significant changes of schemes as a whole. Significant changes triggering a new scheme version might include changes in scheme documentation that express a significant shift in the purpose, use or architecture of the scheme. We use the term “snapshot” to denote the state of a scheme at identifiable points in time. Thus, snapshots are identifiable views of a scheme that record the incremental changes that have occurred to concepts, relationships among concepts, and scheme documentation since the last snapshot. Aspects of concept change occur that we need to capture and make available both through the registry and through potentially in transmission of a scheme to other registries. We call these capturings “concept instances.”
This is a SEPA Environmental Impact Statement as required by State regulations for analyzing the potential impacts of implementing the proposed Seattle Campus Master Plan for the University of Washington. Five action alternatives and the No Action Alternative have been analyzed for 15 elements of the environment.